Chapter Forty Six

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 I knew what I was going to do, I walked to the front desk and waited for the lady to look up from the desk. When she did I looked at her and said, " If there are any people that want a interview, I'm up for it. Just let me know." The lady nodded and took down my contact information and told me to have a good day. All I had to do, is have someone interview me and I could tell them that Callie was looking for any of her family. But, for the time being she had nowhere...

I slowly walked over to the boys, not really sure what to say yet. I stood in front of them for a while before saying, "Callie? The girl I was found with? She has nobody... Can we help her at all? In any way?" I had no idea what to do to help but, I was hoping one of them would have an idea. I looked at them helplessly, they couldn't just leave her with nothing... could they?

Sam spoke finally, " How about this," He started thinking over what he was going to say carefully, " How about we give her some money for a hotel room, and for food? We can all put in a little." He looked to the other guys who nodded. 

"Thanks guys.. It really means a lot." I replied, I was just so thankful that they were going to help her. 

"No problem, she can't help what spot she's in, we can at least help her get on her feet." Sam said carefully.

"You know..." I said drifting off in thought for a second, "You guys are the best thing to happen to me and Sammy."  I got pulled into a group hug, it was painful for me even though they weren't putting like any pressure. I didn't say anything though, I missed them so damn much. 

I looked at the guys and got ready to go see Callie again and tell her the good news. On my way in I couldn't help but feel bad for her.. She had no family.. Nobody to look out for her. 

Once I was in the room and talked with her for a second I told her what was going on. I told her about how the boys wanted to help. 

"Kitty, I can't take their money." She insisted.

I looked at her and said, "Trust me, take it. We are just trying to help. Where will you go when you get out?" 

She nodded and slowly took the money. I sat with her for a bit longer and talked, when I realized I had kept the guys waiting for so long I gave her my phone number. I told Callie to give me a call as soon as she was in a hotel and safe. We said our goodbyes and I walked out.


Later at home: 

I walked into the house with everyone and let out a sigh of relief, I was home. This was my home. I was safe, no more worrying... at least not until the trail. I'd have to face Tom and my father if they had caught him. 

I stumbled around for a while before looking at Trevor, "Hey.. I feel fucking gross.. I'm gonna go get in the shower." 

He looked at me and gave a concerned look, "Are you sure you can stand like that, I mean no offence.. but you can barely walk for more than five seconds without getting dizzy." 

I looked at him and said, "Yeah... I can handle it.. I love you.." 

I looked into his eyes he was still worried, " I love you too...." He trailed off, "Can I at least help you to the bathroom?" 

I nodded, because honestly I wasn't sure if I would have made it. But I wasn't willing to tell him that. I was just to thin and weak. 

Trevor walked over to me and slowly helped me walk into the bathroom, he then pecked me on the lips and walked out, on the way he turned and said, "If you need me just say something I'll be right outside." 

I agreed because frankly it made me feel better that someone was right outside if I yelled. I slowly made my way to the mirror and look into it... to myself I still looked fat, I knew deep down I wasn't by any means... but, your mind plays tricks on you when you'd die to be perfect. I turned and lifted my shirt taking it off slowly and looking in the mirror. To other people I looked like a walking bag of bones but, I saw someone who needed to lose more weight. I pushed those thoughts aside and slowly pealed the rest of everything off and made my way to the shower. I sat naked on the edge and tried to get my head from spinning, while sitting there I turned on the water and waited for it to warm up before adjusting it to my liking. 

Once in the shower I began to slowly wash up my body and hair. Everything hurt. After a few minutes my head started to pound and I got dizzy again, I carefully slid to the floor and sat letting the hot water hit my skin. I then started to think about my short while with Tom, beaten, raped and more... I'd never gotten to chose when I lost my virginity... and nobody knew. I began to cry softly to myself on the floor of the shower. 

I sat thinking and crying silently to myself when I heard Trevor's voice, "Hey babe... It's been a while, you okay?" 

I stopped and replied, "Yeah, just finishing, I'll be out in a sec. Hey um... could you get me some clothes please?" 

"Sure." I heard faintly as he was walking away. I finished washing myself and got out, I wrapped the towel around myself and opened the door. I smiled as I saw Trev sitting with clothes right outside the door on his phone, probably tweeting. 

He looked up and noticed I was standing there, Trevor stood up and came over to me pulling me close even though I was soaking wet. "I missed you so much.." He whispered into my ear.

I smiled and pulled back, "I missed you too... I'm going to go get dressed, then we can watch a movie? Maybe?" I asked softly. Trev smiled and nodded in agreement before I walked into the bathroom with the clothes and got dressed. I smiled at the choice of clothing he gave me, a pair of his sweats and a baggy t-shirt. Because these things used to be baggy on me before I now looked like I was swimming in clothes. I didn't care though. I just tied the drawstrings tighter and walked over to the skin, grabbed my toothbrush and began to brush my teeth. It felt so amazing to have clean teeth again. Once I was done I rinsed my mouth and put the toothbrush away before walking out of the bathroom and joining Trevor and Sammy in his room. The lights were already off, Sammy was sitting on the floor and Trevor was on the bed. I smiled thinking about how good he was with her. I slowly made my way to the bed and slid under the covers with Trevor, watching the previews roll. I felt amazing, safe, and loved. 

I watched as the last preview played and the movie began, I smiled realizing he picked my favorite movie, 'Dirty Dancing'. I'm not sure why I loved the movie so much, it was just great to me. Us three watched the movie together, half way through I felt myself drift to sleep in his arms. I was safe with him, I knew this.


An: Hey guys! Sorry this has been so late.. I've been studying for tests and been really busy. Anyways, I know this isn't the best chapter but I tried to get one up for y'all. Don't forget to vote, comment what you think and follow me. I love you all so much! Stay perfect!

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