Chapter Six Leave me to die! (TIRGGER WARNING!)

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We walked in hot topic and looked at band tee's. Jessie got a sleeping with sirens tee and Amanda got a Pierce the veil tee. I only had 20 bucks that I snuck out if my dads wallet the night before. So while my friends giggled and baught new shirts and belts I stood there just listening to the music playing. When everybody had gotten what they wanted they payed and we walked to the food court.

When we where in the food court we walked around for a while discussing what place we wanted to eat at. After a lot of arguing they picked Taco Bell. I still didn't get anything because i was saving that money to buy something when we went to go see O2L.

So I sat while they ate then we all packed up and left. We really had nothing else to do so we walked around for a little while going to parks and other random places.

When school ended i knew i had to go home to my drunken father and get the shit beat out of me. The time came quicker than I wanted it to. soon it was 3:30 and I was supposed to be home.

I looked at Jessie and said, "Hey, Jess is it cool if I crash at you're place tonight?"

She looked at me and I think she relized what I meant and said, "Yah, that's fine."

We walked Amanda home and told her to call us later she smiled, nodded and went inside.

We walked to Jessie's house. We walked inside and I said hi to her parents and went to her room with her.

When we got to her room she lent me some PJ's and she told me she was going to bed. I nodded and pulled out my phone, dimmed it and started looking through my instagram and facebook. I sat there for a while checking messages and stuff when I got a text from a kid I didn't know. I read the text which said: I know who you are and you discust me you should just kill yourself.

Little did that person know that I WANTED to die already. That's why I take a blade and slice up my skin.

I looked around the room and stood up slowly, I then walked into the bathroom and pulled a blade out of my jacket pocket. I sat on the side of the tub and cut cut...two...three... after a while I lost count my whole arm was covered and I was dripping blood into the tub. I let myself bleed and cried softly.

I sat for a while and let my arm bleed I still didn't feel better so I grabbed the blade again and went over all the cuts, then I moved on to the other arm and did the same. I bleed into the tub and cried some more. I pulled myself together and pulled my red jacket sleeve down so you couldn't see the blood that came trough. Then I ran the water and washed all the blood down.

I then walked back into Jessie's room and layed down and cried myself to sleep. I hated everything about myself I just wanted to die. Nobody would miss me....

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