Chapter 40 | Don't Bleed

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Pale moon light shined down Devin's smooth legs. She rested towards her right side, smirking on a cigarette. Angelo walked down the side of the bed, trailing his fingertips up her pantyhose. He reached the edge of her dress, which rested just below her ass. Suddenly he lost his delicacy as he pushed her over on her stomach.

Devin smirked and raised her knees up, putting her ass in the air. She pulled up the edge of her dress, but it didn't have to go far to reveal her bare lady parts.

"Tell me what you want." Angelo seethed as he ran his hands to her hips.

"I want you to fuck me." She responded.

He dragged his finger down her spine as he stepped over to her head. She shivered and smiled to finally feel another man's touch. Chris' tricks had become to repetitive for her. As much as she didn't want to cheat on him, she enjoyed having a new sensation. Angelo leaned over and kissed her slowly. As they parted, Devin stuck her cigarette in his mouth. She attempted to grab his belt, but he pushed her off.

"Beg for it." He told her as he palmed himself.

"Please." Devin whined, "I want your cock. Please give it to me."

Angelo laughed sinfully, "You're so cute when you beg."

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It was silent, but not the type that pains. Just pure, soft, genuine silence that laced the gentle passion in the air. Ryan was asleep while Ricky laid awake against his bare chest. His mind was swimming with thoughts, but his heart was beating too loud for him to hear them. The smell of his boyfriend's cologne was lulling him to sleep. Unfortunately the lustful noises coming from the next room were too much to let him close his eyes.

A slam hit the wall behind theirs. Ricky clenched his fist out of shock. Ryan set his hand over Ricky's wrist, sleepily glancing down at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." Ricky muttered as he settled against his chest, "I just don't like hearing that. It reminds me of the whorehouse."

"Oh, Sweetie," Ryan cooed sympathetically, "Do you want me to go tell them to stop?"

"No, because they won't. Just let them get it over with."

He ran his hand up and down Ricky's arm, then pulled him closer. "I'm sorry, Babe. I know that bothers you. I'm honestly shocked that Ange dared to pick up a girl that wasn't a freak."

Ricky snuggled in closer to Ryan's chest. "I wouldn't be too sure about that..."

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The next day, while some of the others practiced in the theater, Manson found himself frustrated at his desk. He pressed his fingers to his temples, though it helped little. Josh and Kuza stood in front of his desk, both with their arms crossed. Neither of them were happy with the news he'd delivered.

"We can't do that to Angelo." Kuza said as he provided the more morally sound voice in the situation.

"I don't want to do that to him, but want and need are two very different things." Josh responded.

"I know." Manson barked just as Ashley walked into the room. He sighed, "Trust m, I know."

"Sorry." She began to back out, "Is now a bad time?"

Kuza leaned himself against the wall and shook his head, "As good of a time as any."

Manson glanced over to his boyfriend, "Can you and Mike please go talk to Angelo for me?"

He nodded and started to walk out of the room. Kuza followed, his arms still crossed. He wasn't happy with the decision, but it came from higher power. He couldn't argue it.

"What, um, what happened?" Ashley asked.

"Do you remember how when Devin joined the Freak Show, we could only put on the posters that she was the tallest woman in North America?" He handed her over a newspaper as he stood from his desk. "The tallest woman in the world just died."

"Making Devin the tallest living woman in the world." Josh said.

"Her value just increased immensely. If we didn't snatch her back up instantly, the press would have. I know you all didn't want to have Chris and Devin back, but I had no other choice. I had to take this opportunity."

"I'm happy to have them back," She responded as she set the paper down, "But, the others might see it as you selling us out."

"They've wanted to kill me plenty of times before. What's one more time?" He numbly responded.

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"Nice of you to show." Chris deadpanned to Devin as she walked into the studio.

The studio assistant and makeup artist instantly grabbed her. She glared at him as she was pulled over to a makeup chair. "Sorry." She spoke in a tone that suggested the opposite of her words.

"Where were you?" He seethed.

"I went out to drinks with a few of the freaks. I was discussing us rejoining the show."

Chris narrowed his eyes at her. "We? What makes you think I want to be apart of that circus again?"

"Don't play that way with me." She replied, "I know damn well you've missed the stage and you've been miserable away from it. If you don't want back, then fine, but I want to sing again. And from the sounds of it, I'm going to get to."

He seemed taken back by that. Chris tried his best not to let her see, but it was far too late. His fist clenched, "And how exactly are you going to get out of your contract with Playboy?"

"Who says I can't do both?" Devin questioned. Her eyes were staring at him with pure evil intent. "Look, if you want to be this way about it, then be that way. I don't need you."

"Baby, I didn't mean it that way. It's just-"

"I know exactly what you meant. I'm staying in Vegas. Do me a favor and have my things shipped out from New Orleans when you get back."

With hurt riddling his face, he slowly backed away from her. His heart was too sunken to realize her hostility was masking lies.

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Mmkay, give me your opinions on what should happen next?

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