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The pain was really too much for me to handle... I could literally feel that the insides of my body were bleeding. Plus... I was spitting out blood from my mouth every now and them. Despite this feeling and occasional spitting of blood, I could feel that the pain was slowly, slowly subsiding. But the next thing I see Rancour walking towards me with the same scythe which had hit me earlier.

I could not move.... my body had gone absolutely... but then I heard a voice behind Rancour and figured that it was Maddam. It was probably that maddam had realized that we were taking a lot more time to return and thus she had come to our rescue. But unfortunately it wasn't her. I could not even see who was behind Josh's brother... soon whoever the person was spoke again,

"Well, you should get you facts straight" That person started as Rancour's weapon disappeared and I could even see him clenching his teeth pretty hard." Cause, I am not Josh's girlfriend... definitely not... And I am definitely not dead."

IT WAS EMMA! I was so exciting just thinking that Emma was back I almost forgot the pain! (No I did not). I really enjoyed that angry slash confused slash shocked expression on Rancour's face,

"You!? How is that even possible? I have seen you burn into ashes you cannot be Emma! Who are you...?"

"Oh, no no... I am not Emma Helbram... I am her twin sister, Emma Helbram" Emma said jokingly. "I mean... did you really think that you could have killed me so easily!? What are you... dreaming or something?"

"But you sacrificed yourself to Hecate! You died for your pesky friends." Rancour argued.

"Now, now Rancour... I don't have friends... they are my teammates... so... peaky teammates. Yes, they can be annoying but you shouldn't underestimate them."

Not much of a dialogue but nobody thought about that at that time, it was actually an awesome and very fast fight. It took me some time, but I noticed that Emma was actually flying. I mean Rancour being able to fly did not came to me as a shock as that of Emma being able to fly.

Rancour continuously tried kicking Emma in the ribs but Emma just blocked them. Rancour's attacks had zero effects on Emma. I was actually thinking that we are going to win when suddenly Emma is caught off guard and Rancour just kicks her directly at the back of her head. Emma stopped short as she arched her neck in pain.

Rancour not missing that opportunity just passed about thousands and thousands volt of electricity through Emma... I still remember the screams that Emma had given then...Rancour's smirk was absolutely unnerving.

Emma does not give up though. She is literally smoking as she gets up on both her feet, she is unsteady at first and thus is hit by Rancour about fifteen to twenty times... the punches landed on the chin, the chest, the gut, and of course the solar plexus. Emma did not even have a single second to breathe as Rancour refuses to stop. I have to hand it to Rancour though... he was hitting Emma without a break and his combination of punches and kicks was really precise and perfect. Rancour absolutely refused to slow down,

"I am definitely enjoying this Emma... good to have you back." He said with laughter. Emma was bleeding from almost everywhere...though she WAS healing it was not fast enough. (I noticed her purple blood at that time.) Rancour then just grabs Emma and is about to slam her face in the floor when suddenly Emma kicks Rancour hard in the gut and the fight pauses for a few seconds. Emma flies a little above Rancour as she catches her breath.

Rancour looks at the place where Emma had kicked him surprised, he was not expecting that. Emma seemed really amused by Rancour's expression

"Hurts, doesn't it?" Emma says right before the fight resumes again.

Well, the fight continued for a few more minutes as Josh, Catherine and I just looked at the both of them in awe. The others were already unconscious with either pain or unconsciousness.

I somewhere in the middle of the fight, I find myself wondering if Emma had even noticed her sister who was lying not far away... all injured. I even got a glimpse at Emma's purple pendant. The pendant was made of an andara crystal. It is one of the most beautiful crystals out there. I wondered if Alice's blue pendant was made of an andara crystal... Alice wasn't wearing her pendant.

Suddenly the sarcastic comments turned into a serious discussion and soon I found that Emma had cornered Rancour. Then the conversations they had just turned very confusing.

"Where is my sister!?"

"What are you talking about Emma!? Have you gone mad... your beloved sister is right there and..." But Emma interrupted Rancour by just throwing him across the room.

"Both of us know that, that is not Alice! Now... where is Alice!" Emma said as she had her hands in front of her... she was making a fist like gesture which was somehow causing a great deal of pain to Rancour.

"No... Stop... She's alive... I don't know where she is... but she is alive."

"Well then, now that you are no longer of any use... Bye!" Emma said. I almost thought she was going to kill him when she just threw him right through a wall which was not far away, Rancour immediately lost his consciousness.*applause*

We had to get out of that cave basement soon before more vipers, mega vipers or any form of back up arrived because none of us were in any shape to fight except Emma. But I was sure Emma was exhausted after fighting Rancour, I mean... he is a pretty strong opponent.

After Emma made Rancour unconscious she looked at us and said,

"Well, I think I have some explanations to give... I will give you all the explanation later when we go back to Octave. I met maddam back at Octave... Now come on!" but then she noticed that we were not in a condition to walk and so the next thing I know I find myself and everybody floating in the air.

Emma turned her back towards us... as she was about to take us out of the cave. But then I saw Alice very slowly get up, getting ready to blast Emma by the plasma kind of things she made with pure magic. But before I could warn Emma about it... I entered a void of pain and soon lost consciousness.

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