Chapter 3 | Watch & Learn

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Chris made his way to the tent of acrobats, dancers, and contortionists. The majority of them were all one in the same. Ashley smiled at him as she walked in, but her smile fell when she realized he wasn't here to visit her. He pursed his lips as he glanced at her. She sighed and went back to putting on her makeup for the show.

He made his way over to Ricky, who sat on a crate with a cigarette in his mouth. His makeup was already done, but he wasn't in his uniform yet. Ricky gave a dead stare to Chris. He looked back away as he ran a match along the side of the crate. It lit, providing him a flame to ignite his smoke. He waved out the match, then took a puff.

"Surprised you aren't off licking the new girl's pussy." He snit.

"Ricky," Chris sighed, "I know you haven't been here that long, but that's exactly why you should be welcoming to new people. You know what it's like to be an outsider. You've also been here long enough to know that sex means nothing."

"I know a lot of you freaks can fuck each other without emotion, but I'm not like that. It still hurts to watch someone you slept with the night before get all googly eyed for someone else." Ricky took a long drag, "I'm trying to get the hang of this whole fuckin' everyone with no strings attached thing, but I'm having trouble."

"Look, Beautiful," He gently put his large hand under Ricky's chin, "I understand sex can sometimes cause emotions, but that kind of sex... It's delicate and traditional. There's a lot of seduction and passion. There's not kinky shit in emotional sex. What happened last night was just a fucking. That's not to say that I won't fuck you again because that was amazing."

Ricky's walls were breaking, but he still fought to act angry. "Who says I'll want to fuck you again?" He scoffed.

Chris grabbed his free hand and set Ricky's palm against his crotch. Ricky gasped as he remembered what exactly was between his companion's legs. Chris leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Last night I made you cum four times. After the forth time, you passed out in my arms. You won't find that anywhere else. I know you'll be back."

He released his grasp on Ricky. The smaller swallowed a lump in his throat, thinking back to the events of the previous night. He crossed his legs to prevent anyone from seeing his growing hard on. Chris snickered under his breath. He knew he'd caught Ricky right where he wanted him.

"So I take it you're off to swoon Devin like you did to me last night."

Chris replied, "We'll see how things go. Maybe we might go for round two. I do enjoy the way you bend."

"Hm, you'll have to enjoy it purely on stage tonight. I've got plans." Ricky sassed him.

"Ah, I see. Well, I look forward to your act too." He numbly flashed a smile before walking away.

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Another full house. Each seat was taken and the crowd was amazingly reactive tonight. Devin stood in the wings of the stage the whole show to observe the acts. From magicians, to fire eating/breathing, to sword swallowing, it all mystified him. The talent under one tent was astonishing. Unfortunately for Josh, his fit that morning had cost him a good spot in the show. He was the opener and Nikki received one of the end slots.

Ashley joined him as his partner in crime. She would dance and contort herself for other acts, but next to Nikki, they were known as the Demon Couple. Nikki exhibited grand escapes and tricks. The real shocker of the night though, was their wheel trick. He was strapped onto a spinning wheel. Nikki had a sick smile on his face, as if he enjoyed the thrill of almost dying.

She gave him a good spin to start him off. How he wasn't puking already, Devin had no idea. Ashley picked up three shinny throwing knifes. She raised one in her right hand and tossed it at the spinning wheel. The crowd gasped, but Nikki simply laughed. Somehow he liked the sensation of fear associated with a dagger landing right next to his leg. The second knife thrown landed an inch away from his head, and the third hit less than a centimeter away from his hip.

Ashley stopped the wheel from spinning. She pulled the daggers out, putting one in each of Nikki's hands. The third she placed between his teeth. Ashley undid the buckles holding his legs and arms to the board. He jumped down, taking a bow. The crowd cheered for their magnificent feat. A stage hand quickly rushed out to remove the wheel.

Manson entered the stage, doing his whole spiel about the show closing out. Devin suddenly jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She glanced behind herself to see Chris towering over her. This was the first time she had seen him with makeup. He was beyond stunning. Devin absentmindedly trailed her hand down her side. She clutched the fabric of her dress as she gawked at his sexiness.

Chris went out on the stage, and the voice that came out of him made her tremble. She knew then and there she had to have him. He sang out the lyrics, but she didn't even pay attention to them. Devin was too focused on thinking about how his voice would sound in the bedroom. She wanted to make him sing for a whole other reason.

He glanced back at her standing side stage. She must look like a fool, she thought. She was obviously enthralled with his pure existence. Chris winked at her, causing her to blush. She glanced down at her shoes with a smile. The other cast members went out on the stage for their final bow. As the curtain closed, Chris was quick to walk over to the red cheeked beauty. He opened his mouth to speak, but someone else called for him.

"Nevermind," He sighed, "I'll talk to you later."

Devin nodded. As Chris walked past her, he slapped her ass. She jumped from surprise and glanced back at him. Chris looked over his shoulder with a smirk.

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