Chapter 34 | Highs & Lows

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Chris leaned down behind Devin and kissed her jawline. He took in a deep breath of her perfume and moaned against her skin, "You smell like Heaven." He whispered.

She giggled as his touch became ticklish. "New perfume. I can actually afford real perfume now, from an actual department store. Not that water they sell at the drug store."

"Well, beautiful, I have to admit you were right." He grabbed her hand and spun her around like a ballerina. Chris placed his other hand on her hip as he continued, "I know I was hesitant about you taking this job, but this is exactly what we needed."

"I'm always right." She beamed jokingly.

He chuckled, "Is that so?"

"Duuhh." Devin smirked and reached up to kiss him. They began to make out, when the doorbell interrupted them. Devin frowned and lowered herself back to the ground. She parted from Chris and walked over to the door. Upon opening it, she saw a very properly dressed man. "May I help you?"

"I believe so, miss. My apologies for stopping by so unannounced, but I was having trouble finding a phone for you. May I come in?" He requested.

She stared at this unknown face with caution, "I suppose."

"Thank you." He responded and stepped inside, "I won't be long. Most the information I was sent to deliver is in this letter anyways. I work for Playboy Magazine. They are interested in having you model for an issue, and they're willing to pay a lot."

Devin took the letter from his hand and tore it open. The look on her face was sour, because she was very skeptical of the situation. When her eyes caught the number on that page though, her stomach almost dropped. "Are you sure this number is right?" She asked as she showed him the paper.

"Yes, ma'am, that is correct." He stated.

She swallowed a lump in her throat. Her skin was flushed from being overwhelmed. There was no way they could end up this lucky, she was thinking.

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A knock sounded on Kuza's hotel room door. He stood up and opened it, seeing his previous employer towering over him. "Look what the cat dragged in." He scoffed.

Manson smirked, "You look good for a drunk. Where's the others?"

"Nikki and Ashley are working at a club on the strip. They'll be back later tonight. Ryan went back to New York for a bit, but his flight gets in tomorrow morning. Hopefully he'll have Ryan-Ashley and Josh with him." He spoke as he let them into the room.

"That's all you've found so far?" Manson asked, taking a look around the nice hotel room.

"We found Ricky too, but we're having some issues getting him back. He signed his soul away to a pimp and has been working as a whore on the strip." Kuza poured two drinks and offered them over to his guests.

Twiggy softly smiled and accepted the drink. Manson grabbed his glass and the two took a seat on the couch. Kuza plopped down with the rest of the bottle.

"We brought Angelo with us, but the second we got here he went off to entertain himself. He's really fucked up now. He has a cocaine problem and drinking problem."

"Fuck," Kuza cringed, "Are you sure we're talking about the same Angelo?"

"Unfortunately." He sighed as he raised his glass to his lips, "What are you going to do about Ricky?"

"We have to find the money to buy him out of his contract with his pimp. We still have no idea where Maria, Devin, and Chris are, but I'm counting myself lucky we've done this well so far." He said.

"I think I can find Maria. Devin and Chris though... They disappeared like fucking ghosts."

"Ghosts." Kuza scoffed and threw his feet up on the table, "Go figure."

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Ricky was just getting done cleaning himself and his room up from his previous client, when he was informed he was already getting another. Being a Saturday, it was a very busy night. He could barely turn over one customer before having the next on him. He finished pulling on his shirt, even though it'll end up on the floor anyways.

The door opened just as he sat down on the bed. He expected another woman with a power complex or some business man hiding his secret kink from his wife. That was his usual clients. When he saw the face that did walk in, his stomach dropped.

"Angelo." He muttered.

"Ricky..." Ange replied, eyes just as large with shock.

"What are you doing in Vegas?" He asked.

"What are you doing in a whorehouse? As one of the whores?" He retorted.

"Working." Ricky snit, "I have a quota to meet too and talk's cheap. You want your money's worth or do you want to go find a different slut?"

Angelo stumbled against the doorframe a bit. He was fucked up again. Then again, when wasn't he these days? "I always wanted to fuck you anyways. Too bad I have to pay for it when Chris got it for free." He slurred.

"You're drunk."

"No shit."

Ricky sighed and swallowed his pride. He stood up and closed the door. Then, pushed Angelo against it. Ricky sank to the ground and got on his knees, undoing his old friend's jeans. Somehow, this felt way worse than all the hundreds of men and woman that had fucked him previously. He didn't know their names, their stories. He didn't know who they were before they became a drug addict drunk.

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