Chapter 24 | We All Go To Hell

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"Please, Ricky!" Kuza begged as he followed him through the maze of tents.

"I said no." He snapped back.

"But why?" He whined.

"Because, I want to try to win Ryan over and I don't want to jinx myself by having sex with another man." Ricky responded.

"Not even sex. Just a blowjob or something, please?" He begged, "I haven't gotten laid in awhile."

Ricky turned around to face him, eyeing him, "What's awhile, Mike? A few days? Look, there's a reason you have a hand. You even have two."

"But, your mouth feels a Hell of a lot better than my hand."

"I said no, Mike. I've got to get to practice, but I'm sure you can find someone else to suck your cock." He replied and walked back into the backstage tent.

Kuza mumbled his frustrations to himself and walked off to find some ass. Ricky, meanwhile, completely switched gears to being a professional. He pulled his hair up as he approached where Ashley was in the midst of talking to Devin.

"Look who decided to show up finally." Ashley teased him.

He sighed, "Sorry. Kuza was being a little... Talkative. You have any idea what song you want to do tonight?"

"I don't know." Devin sighed, "We did Coma White the first night, Teeth the second. I guess we could do Whore."

Ricky glanced across the tent, seeing Ryan walk in with a few other performers. He hesitantly responded, "Um, what about learning a new number? I don't like Whore."

Devin glanced over her shoulder, seeing his sights glued to the fire breather. She sighed, "You mean you don't want to be a whore. I don't know what your little situation with Ryan is that's going on, but keep it off the stage. I've already learned one new song this week and I barely got any sleep last night. I'm not in the mood for a whole new routine."

"Fine." He snit, "Can we do Pity Party then?"

She shrugged, "Sure. I guess."

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Kuza sat side stage, watching Ryan's performance. He bounced his leg repetitively, thinking of any way to get laid. At this point, he didn't care how or what he was fucking.

"What's gotten into you?" Chris asked him.

"Huh?" He responded, breaking his gaze from the large billows of fire out on the stage.

"You're a big ball of anxiety, and I know it's not because you're nervous to perform."

He sighed, "I haven't gotten laid in a week, which is a long fucking time for me. It's driving me crazy."

Chris chuckled, "I would have to be committed if I went that long without sex. Come by my trailer after the show and I'll have Devin fix you up."

"What happened to mister 'I don't share my toys'?"

"I never said you get to fuck her. Head is better than nothing though." He said, "Now get your ass up. You're on."

Kuza looked over and saw Manson in the midst of introducing him. How the time flies. He stood up, walking out on his cue.

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The crowd went wild for Devin, even when she wasn't singing a song about sex. She smiled widely across her matte black lips as she sung the lyrics of one of her usual performances. The acrobats twisted and contorted on ropes behind her, adding to the aesthetics. A few other freaks watched from the sides of the stage. One of which being Ryan.

He grit his teeth, but he wasn't mad at anyone else. He was mad at himself. Every other thought was about how beautiful and sexy Ricky looked up on those ropes. He fucked him over, played with his emotions like a toy. Yet he can't forget about him.

As their performance came to a close, the acrobats let themselves down from their silks. They gracefully trotted off stage and finally could catch their breath once they were out of the audience's view. Ricky passed Ryan and he awkwardly cleared his throat to grab his attention.

"You, uh, you look nice tonight. I, I mean your performance looked nice." He stumbled on his words.

Ricky smiled softly, "Thanks. You did really good tonight too."

With that, he walked away to go freshen himself up for the finale. Though Ryan couldn't see it, Ricky had the most hopeful smile on his face.

Manson walked past, reentering the stage. He told the audience to give one last round of applause for Devin, then introduced Chris for their last night in New Orleans. The other freaks got themselves out of the way for the giant to make his way on the stage. The audience gasped and awed at the marvel he was. Then, the voice that emerged was just as magnificent.

"Mama, we all go to hell. Mama, we all go to hell. I'm writing this letter and wishing you well. Mama, we all go to hell..."

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Mmkay, tell me what you'd all like to happen next? Give me some creative responses!

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