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When Charlie left abruptly it was a pure sign that something was definitely bothering him, since he had helped me before I wanted to help him in turn as well. But right before I was going to go after him... Josh followed. Well, I didn't exactly mind that since all of us had noticed that Charlie was having some issues with Josh.

After having a nice chat we went to sleep late at night, my room is across to that of Charlie's and I could clearly hear loud voices coming from there (All because of my vampire ears). The conversation that they were having was really serious... Charlie had lost his trust in the friendship with Josh. In the end I hear Charlie give his ring (The one which signified him being Josh's right hand man... thus being his best friend) to Josh and then he asked him to just leave.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing... I mean Josh and Charlie are the only one I know who have... had such a great friendship. Even Josh left without much effort... as soon as Josh came outside the room; he threw the ring and walked away.

I just sat there in the room not knowing what to do... I was taking a lot of time just to process what had happened. I then realizing that there was not much left to do since I could not meddle with someone else's business took a shower and changed into my night dress.

I just lay there in my bed exhausted by all that training... it was really intense when I heard a knock on my door; I opened the door to find Emma there,

"I apologize to disturb you in this hour but I had no choice, it is obvious that you have heard what happened in between Josh and Charlie considering that it took place not far from your room..."

"What exactly do you want Emma?" I interrupted her.

"Well, um... do you have any clue where the ring is?"

"What ring?"

"You know... the ring..."

"I don't know... what ring...?"

"The ring ...that Josh threw away... it should be somewhere in the hall."

"Okay first, just help me find it... I will explain the rest to you later."

I agreed to that condition and thus started searching for the ring. It took us at least fifteen minutes before we could find it... It was behind a huge vase present in the hall. After finding the ring Emma directly went to Charlie's room even without a word... *sigh* she never keeps her end of the bargain. Charlie opened the door... At least I guessed that since he was nowhere to be seen,

"Charlie, would you mind being a little visible for a few minutes?" Emma asked in a surprisingly polite tone.

"What...? Oh, sorry I didn't realize that... Yes you were saying...?"

"I was saying that we both found your ring in the hallway, we were hoping for you take it back."

"Emma? Did Josh send you? If that is the case, the door is open you can let yourself out." Charlie said his expression hardening.

How the tables turn... there I was standing in between Charlie and Emma... Emma was being surprisingly polite and Charlie was the one being rude.... that is least expected by both of them.

"No Charlie... Josh did not send me... because if he even wanted to do so he couldn't and you know that very well. Now take back the ring."

"Just get out."

"Nobody says that to me... especially not in my own mansion." And with that Emma made Charlie fly and sit in the bed forcefully, closing the door behind me. Charlie, Emma and I were the only once in the room and things were definitely not comfortable. "Now either you take back this ring or we two... I mean three taking Catherine... could have a nice and long chat."

"Listen Emma, this is none of your business... plus, you can't force me to accept someone's friendship."

"Well, that is your problem, Josh isn't someone... he is a friend of yours..."

"There we go again..." Charlie interrupted with a very audible sigh...

"Just hear me out and then I will leave."

Charlie nodded to that...

"Listen, Charlie... friendship is one of the most important things in the world. Believe me... no one can know that better than me, I neither have any friends nor do I believe in this term, friendship... but I have a reason which is not as stupid as yours. Yes, it is true that friendship is built on trust and that Josh broke your trust... but he was in a situation where he had to choose and he chose the path which would cause the least physical pain to you. He was and still is ready to sacrifice his friendship just for your welfare. I don't know if you know this or not, but the only reason that he did step up when Rancour called out his name, was because Rancour had threatened him by saying that he would kill each and every one... well, he did believe Rancour cause I was so called 'Killed' by him hence... you can say it's partly my fault" Emma continued with a feeble laugh. "Charlie, it's ultimately your decision... but I want it to be the right decision... so what do you think...? Do you want to listen to me, take back this ring and just make up with Josh, which kind of sounds gay... or are you going to let this whole speech which I have just given you, go to waste? So....?" Emma paused for Charlie's answer.

"Just give me the damn ring." Charlie said at last, trying his best to hide his massive smirk but... miserably failing at it.

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