Chapter 35 | Over You

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Prints and drawings covered the Victorian wallpaper of a tattoo parlor. The old school letters on the glass front read "Strange and Unusual", which Ryan could only guess was more of a warning than a name. He pulled open the front door, making the little better chime.

The blonde greeter with a familiar perfume coming off her blouse spoke without looking up, "Welcome to The Strange and Unusua-" Maria paused as she had met her eyes to the new walk in. A smile met her lips, "I'd bargain to say this isn't a coincidence."

"Far from it." Ryan chuckled, "I came here for Ryan-Ashley and Josh, but I'll take you with me too."

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A haze; A specific spinning, only categorized as a hangover. The rush of red walls blurred around Angelo. His head was killing him, yet he was in need of the one remedy for depression that doesn't leave you needing an Aspirin.

Production for the show had already started. The casino's previously retired theater room had been dusted off and was in the process of minor renovations. While everyone had left it vacant in this early morning hour, Angelo wondered in. He looked out from the old stage, at all those seats. He'd never been one to act on the stage, but apparently Manson had different ideas about Angelo's new role in the show. He'd rattle on about it.

Angelo didn't care much. He couldn't feel emotion for anything anymore. Even his encounter with Ricky, he felt less remorse than he should have. Being back here, back around his family, is making exposing all his nerve endings. As the drugs wore off, he not only was feeling again, he was feeling too much. There was still two people yet to be found, and at this point, he was hoping they weren't.

That was the last person he wanted to see. How was he supposed to get sober if the source of his agony was around him? He ran his hand down the mic placed in the middle of the stage. It looked almost exactly like the same one Chris used to sing in three years ago. In fact, it was the same one. Manson kept a few things from the show, and this was unfortunately one of them.

Angelo wondered over to the piano sitting idol along the left side of the stage. Music had already been placed on it. Old sheets, of scores he hadn't heard in years. He sat down at the bench and read over the lyrics. Angelo could hear Chris' voice in his head singing these songs, so vividly. Oddly, the memories were causing a small smile to form on his face. He shuffled through more of the music and lost any happiness he had when he ran across the papers for "Coma White".

His anger then took him over to think of Devin. The way she stole Chris away, the way she blatantly helped him abuse Angelo. Ange began to remember once again why he let go of Chris. Why, he didn't fight. He didn't run after him. The raw memory of his capture was coming back to him the most.

Sitting in that cabin, with a shotgun reflecting off of his ice blue eyes. He had ran his mouth off to that guard to the point he had even forgotten Twiggy was there. Somehow he managed to loosen then ropes around Twiggy's wrists earlier and he got away. Of course the mindless guards blamed Angelo and were ready to make him pay.

As the Nazi loaded the shotgun, a shot fired off. Angelo quavered as the blood and brain matter of his capture sprayed across his face. The body fell and Nikki stood in place, a smoking gun at his fingertips. Ashley wasn't far behind him, and Manson and Twiggy were back in the doorway. Chris was no where to be found. After all Angelo did for him, he couldn't bare to try to save his fucking life.

Angelo cried as he leaned over the piano. He wanted to scream, but he knew something that'd make him feel much better. He wiped away his tears and sniffled. Gently running his fingertips over the keys, he got his bearings once again. Angelo played a few stray notes, just to hear the noise resonate once again.

"Now that it's all said and done, I can't believe you were the one to build me up and tear me down, like an old abandoned house. What you said when you left, just left me cold and out of breath. I felt as if I was in way to deep. Guess I let you get the best of me.

Well, I never saw it coming. I should have started running, a long, long time ago! And I never thought I'd doubt you. I'm better off without you. More than you, more than you know. I'm slowly getting closure. I guess it's really over. I'm finally gettin' better. Now I'm picking up the pieces, from spending all of these years, putting my heart back together. 'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through, I got over you!"

"That song would be better on guitar." Manson spoke as he walked through the velvet curtains, "But it's got potential."

"If you want me to perform it in the show, you can forget about it." Angelo muttered, pushing himself away from the piano, "I was just getting out some emotions. When you can't put all your pain in a bottle or cry it out, you put it in a song and sing it out."

"That might as well be gospel. Ryan just got in from the airport. He brought Josh, Ryan-Ashley, and Maria with him. Kuza and Ashley are negotiating with Taylor to get Ricky out of his contract as we speak." He said.

"And all we need is Chris and Devin." He grumbled.

"Actually, Kuza and I discussed it last night. We've decided it's become too hard to find them right now and we're going to be going forward with the show, with or without them. Maybe if they hear of the show wherever they are, they'll be drawn in. Either way, we open in a week and a half. I'll be closing the show instead of Chris. Perhaps, you would like to take Devin's place and sing?"

His first reaction was to decline, due to his doubt of himself, but he stopped himself. Angelo looked up Manson's tall height for a moment. He started to walk off the stage, replying, "Why not? She took something I loved from me. I might as well take something she loved from her."

Manson sighed and yelled after him, "I guess I'd rather have you sober and angry than drunk and depressed. Where are you going?"

He opened the door leading back out to the casino, "Sleep off the remains of drunk and depressed me."

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