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I was already so angry about how Rancour had treated Brittney that I could feel my head actually boiling. I looked at Brittney who was strangely smiling for some reason. I was actually amazed that she could smile even this situation, seeing her smile did lift up my moods a little though I didn't ask her what she was thinking about. I was totally aware by the fact that I was sometimes too rude towards her... Why I was like that? I had no clue myself, although she never seemed to be bothered by that. I actually loved the way she could adjust so easily. I was even ruder to her than I was towards Lucy... the reason for my rude behaviour? No clue. But I decided to think about my Brittney later and concentrate on ice for now considering how the temperature was increasing.

And the next thing I know, that we are both concentrating hard, and doing our best to not distract each other when suddenly two vipers just appeared, breaking my focus. I looked at them confused wondering what Rancour wanted now. The vipers entered right though the bars. Brittney did not even notice the two of them as they stood behind Brittney. One of them then without any warning just pulled out a sword. I panicked wondering what they were going to do with that sword when I heard a voice from behind the bars,

"Hey! What are you two doing here! Get away from her!"

It was Alice, I had no clue as to what or why it was happening as the viper lifted the sword, and Brittney had still failed to notice her. Alice immediately opened the gate to the dungeon and formed two sphere around them just before the sword was about to touch Brittney. It was then that Brittney at last notices. How strong was her concentration actually..?

Alice then made a fist as both the spheres started growing small and small until they completely vanished. Why had Alice saved us?

"Rancour won't be happy about this... Sorry about that, continue enjoying your stay and try not to die or put yourself in danger, again." Alice then left rolling her eyes, locking the door behind her.

Brittney seemed terrified but she just took in some deep breaths to calm herself,

"Are you all right Brittney?"

"Yes Scott, am fine."

With that Brittney went back to concentrating. Brittney always went serious and worked hard when she put her heart on something. And I actually admired that about her.

Even I took myself some deep breaths; my heart had taken a leap when I had saw that Viper move in with the sword. I wondered for a while as to why the vipers had gone for Brittney, I mean there were two of them, and they could have easily attacked the both of us. I am not saying that I was sad that they didn't attack me; it was just that it was odd that though they had a chance they did not attack me. Vipers are always vicious creatures and are really violent. They attack whenever they have a chance...

Okay since I had so many unanswered questions I decided to just go back to concentrating on cool things. Though the temperature had stopped rising, it was still very warm and I was sweating a lot. In fact my whole shirt was wet. Brittney in the mean time was absolutely dry; I mean there was not a single drop of sweat on her face. She seemed amazingly calm as she concentrated.

So I went back to concentrating. All I was thinking about was ice. I wanted my shackles to freeze, so they could break off easily. I was concentrating really hard but the heat was always interfering and I had so start over now and then.

But still I did my best to concentrate as hard as Brittney was. (There was a lot of concentrating...). Nothing happened for quite a long time when at last I felt the temperature dropped around me. My heart gave a leap of joy, but then suddenly everything went back to being hot, then I just gave up. I had, had enough of a false hope that I would be able to complete the pro-training, where even most of the seniors struggled and FAILED. So I just gave up, and watched Brittney as she did not give up hope unlike me and concentrated hard.

Suddenly Brittney's face changed from 'highly concentrated' to 'highly happy'.

"What...? What happened?" I asked her worried that she may be losing her mind but then she showed me her fingers which were in fire,

"Is that because of the temperature here... or because you did it!?" I asked her again.

"No Scott, my fingers aren't in fire because of the temperature... I can't believe it! I can't hold on to the flames for very long and they are very feeble... But still I did it! I think if I concentrate even harder I will be able to produce stronger flames and hold them for long. So where are you on your part?"

"I gave up hope... I can't do it."

"Oh come on Scott! If I can do it so can you! Just concentrate harder... come on you can do it."


Well so I again started concentrating as Brittney had suggested. Then I could feel Brittney draw up the heat into herself which made it very easy for me to concentrate more. I still had to concentrate hard though, but then again the temperature dropped again around me... I opened my eyes to find the shackles to be covered with a thin and weak layer of ice. Brittney looked at me with bright and joyous eyes and congratulated me and then the both of us went back to mastering our elements trying our best for the ice and fire not clash against each other.

And soon we had an escape plan ready, to get out of the dungeon, AT LAST!

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