Chapter 6 | Teeth

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The fair grounds of western Arizona were lit with brightly by the bulbs of the carnival. Folks filed into the big top as the sun lowered. They excitedly watched the opening acts, unknowing of all that awaited them. Backstage, crew and performers ran around frantically trying to get ready.

Devin sat at a mirror in the corner of the room, carefully lining her lips. Her legs were crossed, exposed just enough in her new dress. Ricky walked over to her to see how close she was to being ready. They had to go on in only a few minutes. He opened his mouth to speak, but lost his words when he noticed her long legs. She leaned forward closer to the mirror to apply her lipstick. Her ass was pushed out and back arched. Ricky suddenly fell into the same trance the others had.

"Fuck." He muttered to himself.

That's when Devin realized he was standing there. She glanced up from under her black sunhat, revealing a face of true beauty. For the first time since she came here, her cleavage was also exposed. Her new dress fit her very well, and Ricky no longer had to wonder about the figure that laid underneath.

"Guys!" Ashley snapped at both of them, "We're on in two minutes."

Ricky sighed and walked to the side of the stage with her. Devin stood from the vanity and followed. Somehow even with her height, she could walk in the dirt in heals. Ashley and Ricky disappeared into the catwalk to suspend themselves from silk. She was left alone going out on that stage. With the seats now full, it was a lot more intimidating.

"Please, give a round of applause for our fire breathers." Manson spoke as he gestured them off stage. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, you get to be the first to lay witness to our newest monster. She is the tallest woman in Northern America, the Amazon Woman."

The crowd fell silent in anticipation. Lights lowered as her heals clicked against the wooden floor of the stage. Each step echoed through the big top like a bullet fired from a gun. She allowed the shade of her hat to hide her face as her hand adorned with rings wrapped around the mic. Her soft voice sexily gasped into the mic as the music began.

Slowly, the lights rose as the acrobats ascended from the Heavens. The audience could now see her beauty in all it's glory, and hear her gorgeous voice. Her dress now had a slit going up both sides, leaving a strip of fabric to very sensually fall between her legs. The top of the dress was purely lace, allowing her black bra to show. From the waist up, it was skin tight. She was a vision, and her voice, a song of love.

"Don't be scared. I've done this before. Show me your teeth. Don't want no money; That shit's is ugly. Just want your sex. Take a bit of my bad girl meat; Take a bite my me. Show me your teeth. Let me see your mean. Got no direction, I need direction. Just got my vamp!"

Devin's hand ran down the thin mic pole as she sang. The men drooled over her, and even some women found themselves questioning their sexuality. She was oozing sexy as she performed. Chris watched her from the wings of the stage. He was utterly captivated in her existence. The audience seemed to be just as hypnotized.

With a smirk, she darted her eyes at Chris side stage. "Tell me something that'll save me. I need a man who makes me alright. Just tell me when it's alright. Tell me something that'll change me. I'm gonna love you with my hand tied!"

His breath caught in his throat. Devin gave him a feeling like no one ever had before. An electric sensation ran along his skin. She knew she'd gotten to him too. Her smirk remained as she looked back at the audience. Of course, Ricky was on that stage too. He noticed the way Chris couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

As the song ended, the audience gave a standing ovation. Devin was completely overwhelmed with joy. All her doubt has washed away. Ashley and Ricky stepped up behind her and the three took a bow. Manson reentered the stage and grabbed the mic.

"The Amazon Woman!" He gestured back towards her, smiling when he saw how enthralled the crowd was with the beauty.

The three performers excused themselves from the stage as he went into introducing Chris' act. It'd be the last act of the night. Devin received several applauded and congrats as she walked through the backstage area. She found her way to the vanity she'd been at earlier, taking just a mere moment to freshen up. They'd have to return to the stage shortly for the final bow.

Devin stood leaned over as she powdered her face. Ricky walked up behind her, but she barely paid much mind to him. He suddenly put his hand on her lower back as he leaned against the vanity. Devin looked up at him with wonder as to what he was doing.

"I'd like to talk to you alone after the show, while the others are at dinner." He told her, letting his hand travel lower on her body.

She opened her mouth to respond, but instead a moan came out. Ricky had slipped his hand under her dress and just barely graced the outside of her thong. It was enough to make a whore like her want more. She got the message and simply replied with a smirk. Devin stood straight once again and strutted back to the wings of the stage.

Chris was just in the last verse of his song. The several performers lined up began to enter the stage. Devin couldn't help but smile when she heard his voice. She followed her fellow monsters onto the stage, Ricky being right behind her.

"You dress so messed up, your hair is too long, but I'm changing all of the time. We march and we fall. We're one and for all. It's just evil all of the time, all of the time. Evil all the time. We are the fiend club. We are the fiend club. We are the fiend club. Not you! Not you! We are the fiend club!"

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