Chapter Fourteen

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We were still laying on the ground starring at the sky when my phone rang. I sighed and looked at the ID, it was Amanda. I smiled and answered it.

She spoke first, "Where are you?"

I giggled and said, "At the park, why?"

She sighed, "Okay so you are coming to school tomorrow right?"

I thought for a second and said, "Uhhh, yah the people I'm with will probably want me gone hah.."

"Good haha I'll talk to you later, bye." She replied cheerfully.

I said bye and hung up.

I looked at Trevor and said, "Maybe I should go home... It was so great meeting you but I really need to go."

He looked at me and pouted, "At least let me walk you home."

My heart stopped, "Ummm okay.." I spoke before I thought about it.

He smiled and started walking with me home.

We got about half way when he said, "When can I see you again?"

I looked at him I couldn't believe he wanted to see me again, "You want to see me again?"

He smiled shyly and nodded.

I smiled back and said, "Let me see you're phone." He smiled and handed it to me. I put my number and info in, then took a picture to save me under. He took my phone and did the same.

I smiled and kept walking I was walking when I thought of my little sister she's only 2 what were they doing to her?

I walked a little faster trying to get there faster.

Trevor grabbed my arm and said, "Kitty slow down."

I looked at him and said, "I-I can't I'll text you later I'm sorry.." I ran all the way home before he could say anything. When I got home I went to my window and climbed in. I went to my door and locked it. I then put my dresser and my tv in front. I went to my bed and sat down. I was just so confused I knew I should be happy that I got to meet my idols but, at the same time I hated where I was because my dad. I knew I couldn't just leave my sister though.

I sat thinking about what I could do to fix everything, when my phone buzzed. I looked down at my phone. It was from Trevor, it read:

From: Trevor

Hey u ok? Do u need help? Xx

I looked down and started crying I did need help but instead I just wrote,

To: Trevor

No I'm fine but I'll call u if I need u I promise cx

I was lying, but I couldn't tell him.

I put my phone in my back pocket and packed my bags, I was getting out of here. I had already saved up about $200.00

That was enough for a hotel and a meal.

I packed my brush, tooth brush and clothes along with things I wanted like my phone, charger and money. I then opened my window and set my bags outside, then pulled out my phone and texted Trevor it read,:

Hey sorry its like 3am I hope I didn't wake u... Can u have somebody park like a block away and come get me? Thanks if u can Xx

I put my phone down and walked to my door and pressed my ear to it. I didn't hear anybody so I slowly and quietly moved everything and opened my door. I crept down the hall right next to my door and woke my sister.

I whispered, "Hey sweetie, wake up"

She sat up and looked at me I could tell she was shocked.

"Kitty you're back!" She whispered with excitement.

I smiled and said, "Yah, I need to go somewhere, and you are coming, so get some shoes on okay?"

She looked at me and nodded she walked and slipped on her flipflops. I went and got a new bag and put her clothes, shoes and toothbrush and picked her up. I slowly carried her to my room and sat her on my bed. I then walked over to the door and locked it, then set her bag outside the window with mine. I pulled out my phone and checked my texts.

From: Trevor

Okay are you okay?!?! What's going on.


From: Trevor

We are down the road hurry.

I text back:

To: Trevor

Okay on my way

I put my phone in my back pocket with my money and climbed out, then I grabbed my sister Samantha, but I call her Sammy. I grabbed our bags and started walking with her holding my hand.

"Sammy, hurry please." I said to her.

We finally got there I saw the car and started tearing up, I was almost free.

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