Chapter 32 | Paper Gangster

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"This, is a skeptical unlike any other. You will not find this anywhere else, folks." The sinister host mused. "Freak Shows might be dead, but the freaks are still alive and dying to perform for you all. Our lovely Amazon Woman has returned, and she's brought a friend with her."

He gestured towards the door as she walked in. Chris ducked under the doorway as he followed. They thought Devin was tall, but they had no idea what tall was until they saw the giant. Proud of what was hers, Devin strutted in with a smile on her face.

"Miss me?" She chirped to the audience. Many of them had been there a few days ago for her previous exposition. Some new faces as well, but they were all equally captivated by the latex dress she wore. "As I made it clear to you before, I am not one of your house slaves. I follow the order of no man, I do not serve and I do not beg. But if there's any man I would let treat me like a toy, it's my giant."

Chris gently wrapped his hand around her neck. She got such a thrill out of the strong grasp. He drew in a sharp breath as he looked over his prey, "That's right. No one touches my woman other than me, but who am I to deny anyone the pleasure of watching my birdy sing?"

He reached down between her legs and put his middle finger on her clit. Chris rubbed her slowly and she involuntarily began to grind against him. Though sex had never gotten dull for them, it certainly wasn't as exciting as when they were having long nights or threesomes like when they first met. This was something new, something that still had a thrill to it. The money also was a bonus.

"I'm the only one that can break you like this." He seethed.

"Break is a word for it." She snickered, "Show them what makes us a freak show."

"It's your act. You lead." He teased.

Devin took the initiative and shoved Chris back into the couch behind him. He smiled evil and relaxed with his arms along the top of it. With a captive audience, Devin sunk down to the floor like a true slut would. She crawled over to him while her ass stuck out the bottom of her dress for all the members to see.

"I'm not sure they're ready." She stated.

"That's too bad." He replied, "I want those goddess lips on my cock."

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Nikki looked around at neon lights lining a hallway. This place made him indescribably uncomfortable. He played with a little bell hanging from his choker, looking at Kuza with concern. "Why do I have to be here again?" He asked unsteadily.

"I need a bitch, and no offense but Ryan and Josh don't really look like the submissive type. I know you're straight, but please just fake it for tonight, for Ricky's sake." He explained.

"I'm just going to not talk." Nikki muttered.

Kuza sighed as he reached a door, "That's probably for the best." He knocked on the iron. A slit in the door was pulled open and a set of eyes glared at him through it. "We have our invite." Kuza pulled back his jacket to reveal a spider broach on his shirt.

The guard grunted and closed the slit back up. He then unlocked the heavy door, wishing the two well as they walked into the club. Kuza played it cool as we walked through the room drenched in pastel blues and whites. He ordered a drink from the bartender and sipped on it slowly as he studied the room.

"I see them." Kuza muttered to his companion. "I'm going to try to get her away from him. As soon as I do, you fill him in."

Nikki nodded, sticking with his plan of not speaking. He followed Kuza over to a low riding couch. Several men in suits sat around, but they were of no interest. Their focus was on a very thin blond woman whom sat on the couch with her legs crossed. Ricky, who still looked exactly the same after all these years, was sat on the floor at her feet.

"I'm sorry. I saw you from afar and couldn't help myself from staring. You are so beautiful." Kuza addressed the woman.

She smirked, "What a gentleman." She offered her hand, "Taylor."

He took her fingers delicately and kissed her knuckles, "What a beautiful name. Kuza. Would you mind if we join you?"

"Not at all. Sit." She responded.

Kuza sat down on the couch, while Nikki lowered himself to the ground. He hated being demeaned like this, but he was willing to go to this extent to save his friend. At this point, Ricky had well recognized him, but couldn't say a damn thing. He looked at Nikki with panicking eyes.

After about ten minutes of conversation, Taylor and Kuza got up and left. They ordered their "pets" to stay. Other doms were around, but luckily they were too far away to see or hear the two.

"What are you doing here?" Nikki whispered, "You don't belong some female pimp's hoe."

"What are you doing here? How'd you even find me?" He asked.

"Long story but, Ricky, we're getting the show back together. It wouldn't be the same without you. What would it take to get you out of here?"

His large eyes looked into Nikki's. "The only way out of my contract is if you offer her enough money to break it. I'm not worth it though."

"The Hell you aren't. We're going to get you out of here."

Ricky huffed with little hope. He doubted they had that kind of money.

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