Chapter 19 | Tower Fall

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Nikki muffled a yell the best he could as his face as slammed into the side of a trailer. There was nothing he could do in this situation. Chris was much, much more powerful than him. Fighting back would be idiotic, plus this is the price he had to pay for fucking a girl that wasn't his.

"If I ever find out you touched her again, I will cut off one of your limps. I don't care how good of friends we are. Devin is mine, and no one else's." He growled.

"Fuck, fine. I won't touch her." He said, which made Chris let go of him. Nikki rolled back his shoulders and added, "To be completely fair, she wanted it."

Chris grasped him by the neck and threw him up against the trailer again. He started to squeeze down on Nikki's throat out of anger, but let go. Chris grasped his own chest and began to take heavy breaths. Despite getting his ass kicked by Chris, Nikki still became worried.

"Are you okay?" He asked quickly.

"I, I just need a breather." He murmured.

Chris reached towards a crate to try to balance some of his weight on it. His legs then fell under him and he collapsed to the ground. Nikki rushed to his side, yelling for someone to get help.

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Devin stood on the stage she'd become comfortable with. The seats were empty, except for Manson and Twiggy sitting in the front row to watch her practice. As she sang her newest song, her mind was off wondering on other topics. Her heart wasn't in the sexy lyrics, and neither was her body.

"Stop, stop." Manson interrupted. The band cut out and he continued, "Something is wrong. You have zero passion for this."

Devin sighed, "I... I'm just not in the mood to be singing some siren song. Can I just do Pity Party tonight?"

"This is New Orleans. You have to sing something sexy." He stressed.

Twiggy pulled on Manson's sleeve, earning his attention. He muttered something to his partner that no one else could hear. Manson sighed and nodded to Twiggy, then looked up at Devin.

"I have a song that'll be a... Compromise. It's both sad and sexy. If you're up to learning something new." Manson said.

"I guess." She muttered.

He stood up, leaving Twiggy to be watched by the crew. Manson walked back to the props tent where Ricky was having a pity party of his own. He sat on a crate full of swords for Kuza's set. Manson grabbed a smaller crate off of the ground. Popping open the top, he started to go through sheet music.

"So, who'd you fuck over?" He asked the silent acrobat.

"Ryan." He muttered.

"And who fucked you over?"

Ricky stared back at him tiredly, "Hm?"

Manson pulled out the papers he was looking for. He sighed as he closed up the crate again, "Life is a vicious cycle. It takes pain to create pain. Someone had to have hurt you for you to do it to someone else. Who was it?"

He looked down at his hands, fiddling with them, "Chris."

"I see." He replied, "Well, it's not much of my business, but I do see the things that go on. You should fight for the one that's fought for you, and from all I've seen, that's been Ryan."

"I know." He muttered.

Manson said nothing more and walked back to the main tent. Devin leaned down from the stage to take the pages from him as he offered them up to her. She walked over to the band and handed them their scores. Devin flipped through the sheets, reading over the lyrics.

"Will that work?" He asked.

She nodded, "Yeah. I like this, a lot. Let's do a run through of it."

Manson sat back down next to his love, putting his arm over Twiggy. Devin began to walk back over to the mic, when Kuza suddenly came running in. He rushed over to Manson, but he didn't do a good job at keeping quiet about his message.

"Chris just collapsed." He blurted out.

"What?" Devin gasped.

"Get the medic." Manson responded and stood up, "Where is he?"

"Ash and Nikki got him laying down in his tent." Kuza said.

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Chris was groggy ever since he collapsed. The medic was rushed to help him, though he insisted he was fine. Nikki thought it was best if he kept his distance after what did happen earlier between them. So, only Ashley and Angelo stayed by his side. Manson and Twiggy came into the trailer to check on their star. Devin followed, worried about him, but stayed far back.

"How is he?" Manson asked the medic.

"His heart has to take care of a very large body. It's easy for it to get overloaded. He got too angry and his blood pressure went too high. That's all. I suggest he stays on bedrest for a few days." The medic said.

"A few days?" He sneered, "He can't miss a performance. He's the star of the show!"

He sighed, "He can perform, but the other twenty three hours of the day, he should be in this bed. Is there anyone that can take care of him?"

"I can." Devin spoke up. "That is, if he wants me to."

"I wouldn't want anyone else, Princess." He muttered.

Hurt washed over Angelo's face. He stood up, wordlessly walking out. Angelo didn't blame Devin at all, but what Chris said definitely did pierce his delicate heart. Ashley, feeling with a heavy heart, got up and followed the fortunate teller out. The moment left tension in the air.

Manson sighed, "Just make sure you come to the tent around four so we can finish your practice." He told Devin. "Get some rest, Chris. I don't want this to happen again."

He and Twiggy excused themselves, along with the medic. After the door shut, Devin walked to the back bedroom where he laid. She sat on the edge of the bed, smiling down at him.

"I guess you're stuck with me for awhile." She softly said.

He wrapped his hand around her waist, "Wouldn't have it any other way."

Devin was tempted to ask what got him pissed earlier. She feared it would raise his blood pressure again, and kept her mouth shut. Instead, she snuggled up against him and rested with him as long as she could.

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I keep fucking forgetting to mention, I have a new story! It's Ghorror, called The Devil Wears Prada. It's going to be very gory and angry like Sanity!

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