Chapter 48 | In These Arms

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Ricky leaned forward on the counter as he focused on getting his eyeshadow done. He was shirtless as he got ready, wearing only his necklace and jeans. Ryan wondered into the room after finishing practice. He was instantly captivated by the sight in front of him. He walked up behind Ricky and wrapped his arms around his torso.

"You're so sexy." He muttered as he nuzzled his raccoon's neck.

Ricky relaxed back into him, "Mm, I try my best for you."

Ryan slowly kissed his neck, making him moan softly. He slowly began to move his hand down Ricky's chest, giving him time to object if he didn't like where it was going. Ricky let him put his hand down the front of his jeans and palm him through his underwear.

"Do you want me to continue?" He whispered.

"Yeah." Ricky replied.

Ryan softly kissed his jaw, "Are you sure?"

He turned himself around in Ryan's arms to face him. With loving eyes, he said, "I'm sure." Then kissed him.

Gently, Ryan picked him up and set him on the counter. Ricky wrapped his legs around him as he kissed down his pale neck. He nuzzled down into his little raccoon's shoulder, "I love you. You know that, right?"

"You remind me every second of every day with the little things you do. I love you too." He mused, "I promise I'm ready. I'm just not sure you are."

"No, no. I am," He responded as he lifted his head, "I'm just... utterly terrified of ever hurting you. Plus, if we are going to take that dive, I want it to be special. Not a quickie before a show, you know?"

Ricky smiled softly, "I know." He reached forward and pecked Ryan's lips. "You're too good for me."

"Shush. I'm not. I'm just me, and I was just lucky enough to find a beautiful creature that thinks I'm great." He grinned as he ran his hand through Ricky's hair.

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Ashley sat atop a makeup table, swinging her legs, while she waited on Devin to finish getting ready. She observed people, as per usual. And the people she observed, they went about their usual habits as well. Ryan and Ricky messed around, to a cute point where it wasn't making anyone uncomfortable. The only people Angelo and Kuza were making uncomfortable were themselves, because they were trying to act like they weren't a thing. A few people still didn't know yet.

"Do you think those two will ever get married?" Ash pondered as she watched Manson zip up the back of Twiggy's dress for him.

Devin glanced back for a moment. She then looked back at the mirror to brush on her mascara, "I would like to hope." She chuckled, "They better."

Nikki wondered over to his two favorite ladies. He set his hand on Ashley's leg, smirking, "You two have fun last night?"

"Yes, we did." She boasted.

"You're going to join Chris and I tonight, right?" Devin asked.

"Of course. I did promise." His eyes lingered on the hem of her dress, "I swear your skirt keeps getting shorter."

"Gotta keep up with the times." She snickered, "It'll be on your floor soon enough. Now, shoe while I finish getting ready."

"You heard the lady." Ashley added.

"Women." Nikki snit as he walked off.

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Later that night, Nikki found himself catching Devin's thong as she threw it as him. He smirked idiotically, "I don't believe in God, but I swear on the Devil himself, that woman is not human."

She smirked as she leaned back on the bed. Chris laughed, "I know she isn't." He walked around the bed she sat on, examining her carefully. "Tell me what you want, pretty baby."

Devin sat up on her knees and ran her hands up his chest. "I want to explore some new territory." She rolled her hips back and bit her lip, "If you know what I mean."

"Enlighten me." He responded.

"I want you to fuck my pussy while Nikki fucks my ass." She smiled, then giggled when his eyes lit in amusement.

"You are one of a kind." Chris remarked. He pointed to the sheets, "Lay down so our guest can eat you out."

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Kuza gently suckled on Angelo's neck as the two laid in bed together. He wasn't even crazing sex and just wanted to be close to his angel. That didn't stop him from rubbing his pelvis against Angelo.

"Oh my God." Angelo gasped as he grinded down on him just the right way.

He smirked, "Sensitive?"

"Just a little." He muttered with a blush, "It's been awhile."

Kuza gently trailed his fingertips down Angelo's bare chest, making him shiver. He stopped at his belt, looking up at him. "May I?" He asked politely, to which Angelo nodded.

He undid his belt and pulled it from the loops. Then slowly pulled down Angelo's jeans. He kissed his hip gently, humming. Kuza looked up at him to make sure he was still okay with what was going on. He pulled down Ange's underwear very slowly until his growing member was set free. Kuza licked up his shaft slowly, then took in every inch.

Angelo titled his head back and tangled his hands in Kuza's hair. "Ohh, mmhf."

"You taste so good." He said as he came up for air. Kuza flipped his hair out of the way and went back down on his angel.

Angelo's grasp on his hair tightened. He was very soft about his moans, but made sure they got the message across that he was enjoying this. More than he wanted to admit, actually. He bucked his hips as he moaned out an orgasm. Kuza sat up and licked his lips with a smile.

"You're so beautiful, Baby." He smiled as he watched Angelo's chest rise and fall.

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"Oh, fuck!" Devin screamed as she collapsed on top of Chris, "Harder!"

Nikki, who was on top of her, pulled her head up by her hair. He kissed her neck from behind, "You fucking slut."

"Ohh, fuck, un-un-unmf!" was all she could manage.

"She likes being talked to that way." Chris chuckled between sharp breathes.

"I know." He growled as he wrapped his hand around her neck, "Cum for me, whore."

Devin dug her hands into Chris as she screamed her release. It was only the first of many to come. She rolled her hips back and forth against both their cocks. "More." She begged through her breaths.

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Mmkay, guys, I could use some more ideas for this story please. Leave your suggestions, and please don't be afraid to :)

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