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It definitely seemed that something was bothering Emma... but when I was making my way towards her Maddam stopped me to have a chat with her,

"Josh, I have something to ask you."

"Yeah sure" I said glancing back towards Emma, who got up from her chair and walked away somewhere.

"I have been thinking... should I make a cabin for Dracula's..."

"Why are you asking me...? You should ask Emma instead..."

"Well, if I ask her she will obviously say no, so I decided to ask you instead..."

"I don't know..." I replied absent minded.

"Josh... You know... I am standing here... so stop looking for Emma and pay attention."

"Yes, yes... she would really appreciate the gesture."

"Oh, great... Now... the head of The Steep Death Academy would like to talk to you about your impressive ability of creating anything out of your imagination. So, behave..."

And with that I was forced to have a conversation with an old man... whose name I no longer remember and who was supposed to be the head of the SDA School. SDA School is one of the schools who had the first batch of Divine Globes... thus he thanked me for my bravery and all... the old man thought I did all that for him... I could barely hide my smirk until Maddam gave me the look that meant 'Screw this up and you are a statue'. And whoever knows Maddam well will know that when she gives that look she is serious.

At last the Old man and Snake haired lady let me go and I then began searching for Emma... during that I bumped into Scott who seemed to be upset about something... and on asking him, all he said was that he was looking for Brittney and then he just marched away.

Well, something was definitely wrong but I decided to learn about that later from Charlie, who was bound to know what was wrong, He always knows everything.

I found Emma standing beside the oak tree... the tree from where everything had started... from where we had entered Helbram Mansion, she was looking at the stars,

"Beautiful, Isn't it?" I said as a conversation starter looking at the clear sky which... had millions and millions of stars shining that night. Emma stood in such a position where the moon light directly fell on her... and she looked absolutely beautiful in the moonlight.

"Ya... "She said mesmerised by the sky's beauty as I was mesmerised by her beauty. The only thing that I feel to be missing was her lovely smile... he smiling would have completed a beautiful picture... her eyes dazzled in the light of the stars,

"What's wrong?"

"You will laugh if I told you..."

"Missing your sister?" I asked guessing.

"No in fact, I am really glad to find out that my sister is alive so you can say I am actually happy about that."

"So what is bothering you?"

"I can't walk in these heels, they are killing me." She said as if it was something really to worry about; I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"Hey! This isn't funny!"

"Trust me... it is..." I said still laughing.

"I swear I will make you wear heels one day and then you will understand my pain then." She threatened me with a crooked smile... well it wasn't anything compared to the smile that I had seen that night, but it would do.

"Ya, ya... come on, let's go... they will start giving out the awards soon."

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