Chapter Twenty

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Quick A/n: Sorry I haven't updated in a whle should I make a day every week that I have to update? Lemme know in the comments :)


After I got everything around I picked Sammy up and walked out with or bags, tears running down my face, I didn't know what to do anymore.

I walked out of the hotel and carried Sammy we went to a bus stop and waited with all or things next to us. I texted Kian. The text said: "Hey I can't bring myself to text Trevor, but tell him I had to leave... to keep all of you save I'm so sorry.... it's for the best." I sent it and let Sammy curl up into my lap. She soon fell asleep. I rode the bus as far as it took us and got off carrying Sammy still with all our stuff dragging behind us. I had no idea what to do anymore. I pulled out my money... about $10... well no way I can get a hotel again.... 

I just kept trucking on, no idea where I was, I walked all night. By morning when Sammy woke up I had to make her walk a bit, We finally stopped to take a break at a near by park. I pulled out my phone: 8 missed calls and 17 texts. I unlocked my phone to see who it was from: 

Missed call: Trevor

Missed call: Trevor 

Missed call: Sammmmm

Missed call: Kian :P

Missed call: Jc 

Missed call: Connor

Missed call: Rickyyyy

I looked down at the phone and cleared the missed calls, I couldn't handle calling any of them back now.

I didn't even open my texts, I cleared those to. I sat against a building and charged my phone while Sammy played with all the other kids. I was glad she was having some fun, she needed it. 

I sat and watched Sammy play as my phone charged, after it was done I yelled for Sammy.

She came running over with a big smile on her face, "Yah?" She asked. 

"We have to get going sweety." I said forcing a smile.

She looked at me and her smile started to fade, "Okay.... Kitty...?" She asked. 

I looked at her and said, "Yah?" 

"I'm hungry..." Sammy said softly.

I looked down at the $10 and said, "Yah lets go get you something to eat."

I held her hand and walked to a near by party store. 

When we got there I asked her, "What do you want?"

She smiled a ran and got a box of fruit bar things and handed them to me. I went to the check out and payed $2.00, I now only had $9, I knew we were getting low on money but what was I supposed to do? 

We walked out of the store and I gave Sammy one of the fruit bar things and we kept walking.

We walked in one direction all day with me picking her up and letting her walk. As the sun was setting I saw a near by house with it's lights on, Sammy had only ate one fruit bar all day and I knew she was hungry and I was starving, so I took the chance and oicked Sammy up, we walked up to the front door. I slowly reached out and knocked and waited. After a few seconds a man and a women that looked to be in their late 20's answered the door. 

I looked down at the ground and said, "I know you don't know me... and you may not trust me but..." I paused I felt tears running down my face, I reached up and wipped them way, "Do you have any food you could spare for my little sister?"

I looked up at the people, All I heard is, "Hang on let me look, I'll be back in a second." I nodded my head as they shut the door. 

A few seconds later the door opened again, the man handed me and big duffle bag. I looked at them still crying and said, "Thank you so much."

We talked for a few seconds before they went inside, Me and Sammy kept walking it was now totally dark. 

I finally walked to the back of a small little store and sat down with Sammy, She layed her head on my lap and fell asleep. I plugged my phone in and opened the duffle bag inside ther was, I few canned foods, a can opener, a thing of water, two small thin blankets, and a flash light. I pulled one of the blankets out and put in on the hard, dry ground and layed Sammy down, I snuggled next to her and pulled the other blanket over us and fell asleep.

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