Chapter 18 | Choose

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"I'm going to kill those mother fuckers!" Maria yelled, then cringed as her raised voice caused a shooting pain in her head. She sat on a crate while Angelo cleaned blood off of her.

Chris sighed, "Keep your voice down. I know you're angry, but we're just happy you're home."

"Hm, what's got you so fucking soft?" She snit. Maria raised her leg up and rested her heel against his upper leg.

He narrowed his eyes, "Look, I want to kill them too, but I'd rather be fucking than murdering." Chris grabbed onto her ankle, running his hand down her thigh, "Besides, the last thing we need is a legitimate reason for people to hate us."

"You two want to wait until I leave?" Angelo muttered.

"Then leave." Maria growled.

"I'm not going to fuck her tonight." Chris replied as he brushed her leg off of him. "She needs her rest. Plus, I still have a little raccoon infestation."

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Devin and Angelo walked into Ange's trailer. The show had ended and it was time to hit the road to the next town. New Orleans, which also happened to be their favorite city. It was the one city they weren't complete freaks in. Everyone enjoyed the dead and partying amongst them.

Angelo pushed Devin over the edge of the counter. He pulled her hair and slipped two fingers inside of her. "Hm, not so tight anymore." He smirked.

"I've gotten more cock in this past week than I have in the last year. One of those cocks also happened to be longer than my face and too thick for me to wrap my hand around." She responded.

"I know. The whole camp knows. It's a little hard to keep quiet when he fucks you." Angelo said, "But I enjoy the sounds you make, even if I'm not the one provoking them."

He began to move his fingers in and out of her. She grabbed onto the edge of the counter, moaning, and pushed back against him. Angelo continued to fuck her with his fingers until she reached an orgasm. Once she did, she almost fell onto the floor. Her legs were weak.

"I want your cock." Devin whined.

Angelo laughed as he went over to his cot. "I'm not that stupid."

She stared at him strangely, "What do you mean?"

"Once Chris has picked you as one of his toys, he gets a little possessive. He'll kill anyone else that puts their dick inside of you." He explained and took a drink from his coffee.

"I didn't know that..." She muttered, "Well, let's hope for Nikki's sake, he doesn't find out what I did today."

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Ricky laid comfortably on Chris' chest. There wasn't an inch of clothing on either of them, only blankets. They sat in silence with only the noises of the road under them. Ricky glanced out the window at the motioned horizon. It was dark out, being nighttime and all. The stars sparkled so brightly.

"You need to make up your mind." Chris suddenly said.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"I know you've been fucking Ryan and Kuza for a place to stay. The holes I fuck, I expect I'm the only one fucking them. So either you're everyone else's slut, or you're my slut. Even though I like the dirty little thing you are, I suggest you choose to be everyone else's slut. It doesn't matter how much you suck my cock. I'm not going to let you stay here every night."

"Oh." He murmured. "I'll think about it."

Chris ran his hand up and down Ricky's side, "You know, Ryan really cares about you and you keep breaking his heart by fucking around like this."

"Funny, someone else has been doing that to me. I guess I didn't realize I was doing it to him." He responded and borrowed his head deeper into Chris to indicate he wanted to go to sleep.

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"Ryan?" Ricky softly asked as he walked into the talent's tent.

Ryan glared at him over his shoulder, "What do you need?"

He slightly flinched, "I just wanted to talk."

"If it's not related to the show, I don't want to hear it." He stated.

"Please!" Ricky sadly pleaded.

"I said no!" Ryan snapped.

Ricky flinched again and quickly ran out of the tent. He kept going until he was behind someone's trailer. He didn't pay much attention to whose it was. Back inside the tent, Ryan released a long, trapped breath. He rested his head in his hands and let his eyes well slightly. He didn't want to do that to Ricky, but he was sick of the cycle of abuse. Ricky would fuck someone else, then apologize to Ryan, then repeat. It was too much for him.

"You okay?" Kuza asked him.

Ryan sniffed and brought his head back up. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"Fine doesn't mean fine."

"Mike," He barked, "Drop it."

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Ricky sank to his knees and allowed himself to cry. He hadn't realized of all trailers he could decide to bawl behind, he had picked Manson's and Twiggy's. At this point in the day, Manson would be conducting practice for the show. Being the overprotective boyfriend he was, he would leave Twiggy in the locked trailer.

"Are you okay?" Twiggy's soft voice startled Ricky.

He jumped out of his skin because he hadn't heard him approach. Ricky wiped his eyes, "I-I'm fine."

"No." Twiggy simply said. He rarely said anything, and when he did, it was the least amount of words he could.

"What are you doing out here?" Manson asked as he approached the trailer. He wrapped his arm around Twiggy, making sure there wasn't a scratch on him. "You know I don't want you out alone like this."

Wordlessly, he pointed to Ricky. The performer struggled to his feet, saying, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just trying to find a quiet place."

Manson sighed, "What happened?"

"Nothing. It, it was my fault, what happened. I was messing with someone's emotions and when I decided to make amends, they turned me away. I don't blame them." He mumbled, "I'm just going to... go, now."

"You know you shouldn't be alone. Not with current situations. Walk with me back to the stage and you can go sit back in the props area." He said, then looked to his boyfriend, "You too. I don't like you wondering around like this."

"Okay." Was all Twiggy said.

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Sorry this update was really choppy. Give me more ideas on what should happen next?

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