Chapter 22 | Hurt

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It was so early in the morning, the sun wasn't even fully up. Everyone was asleep, including Angelo. Well, that was until his trailer door was abruptly opened and he was picked up by his neck, straight out of his bed. He woke up instantly, trying to grasp what was going on. He was suddenly thrown over the edge of his counter, hearing a familiar voice.

"You're a smart man, but you do very stupid things. I don't understand that." Chris sneered.

Angelo fought to catch his breath. "How'd you find out?"

"I have ears and eyes around this whole camp. You know I run this place as much as Marilyn does." He grabbed a handful of Angelo's hair, pulling his head back. "That's why it just baffles me why you chose to do what you did. You've got a choice. Either you never feel my dick inside of you again, or you give me an apology, and I don't mean just saying you're sorry. You know what I want to hear."

Chris slipped his free hand down Angelo's boxers and hooked a finger inside of him. Instantly, he became week and regretted everything he'd done. There was no feeling in the world comparable to the way Chris could pleasure him. All his talk about not needing Chris, suddenly crumbled and he turned back into the giant's little bitch.

"I'm sorry, Chris. I'm so sorry." He pleaded. "I'm just a desperate little slut and I was jealous you were giving Devin all your attention. I missed the feeling of your massive cock ramming my ass. Please, I'm sorry! I can't live without you."

"And?" He hissed into his ear.

"And I'd do anything for you. I'm sorry I let someone else fuck me. I'm only yours to fuck. I'm your whore and no one else's."

Chris smiled like the Devil as he rested his face next to Angelo's. "I've got you trained so well. Apparently not well enough though. Tell me what you're going to do to make up for this."

"Whatever you want me to do." He replied without missing a beat.

"Good boy." Chris spoke as he pulled his fingers out of Angelo. "I have to get back to Devin. After the show tonight, you're going to come to my trailer wearing something nice for me. And don't you dare touch yourself today. You're still my favorite toy, but you're on probation for right now."

He shoved Angelo to the floor, just to make a point. Chris exited the trailer and left Angelo to wallow in his own self pity.

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As Chris walked back into his trailer, Devin woke up. She stared up at him with her hair in every direction and clothes disheveled. "Mhf. Where did you go?" She asked groggily.

"I just had to have a little talk with Angelo." He replied so innocently. "Nothing important, though it reminds me, we need to talk too." Chris climbed back into bed with her, allowing her to lay against him. "You know I treat my play things very well. I'll always put you before me, but I want you to know, the one thing I do expect from you is that you don't sleep with other people."

"Angelo already informed me, no one is to fuck what you fuck except for you. I don't need anyone else or their cock. Yours is the best there is, and no one can make me cum like you can." She responded.

He earned a smile, "Good. Just for that, you deserve a treat."

"Mm, I'm too tired." She mused and fell against his chest.

"Alright." He snickered and kissed her forehead, "When you wake, then."

She smiled softly and began to drift off. Chris wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close. He closed his eyes and started to fall asleep himself. Suddenly, a loud noise from outside jolted him awake. Devin also woke back up, barely being asleep in the first place. They listened again, hearing a scream.

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A taller heavy set man, dressed in white with his face covered by a scarf, attempted to keep Twiggy in his arms

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A taller heavy set man, dressed in white with his face covered by a scarf, attempted to keep Twiggy in his arms. He fought against his attacker, screaming out and crying. The unnamed and unknown man attempted his best to pull the smaller out of the camp. Twiggy kicked and scratched at him, making it nearly impossible for him to continue to walk.

Barely even fully awake to comprehend the situation, Kuza was the first out of his trailer. He recognized the attacker as his own from days prior. He took a glass whiskey bottle from his trailer and ran up behind the man, breaking it over his head. Finally, it caused him to drop Twiggy. As more freaks emerged from their tents, he quickly realized he was outnumbered and began to run for the road.

Twiggy, being the terrified and scared being he was, cowered away from anyone that approached. Kuza sighed and understood there was nothing he could do to comfort him.

"Where's Manson?" He asked gently.

Still hyperventilating, he managed to respond, "Our trailer... They... They knocked him out."

"Someone grab a medic and bring him to Manson's trailer." He yelled to the crowd of people observing. Ashley began to walk towards the area the medic would be found in, and Nikki followed. Kuza sighed, looking to the shaking freak in front of him. "I'm not going to touch you. I promise, but I will take you back to your trailer, okay?"

Twiggy hesitated before nodding. Kuza guided him back to his trailer slowly, somehow having patience for his skittishness. In the time it took, Ashley and Nikki managed to get the medic. They entered the trailer that had it's door forced open. Manson was passed out on the floor. He started to come to, probably from the noises and the fresh air entering the trailer.

He forced himself to sit up. Twiggy instantly fell to the ground, breaking out in tears and snuggling up to Manson as close as he possibly could.

"Someone broke into our trailer. Two men. They started to take him, and knocked me out." Manson stated, his voice laced with anger.

"We only saw one man, but either way, we managed to get Twiggy back from him." Kuza replied, "He's traumatized."

"No shit." He wisped and pulled Twiggy closer. "Secure the camp grounds and alert Zombie and Sixx. Make sure no one comes in or out of the camp."

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