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"WHAT!?" Charlie asked shocked. Trust me, the look on Charlie's face... made MY heart shatter into pieces. He seemed to be in so much pain, Josh was closet to Charlie. Yes, we all were in shock but Charlie was the one who was the most hurt.

Josh quietly went and stood beside Rancour, he had a dead serious expression on his face. I never had thought Josh could be a traitor.

"So how was your experience, brother? To fool all of them, and for six years! Continuously!"

"Well, I thought I would be caught easily, but these fools never doubted me a bit." Josh said with a nasty smirk which almost matched to that on Rancour's face.

"Now! Let's see where we are then, shall we? Emma's dead, Lucy will be dead in a few more minutes, Drake will be dead with another strike of my whip, and Josh is my brother, so... how many of you are remaining? Let's see...Catherine, Charlie, Scott and Brittney. You have zero chances of beating the two of us even if you attack together. Brittney dear, you are barely holding up... lose your consciousness already..." Rancour said with a nod.

I at first did not know what that nod was about, but then I saw something, which looked like a plasma ball in front of Brittney, it was Alice's doing. Soon Brittney was surrounded by three of those plasma balls, and even before she could raise her wand, all the three balls exploded and Brittney collapsed of the ground unconscious.

Catherine looked around worried, as to how to escape this situation but she found no way out. Rancour then turned towards Scott,

"Now Scott, it's you turn. You had stopped my whip successfully, right? How should I award you...? Oh I know... I am going to suck and soul out of you and then..." but before Rancour could finish his sentence Josh ran towards Scott and kicked him directly in the solar plexus which made Scott unconscious immediately. Josh then turned to Rancour and said,

"Let's not do the whole 'sucking out the soul' thing... Yet." He said.

"As you wish, but let this be the last time you interrupt me." Rancour said a little angry.

"Sorry brother."

"Since, I can't kill you right now I am going to capture you and torture you. What lovely idea! Ok now only Charlie and Catherine are remaining." Said Rancour who now had an expression on which literally said 'how to torture you now?".

But I decided that I would not be the fool who is just going to lie there on the floor and watch Rancour hurt Catherine and Charlie. So with all my remaining strength I at last got up. Though I had to take a little support of the walls,

"Well, look who's awake!" Rancour said looking at me. He was even clapping his hands as if congratulating me, "This is a miracle that you can stand! But sadly this will not work." Rancour said getting his whip ready.

But before he could whip me again for the third time the wizards though could not stand up put on a shield around me which prevented the whip from hitting me,

"Oh look, how sweet! Your wizard friends are protecting you, Drake. But for how long?" he said as he went to Lucy and kicked her right in the gut. Even I felt that kick. Lucy's scream filled our ears as Rancour kept kicking her continuously. He kicked her until she was bleeding and her body was covered in bruises.

Rancour then looked at me and laughed saying,

"Oh, you should see you face right now Drake! God! You are so funny... it seems that you have a soft spot for Lucy, Don't worry I will torture her first."

Though I wanted to just slit open his throat I could not move. Cause if I even tried to move I would fall. The shield was weaker than before since Lucy did not have one bit of magic left in her. She groaned each time she moved. She almost lost her consciousness again but Rancour kicked her six to seven times again saying,

"Now, now, don't you fall asleep princess"

I disregarding my state just launched myself foolishly towards Rancour but it seemed as if he was expecting me to jump on him, he kicked me right in my face. I sat down on the floor holding my bleeding nose which was surely broken.

Catherine and Charlie stood there boiling in anger both at Rancour and their helplessness. Charlie almost pounced at Rancour as I had stupidly done, but Catherine just stopped him,

"Wise choice Catherine, you were always wise, that's exactly why I like you"

Charlie's face just went pale with anger. It seemed as if he was doing his best in restraining him from the lunatic. For some reason Rancour turned towards me and said,

"You know Drake recently I have gained a quite interesting power. It is because of this power I can read minds very easily. So you are absolutely going to pay for even thinking of me a Lunatic!" Rancour launched himself towards me so fast that it was a total blur. But then suddenly, there was a whole wall of water between me and Rancour.

It was Brittney and Scott's doing. The wall would keep Rancour busy for a few moments as Scott shouted to Charlie, Catherine and me saying,


But my body was no longer moving, it had given up already. I was still surprised that at least I could keep my eyes open. Somehow Rancour was depleting the thickness of the water wall. Seeing that I would do nothing but delay Catherine and Charlie I said,

"You guys go! My body is not moving!"

Charlie nodded at me, a goodbye nod, got a hold on Catherine's wrist and started running in the opposite direction. Meanwhile I heard Rancour's voice from the other side,

"No one's going anywhere!" Just as the water wall just vaporised. Rancour then just walked towards me and literally electrocuted me. Electricity passed through my entire body... the pain was unbearable as my scream filled the whole cave.

And the last thing I remember before losing my consciousness is seeing Catherine and Charlie successfully get away.

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