Chapter 11 | The Monster

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As Devin laid on the bed, she felt in utter ecstasy. Chris had massaged and relaxed every inch of her body. He only had one area left to pleasure. Of course he saved the best for last. She bent her long legs and he began to rub circles on her clit. She instantly moaned and watched him intently. He reframed from entering her with his tongue and only used it along her outer parts.

Devin closed her eyes and continued to moan. He sucked gently on her clit, continuing to rub it. His speed increased gradually until she eventually lunged up from pleasure. Devin met a sweet orgasm that lasted as good amount of time. She fought to catch her breath as she watched him move positions on the bed. Chris sat down next to her, giving her a kiss.

"Lay back again, Beautiful." He instructed her.

She did as he asked. Though he didn't need it, he still grabbed the lube. He spread some on two of his fingers before entering her. Once he found her G-spot, he began to move his hand up and down against it. Devin arched her back and dug her hands into the blankets.

"Oh, Chris!" She cooed.

He smiled at her pleasure. Chris applied pressure against the G-spot and held it there as she climaxed. She almost screamed his name as she squirted. As she came down from her high, she buried her face in the pillow beside her. She'd never felt so amazing before in her life. Devin's body shook as she tried to sit up. Chris caught her, kissing her lips once more.

"That was the best orgasm I've ever had in my life." She mused and set her hand between his legs.

"Yet still hungry for more." He chuckled.

"Mmf, I've heard stories around camp about your cock. I want to see it already." She begged, "Please, Chris."

He gently kissed her pouty lips, "You can soon. I'm not done pleasing you just yet."

She smiled, satisfied with his answer. Devin laid back down and Chris got on top of her. He crawled down the bed slightly to be at level with her breasts. Chris licked her nipple, then began to suck on it. Once the first had become hard, he repeated the process on the second. He then got down between her legs again. Placing two of his fingers inside of her, he began to please her once again. It was even easier this time because she'd come sensitive. He pit his mouth on her clit as he fingered her.

Devin was yelling at the top of her lungs for him. He was pleasing her beyond her wildest dreams. This kind of pleasure, she didn't think was possible. Her body seized and tears ran from her eyes as she came harder than she ever had before. She lost any sound in her throat, it was that good. Chris slowly pulled his hand out of her and let her body relax.

She was lifeless from exhaustion. He moved next to her, laying down and pulling her in against his chest.

"Thank you." She panted through a barely audible voice.

"It was my pleasure." He kissed her cheek, "Do you still want to see my cock, or do you need a nap after that?"

"Mmm," Devin buried her face against his chest. "Nap now, cock later."

He smiled softly and pushed her hair out of her face for her. Devin snuggled her naked body up against his. He pulled the sheets around her and let her sleep. She was beautiful, even when she was beyond beat. Originally, Chris had done this to one-up Ricky. Seeing the way she looked in pleasure, and the peacefulness on her face as she slept, he might've grown a different appreciation for her.

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Devin ended up sleeping throughout the night. She was bright as the sun when she awoke the next morning. The trailer had already been parked at the fairgrounds of their next location. El Paso, Texas. Officially being in the south, they'd expect a lot more bigotry. It was nothing that got them down though. Honestly, nothing could take away Devin's happiness.

"Morning, Beautiful." Chris greeted her as she wandered out of the back bedroom.

She slipped into some night clothes she had brought with her. He sat at the small table beside the bench, drinking hot coffee.

"Morning." She sleepily replied.

"There's coffee and fruit out in the food tent." He told her.

Devin looked in the mirror hanging from the closet. She fixed her makeup and hair with her hands. Once she was pleased with her appearance, she skipped over to him. Chris gladly wrapped his arm around her waist and looked up at her from where he sat.

"I don't want coffee and fruit for breakfast." She sweetly said.

"Mmm, and what do you want?" He asked.

She ran her hand down his chest slowly and sat in his lap, "Something a little sweeter."

Chris played hard to get, "Yeah? And what's that?"

"I think you know. Don't make me beg." She pouted.

He snickered, "I don't know if you're ready. You could barely take what I did to you last night." His words were just barely cut off by a knock at the door. "Come in!"

The door opened and one of the other performers, Ronnie, stepped on. His mouth was open, ready to speak, but the sight in front of him made him pause. Devin hadn't seen him before, same as he hadn't seen her. All she knew was she instantly didn't like him.

"Well, who's this?" Ronnie asked as he reached his hand out to her face.

She flinched back and Chris put a protective arm over her. "Don't touch her." He growled. "Her name is Devin. She's one of the new freaks. Dev, this is Ronnie. He works with the animals."

"Lion tamer." He flashed an unsettling grin.

"Really? I thought you were the clown." She sneered.

Chris gently squeezed her side to tell her now was not the time. He coldly stared at Ronnie, "What do you want, Radke?"

"Manson wants your help hanging some banners. Told me to come tell you. I'll watch your little girlfriend for you while you're gone, if you want."

"She's not a dog." He scowled, "She doesn't need to be 'watched', especially not by the likes of you. I'll be out to help him in a minute."

Ronnie rolled his tongue along the inside of his mouth as he looked Devin up and down. She clung to Chris, uncomfortable with what was going on. Ronnie then excused himself from the trailer, not even fully closing the door as he left. Devin stood from Chris' lap to allow him to stand. He walked over to the closet, closing the front door on his way.

Chris pulled Devin's dress from last night out. "Get dressed, Beautiful. I don't want to leave you in here alone after that."

"What's his problem?" She asked while taking off her pajama bottoms. Devin slipped her top off as well and folded them both neatly on the counter.

"He's got a complex because he has a little dick. At least, that's my guess." He snickered.

She took her dress from him, laughing at his comment. Devin stepped into the garment and pulled it up to her shoulders. Chris stepped behind her and did up the button in the back for her.

"Thanks." She told him with a genuine smile.

A grin grew on his face without him even realizing it. "It's no problem, Angel."

Chris set his large fingers under her chin. He kissed her forehead. Then the two made their way out of the trailer, going to join the rest of the crew for the day.

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Mmkay, give me some more suggestions for what you'd like to happen next :)

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