Chapter Thirty Six

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I slowly walked over to a chair and watched Sammy and Trevor swim for a while, she was having the time of her life giggling and smiling while messing with him. I sat and read my book to myself, Trevor looked up at me every once and a while and smiled. I smiled back, then started reading again.

It was about a half hour before Connor decided to come down to swim, He walked in smiling with his swim suit on. I watched him as he slowly came up to me and said with a warm smile, "Hello beautiful! Why aren't you swimming?"

I looked up from my book, I felt my heart racing, what was I supposed to say?! I looked in panic and said, "Not feeling well I guess, it's fine don't worry."

His eyes locked with mine questioning my answer, he finally said, "Is there anything I can do?"

I smiled sweetly and replied, "No I'll be fine my head just hurts."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I hope you feel better babe." He smiled and walked over to the steps of the pool and walked in slowly.

I watched them swim for a second, then went back to my book. I was reading and getting into the book when I heard my phone go off, it was my dad... again. I didn't want to click it because I knew it wouldn't be good but, I couldn't help it. I slowly unlocked my phone and looked at my texts, the text from my dad read:

"I know where you are, You better hope that little prick of a boyfriend doesn't leave you alone. You are dead. I can't stand you, hoe."

I closed the text and looked around. Did he really know where I was? Or was he just trying to scare me? I didn't plan to find out. I locked my phone again and set in on the chair beside me.

I tried to push him out of my mind and read. I started reading but nothing I read was sticking in my memory I just hearing his voice in my head. I hated that man. Why did he have to me my father?! Why didn't God punish him? he deserved it!

I was deep in thought when the doors to the pool opened, Lillian and her father walked in, she had a huge grin on her face.

She walked over to me and smiled before saying, "Daddy let me come and see you, why aren't you in the pool?"

I looked at her and giggled, I went to reply but before I could Trevor spoke up, "Yeah! Come on Kitty! The water is fine."

I smiled slightly, in a panic I replied, "Uh, I'm going to get in soon just give me a second."

Sammy yelled from the pool, "Hurry up Kitty!"

I smiled and said, "Alright I'm coming." I looked at Lillian and said, "Coming?"

She smiled and said, "Yeah."

I walked over and sat on the edge of the pool just putting my feet in. Lillian got in the water with Sammy, Trevor and Connor.

I sat there wiggling my feet for a while. After a few minutes Lillian came over to me and said, "Mommy never used to get in the pool either she just watched."

I smiled and said, "Maybe she didn't like swimming sweety?"

She shook her head, "No, that's not it." She walked away and left me alone.

I sat a while before Trevor said, "Come on beautiful, come swim with us."

I smiled and shook my head, "I'm okay."

He and Sammy swam over and he set his wet head on my lap, I could see the makeup running off, I looked at my legs and jumped in, it was the first thing I could think to hide it. I looked down and saw everything washed off. I figured if I stayed under water nobody could see, I was wrong.

I swam a while before Lillian stopped me and said, "My mommy used to have those on her arms, she said they make you and fighter. My mommy was beautiful. She got a new one that sent her to heaven, daddy told me it was because God needed her for something important and she loves me a lot. You're like mommy, I hope God doesn't need you more than they do."

I looked at her and saw the pain in her face, She looked at me a few seconds before her father called her and she slowly climbed out and smiled slightly as she left.

I looked at my own arms and felt a tear run down my cheeks. Trevor swam over and looked down at my arms, his smiled quickly faded into a mix of sadness and anger. I got up and grabbed my stuff before running to the room crying. He's going to hate me.

I got to the room and slammed the door. I flopped on the bed and cried. I lie like that until I heard a noise outside the door, I slowly got up and opened the door, It wasn't Trevor is was my father!

I yelled in panic and tired to slam the door, I felt his foot stop it. I pushed harder, I was not letting him in, over my dead body. I leaned over trying to keep the door shut and grabbed a pair of scissors on the table while his arms entered the room.

I used all my force and stabbed him in the hand, he yelled in pain and pulled himself back, I took the opportunity and slammed the door and locked it. I knew he was pissed, I locked the door and climbed onto the bed and tried to text Trevor, my hands covered in blood and shaky could barley type, as i was typing I heard him beating on the door and started crying, blurring my vision making it one thousand percent harder. I was in the middle of typing with my phone died. I looked around and screamed "No! Please God no!" I could see the door moving any minute it would give. I did the only thing I could think of and open the window and started screaming at the top of my lungs "Help! Call 911 he's going to kill me! Oh my God help me! He's coming!" I was on the third story no way I could jump. So I yelled and prayed somebody could help.

Deep down I had a feeling this was the end, I heard the door moving and him running into it. He hit it one last time and he was in.


NOTE: Sorry the last one wasn't long I hope this makes up for it I'm going to work on the next chapter tomorrow don't worry! Love y'all! Comment, vote, follow me and add this to your library to know when I update. Bye guys!!

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