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The fight was going on well, and everybody was kind of delighted to have Josh back, plus our chances of winning had increased. But in all this joy and excitement we had completely forgotten about Lucy. Though Lucy did her best to hide it... I had clearly earlier that she was suffering from fever and was bound to have a splitting headache judging by her behaviour. I had clearly thought that the fever had gone worse than expected as I shouted out to her,


But she did not move. At that moment all the six of us were so worried and distracted about Lucy... Charlie's concentration broke and we became invisible. Josh had stopped mid air and so had Scott and Brittney who stared at Lucy in horror as the viper pounced at her... in the background we could hear Rancour's hearty laughter.

Then as if things were going in slow motion... Lucy slowly opened her eyes. You know the most peculiar thing about that? They were both glowing white. Just as the vipers were in top of her she pulled out her hands in front of them and all of them just disappeared in that really bright, white light. Well, it seemed that Lucy had at last activated her element successfully... the element of light.

All of the vipers had just disappeared in that one huge blast of light. Though none of us could see anything I am pretty sure, everyone was shocked.

You see the abilities of activating the elements are no longer possible. I mean in the wizardry world there are seven main elements: Fire, Ice, Water, Earth, Air, light and darkness. These elements cannot be easily activated and to be honest no one CAN active them now a days. The wizards now days have different and odd powers totally different from the 'Elements'. These seven elements are one of the most powerful abilities out there in the supernatural world. No if you realize it... our team... has three Element's wizards. And not only that... the ability that Josh has? Well, he is the only one ever to have that ability in all these decades. Though Catherine's ability is common, it's the present most powerful ability in our world. And the ability of being invisible... nobody has ever had it after professor Invisible. Other strong or rare or extinct abilities or theory of abilities are: time travelling, seeing the future, gravity, electricity (though I think Rancour has it), pure magic formation (I think Alice has it), Lunar manipulation, solar manipulation and the list goes on and on. How do I know so much? I have interests in this subject.

So anyways, as I was standing there in awe with Lucy's power... Alice sneaked behind me and kicked me right in the ribs ... I can still swear I heard a crack and soon I was not able to move without experiencing incredible pain. Meanwhile I heard Rancour say a spell as a scythe; pitch black appeared in his hands. He threw that directly towards Catherine.

Catherine failed to notice the scythe as Charlie jumped in front of her and the scythe just went through him and disappeared. Charlie fell down immediately clutching his heart.

"CHARLIE!" Josh shouted in horror.

Josh scream got Catherine's and my attention as the wizards continued their spell.

"THE THREE PILLARS!" Scott, Brittney and Lucy shouted together as the three hurricane shaped structures started moving towards Rancour and Alice.

It seemed as if the hurricanes were made of Fire, Ice and Light not a pleasant combination. The "Pillars" directly hit Rancour and Alice. Now... usually when that happens it means that we have won the battle and so Josh 'deformed' his wings, as he came down followed by Brittney and Scott. They all rushed towards Charlie and me (we were laying close to each other) to so see if we were all right. I tried to strand up but the pain was too much to bear with.

Charlie with a lot of effort did manage to stand up unfortunately he then lost his balance as Josh caught him just in time. Charlie seemed to be still pissed towards Josh as he pushed him away... walked unsteadily towards a wall and leaned it in support as he slowly sat down clutching his heart.

Though we had presumed that we had won the battle we were not sure since there was dust and fog (at least it seemed like so) and steam everywhere. Slowly as the... whatever that, was cleared out we were shocked as to what we saw.

We saw Alice standing in front of Rancour with both her hands stretched as a shielding and protective gesture. Rancour was as shocked as we were, as Alice fell down on the ground with a thump right on her face slowly saying,

"No one... hurts...Maste...r" and with that she became unconscious.

We were shocked as we had expected that the last blow would take down the both of them. There was absolute silence everywhere. Rancour was still standing there in absolute shock without a single visible scratch,

"Alice..." he said really quietly.

Meanwhile the pain just kept increasing... until it was almost too much to bear... Scott, Brittney and Lucy then just fell to the ground ... they had given their all in that last spell. It was only normal that they were exhausted as it was their first time they has used the spell which literally drained ones powers. Charlie was in absolute no shape to fight. But I did not want to give up hence I decided to stand up; it was a grave mistake form my part. The pain was so much I couldn't help but moan, which caught Rancour's attention,

"You all have done a mistake... a grave mistake." He said in a very serious and angry.

But still I wanted to believe that we had a fighting chance as there was only one of him (really thankful about that.) and two of us (Josh and Catherine.). But there was still a problem as, even IF we believe that Josh and Catherine can fight it is almost impossible to ignore the fact that both of them were already drained of their power and were even a little unsteady, while Rancour totally unscratched or hurt seemed to have used only 1% of his energy.

So the results seemed pretty clear to me...

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