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Explaining! You see, flames can't really kill Dracula. You can only delay the time of reformation time by scattering the ashes. Hecate did not scatter my ashes and she even burned me purposely, she said that though she was in control of Rancour due to some reason, the deal they had in between them was that she would have to burn me. Well, since fire doesn't affect me, the deal is off and I wasn't dead.

"Sorry, my dear child... but I was compelled to burn you... I was being controlled by Rancour because of some reasons which I cannot explain. I knew I could save you..." that's wasn't much reassuring... I mean the fact that Rancour had the power to even control a Goddess was something to actually worry about.

Not only that, Hecate said that since I had actually given up my life ... great deal of pure magic INDEED was created... which is the reason she gave me two wishes. I used the first wish to activate everybody's abilities. I mean there were signs which I had noticed earlier... but I also knew that it would take days before they are fully activated and hence I took Hecate's help. Well, the second wish is still due... I have decided to save it until we really need it. I had even asked her about how much magic was used to create the portal, to which she replied,

"Oh, I could have opened a portal even without a sacrifice."

Though I had reformed fast... I needed to rest since not only the reformation had drained me of my energy, the activation of the abilities cause great pain. I was not even able to move... which is the first reason as to why I arrived so late. The second reason is because; well... my clothes were burned in that fire so Hecate had given me some Greek clothes. Now, there was no way I was going to show up from dead in weird Greek clothes and hence I made a stoppage at Octave before leaving... that is where I met maddam who was drinking a apple juice. I had a conversation with maddam before leaving for the cave. I reached the cave right before Rancour could kill Charlie ... you have got to say, I made quite a dramatic entry.

(If you are wondering what my ability is, its gravity.)

Now that of my sister... you see the pendants that we both have are monatomic andara crystals... these crystals are no ordinary crystals. The crystals have the power to store life energy within it. In case of my sister, what I can guess is that since my sister cannot be brought into control easily, the life energy is slowly being transferred from her to the crystal. Once the crystal has enough life energy within it, the stone turns into an exact duplicate... sometimes even the replica is hard to control... but it does not seem like it in my sister's case. Though stone is an exact replica it is only has one tenth of its owner's power. How did I come to know that the Alice who was lying in the floor was not my sister? Well, first she was not wearing her pendant... Alice always wears the pendant it is one of the most favourite things in the world... plus I had got a glimpse at Alice's eyes...it was blue like the stone... instead of the green eyes my sister has.

The next thing I know Alice is about to pounce on me but I then just flick my finger and send her flying to the other side of the cave. I have practised fights with Alice before... plus she was only the one tenth of Alice's power. Alice is really powerful, the other Alice was nothing compared to my sister and hence she lost consciousness at once.

I immediately returned to Octave since everybody was injured and needed healing and rest as fast as possible. I found many globes in the basement but I just ignored them for the moment as I put everyone in their rooms and went out in search for maddam. I found her exactly where I had last seen her but this time instead of apple juice she was having coffee,

"What? You were not the one tied to the wall all these days..." she said when she found me looking at her in surprise.

I then took her to the rooms were everybody was lying injured and unconscious. Maddam healed them all just by a touch and then said,

"They will be sleeping for about twenty four hours. Now, let's go back to SWA shall we?"

Well, I never get tired of being surprised by Maddam's abilities... she always has something up her sleeve. The next thing I know... she opens a portal in front of Octave leading directly to SWA.

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