Chapter Thirty Seven

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I heard the lock on the door brake, he was in. He was not impressed either. I looked back from the window and kept screaming for help, hoping somebody, anybody would hear.

I was crying and pleading, he looked at me and gave me a dirty smile and said, "I've got you now! Where the hell is Sammy?!" 

I flinched at his words but mustered enough to scream, "I'll never tell you! Over my dead body! You are a horrible person!"

He giggled and lunged at me, I ducked and tried to run. I felt him grab my arm, holding tightly. He came closer and whispered in my ear, "You shouldn't have left." The sound of his voice made my skin crawl as if one thousand little spiders were crawling on me. 

"I'm glad I left! I hat you!" I screamed, I tried to wiggle and fight my way out of his grip. It was no use. I was tapped and if I didn't think fast I'd be dead. I looked at his hand, where I had just stabbed him was wrapped in a towel, The first thing I could think of it stab him again. I looked around for something sharp. The nearest thing was the scissors on the floor, ever those where pretty far. I took the chance and kicked him. He doubled over letting go of my arm, I then scurried over and tried to give the scissors. 

As I was reaching for them I felt his large hands grab onto my ankle, I kicked and kept trying to grab the scissors. It was no use he stood up and grabbed me by the arm, picking me up and slamming me against the wall, I felt everything in my body pained. I let out a loud cry and tried to stand up, as soon as I was on my feet his fist swiftly hit me in the face, I fell back from the blow. I could feel blood running down my face. 

"Now are you ready to talk? Where is she!?" He screamed at me, I felt spit hit my face as he yelled.

I slowly raised my arm to wipe the mix of blood, sweat, tears and spit from my face. I looked to his face only to see he had the biggest grin on his face, he always liked to see me in pain. I just had to not show any. "You'll have to kill me before I tell you where Sammy is!" I snapped back.

He smiled even wider a exclaimed, "We could make that happen, if you'd like!"

"Leave us alone!" I screamed feeling anger boiling up, "We have never done anything! Just go! We don't need you!"

"Trust me, you need me." My father remarked blandly.

"Why?!" I demanded before adding, "So you can make our life a living hell? No thanks just go!"

My father got closer and smiled, "Or what?" He said calmly pushing me down. 

"Trust me, Trevor will be coming any second and you'll regret ever coming here!" I screamed.

"Awww! That's sweet!" He said with fake cheerfulness, "You actually think he cares, you are so stupid. If he cared wouldn't he be here?"

I felt tears of anger run down my face mixing with my the blood, causing it to sting, "He does care! He cares more about me than you ever did!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

He walked leaned close and laughed in my face, he then reached back ready to slap me, I cover myself as much as possible and held in my pain cries. He started punching and kicking me everywhere, I felt the pain shooting through my body, ever so often it got to much and I let out a cry. A few blows later I was laying in a ball hugging my knees waiting for the blows to stop. When they did, I was covered in blood and to weak to move.

I could hear him laughing to himself and mocking me. "He cares about me." He giggled in a mocking voice. I was to beat up and hurt to say anything or move. But I tried to struggle through it, I looked up and saw him walking around the room which was covered in blood. I slowly started dragging myself to the door. I felt everything in my body scream in pain. But I kept going I got half way before my father noticed, He looked at me and said, "I don't think so sweetheart, nice try." He picked me up covered in blood and started throwing me around and beating me again. 

This time when he stopped, I felt the room spinning, I fought to not pass out. I felt my eyes getting heaver. The room started to go black. Finally I couldn't fight anymore. I let go and thought to myself "It's all over I'm dying." I felt somehow at peace. Everything was dark and peaceful.


I opened my eyes and felt all the pain come rushing back, I wasn't dead, just trapped. But where? I struggled to sit up. I looked around and saw I was in a small dirty room. The walls were white with the paint peeling off, Hard floors and one dirty mattress in the corner. On the other side was a door. I picked myself up fighting through the pain going through my body and looked at the door, of course it was locked from the outside. I listened and heard a soft voice coming from the other room, it belonged to a woman, she spoke to me calmly, "Hello? Are you okay?"

I pressed to the door and said, "Not really." I felt tears stream down my face. "Where am I?" 

"My name is Callie,  you are in Toms basement. I've been down here a while it's not to bad if you listen to him." 

I thought for a second, Tom? My fathers friend? Of course I'd be locked at his house, I started crying louder but managed to ask, "How long have you been here?" 

I heard her shifting in the other room before she replied, "I've been here the longest of all the girls. I've been here six years." 

I was in shock, six years?! "What?! Six years, others?! What's going on?!" I screamed.

"Shhhh! He'll hear you! Tom likes us to be silent, if we aren't he'll put a gag on you, calm down, I'm here okay? What's your name sweetheart?"  She talked to me calmly.

I tried to talk calmly but I only able to stutter, "M-my name is K-k-kitty." 

"Tom's friends daughter?" She asked sounding surprised.

"Yeah.." I tailed off before adding, "My father kidnapped me and brought me here."

I heard Callie sigh and reply, "I'm sorry, your father is a horrible man. We will get out someday I promise. We just have to wait." 

"Yes he is. I hope he gets what's coming, he deserves to die." I replied coldly. I really did hate that man with everything in my body.

"Kitty, where is your sister?" Callie asked from the other room.

"S-she's with my b-boyfriend still I wouldn't tell my father where she was, so he beat me." I felt the tears streaming. Poor Sammy, And the boys they most not have any idea what happened, I hoped they'd find me soon. 

"Good, She didn't need this, Trust me it'll be oka-" She cut off before whispering, "Shh Tom is coming, just listen to him."

I started crying even harder, I heard him go into Callies room and mumble to her, he then walked over to the door and unlocked it, he smiled widely as he walked in. I looked at his face and took in how he looked. He was tall, pale, and had dark drown hair with dark down eyes. 

He smiled at me and said, "Glad to see you're awake." He came in and slammed the door behind him. As he walked closer I could smell the booze on him. He stumbled over taking off his shirt, he then started to climb onto me, I quickly pushed him away and started crying, "Don't touch me creep!" I screamed.

"Oh. No reason to be salty." He chuckled.

He kept moving closer, he came up to me and pinned me down, he slowly went to my bottoms and took them off and smiled, I wiggled and screamed for help, but I knew nobody would come. 

He was going to rape me and I couldn't stop it, I hear Callie scream from the other room, "Tom stop! She's young, I'll do it again tonight!" 

He still held me down and turned to the door. What did she mean again?! this happened a lot?!

I heard her pleading in the other room as he thrusted into me. I let out a cry and tried to fight it, it was no use. The whole time he just held me down, I heard Callie yelling in the next room between my cries, when he was done with me he pushed me across the room and left, locking the door behind him. All I could do in curl into a ball half naked and cry. I wanted to die.

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