Chapter Forty Four

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Kitty's POV:

I woke up, and squinted against the harsh light of the room I was in. I slowly lifted me head and looked down at my skinny, beaten body, I was in a hospital gown. I didn't care if I was naked or if I was bundled up, I was free! Truly free. I slowly sat up and swung my feet to the ground, my body ached, I looked around and saw nobody, I figured it was late, or people were being questioned. I hit my call button on the right side of me. I then waited as I heard hurried footsteps come towards my room, within a minute or so I heard a knock at the door, "Come in!" I said, it only coming out as a harsh whisper.

The door opened and a nurse was standing there, but there was somebody right behind her I couldn't see, " Hey sweetie, how are you?" The nurse whispered, she was trying to keep her voice down to keep me calm. 

I looked at her and smiled slightly, " I'm doing 100% better, I was wondering if you knew if there were a few guys, and a little girl here?" I asked,  was hoping she'd say yes.

But instead she look at me and smiled, " Come with me." She helped me into a wheelchair and pushed me into the waiting room, a police officer followed us the whole way, once we were in the waiting room I couldn't help but smile, there was everyone sleeping, laying on or against each other. I slowly stood up and stood next to Sammy, I bent down and shook her softly. 

She slowly opened her eyes and smiled instantly, "Kitty! You're okay!" She half screamed. 

"Yeah, I'm okay." I whispered, " How are you beautiful?" 

" I'm okay, we missed you so much. Trevor looked for you every day. I like him.. Can we stay there.. please?" Sammy looked at my wide eyed and waited for my answer. 

I looked over at Trevor and smiled, " Sure." My voice was weak and broken, my body was beaten and weak but, I was happy. " Sammy, I'm so tired. I think I'm gonna lay lie down, You can come too if you ask Trevor to bring you down or somebody."

She nodded and I got back into the wheelchair and went back to my room, I climbed into bed and covered up, I then grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. I sat and watched the news, I was all over it, so was Callie. I shot up, hurting myself in the process and picked the phone up to call the front desk. " Hello?" I asked, " Did you bring in a girl named Callie? She was one of the girls that was found with me!" I was in panic now. 

" Hello, and yes. We did, you could go see her tomorrow but right now you need to rest sweetheart." A lady on the other line told me. 

" Okay, thank you. Make sure she's safe for me please?" I asked, they agreed to keep her safe, they told me a officer was already right outside her room as well as mine. I thanked them again and hung up, I then sunk back into bed. 

I was almost asleep when I heard a knock on the door I jerked up and tried to scream, "Who is it?" But it just came out weak and cracky. 

A officer stuck his head in and said, " I'm sorry but there is somebody out here that would like to see you, her names Sammy?" 

I calmed down and told him she could come in, she walked in with Trevor in hand half dragging him, I could tell he wasn't really awake yet. I struggled to sit up, I wanted to jump up and ran to him, but I was too weak. I just smiled and said, " I missed you." 

At this point Trevor was wide awake and walking over to me with tears in his eyes. " I missed you too." He walked over to me and hugged me, I felt fireworks explode through my body, he did care, and he never gave up. Sammy walked over to the other side and climbed on the bed and hugged me. I felt bad when I had to ask her to stop.. It was just so painful, I was to skinny. 

I looked at Trevor and smiled, " I love you so much." I said looking into his eyes. 

" I love you more than you'll ever know." He replied. 

We sat and talked for a while before I looked at him and said, " I'm sorry.. I'm just so tired... I think I need some rest." 

He smiled and said, " Of course get some sleep, I'll be right out there when you wake up." 

I looked at him confused, " Out there? Why don't you stay in here?" I moved over slowly and patted the bed.

" Sammy do you wanna sleep in here? The couch is open!" Trevor said with a smile. I already knew she'd say yes. Trevor helped Sammy get the couch ready, I watched as he tucked her in. Then he whispered something that made my heart melt, " I told you we'd find her. Didn't I?" 

Sammy smiled sleepily and nodded, Trevor was walking back over to me when Sammy said, " Trev?" 

He looked at her and smiled, " Something wrong?" 

"No, I just wanted to say thank you and... I love you.."

My heart melted, Trevor looked at her and said, " I love you too sweetie, get some sleep, Okay?"

I waited as Trevor climbed into bed with me, I back in as close as I could once he was in bed. He made me feel safe. 

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