Chapter Forty

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Kitty's POV:

I woke up and looked around the dimly lit room and sighed to myself. Just another day of this hellhole, I'm not ever gonna get out am I? I thought to myself. I stood up off the dirty old mattress and walked over the the wall the divided Callie's room from mine. I sat against it and whispered, "Hey, you up?"

"Yeah I've been up." I heard Callie reply. 

"I miss home.." I said instantly "Well, not home.. I miss the boy, and Sammy. But they've probably gave up by now, it's been over a month."

I listened as Callie tried to find the right thing to say, " You know, I've seen things on the news where people don't give up for 15 years or more." She finally said. 

"I'm not getting out of here am I?" I replied glumly. " I'm going to die here.."

I started to cry when I heard footsteps and whispered, "He's coming.." I then fell quite and ran over to the bed, pushing myself against the wall. I listened as the door opened to Callie's room. 

"We are going out today doll, and you better be good or I'll fucking kill you." He said, I knew he was smiling like it was a joke. It was a joke to him. He thought it was so funny that he could get away with this, all he had to do was look like he was looking for the 'poor missing girls' and he was in the clear. Nobody would think to look in the mans house that was always out looking and crying with friends and family. So he did what he wanted.

I listened a bit more and heard her reply, "Okay... What color this time?" I listened confused. 

"Red, now get in there and do your hair, cut it too." He said smugly. I listened in not sure what to think. I heard her get up and start down the stairs, I then heard the lock to the door being messed with before he pulled the door open and said, "You, You're not ready to go out yet. It'll take time. You'll see, I'm not that bad. I'm a pretty good guy."

I looked at him and screamed, "Good guy?! You helped my father hide the fact that he kidnapped me, you are far from a fucking good guy!" 

He smirked at me and replied calmly, "You'll warm up to me, I mean you have too. You're gonna be here a while." 

I could feel the range building up inside, I jumped up and ran over to him landing a few punches before he tackled me and pinned me down. I could smell his hot breath as he leaned over me. I started screaming and trying to kick free. It wasn't working, as my last attempt I gathered spit in my month and spit in his face. He pulled back in shock and tried to wipe his face. I took this time to run down the stairs, I was running so fast the my body felt like it was going to collapse, I hadn't eating in days. With my heart beating out of my chest I looked to find the door. As I found it I heard it scream for me, followed my heavy footsteps down. I saw the door, I was so close now. I ran over and pushed into it, to m horror I found it locked. I wanted to scream, but instead I fumbled with the lock and tried to get out. I heard a click! It was unlocked! I opened it as fast as I could and started to run out when I felt hands grab me from behind. I screamed and fought it hoping someone, anyone would hear. It was no hope he picked me up, shut the door and slammed me to the ground. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I heard him scream moments after my head hit the floor. " I've been nothing but nice to you, and this is how you repay me?" 

I weakly sat up and said, " You fucking raped me, I hope you burn in Hell." I felt a fist hit me in the jaw followed by the taste of my own blood.  I giggled and said, " I'd do it again, come on just kill me. Would't it make you feel like a big man? Go on! Do it! Pussy!" 

I felt him grab me throwing me over his shoulder, he carried me up to the dirty small room and slammed me into the wall, beaten and bloody I laughed " Fuck you! Just kill me!" I felt him kick me and punch me a few times before walking out and locking the door behind him. He left me beaten and bloody in the room alone. 


AN: Guyssss two days in a row! I'm loving this hah leave me a comment and tell me what you think so far, vote for the chapter and tell you're friends! Love you all!

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