Chapter 27 | Keep Your Hands to Yourself

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Whether it be from anger, angst, or a need to find safety, the freaks seemed to clear out fast. They were gone from the word "go". A few stayed behind, needing extra time to gather their things or say their goodbyes. Ryan, being one of them. He knew this was his last chance to talk to Ricky.

"Where's Ricky?" He asked Maria as he walked into an almost barren tent.

She gestured back to where his things had previously been, "He left already. I, did find this, though. I think he meant to give it to you before he left and just forgot."

Maria handed him an off-white piece of paper. It was folded in half with Ryan's name written on the outside. He opened it up, sighing as he read what was written.

"Do you know where he went?" He questioned desperately.

"No, I'm sorry. He didn't say anything to me. Almost everyone else is either out looking for the others, or gone." She said.

"Fuck." He uttered to himself and ran out of the tent.

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3 Years Later.

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"Please, don't arrest him." Manson begged an officer, though he felt all his pride suffering for doing so. "He didn't mean it."

"You'd have to not me in your right mind to bite and stab someone." The cop scoffed.

"That's kind of the problem. He's not in his right mind. He was abused his entire childhood by his mother, and he's been attacked multiple times by people that think we're the antichrist, and he was kidnapped and almost killed by Nazis once. It's left him with a few mental disorders." He explained.

He sighed, plucking a sheet of paper from his notepad. "I'll let you off with a warning, but if he's as mentally unsound as it seems, I suggest you have him institutionalized. There's a facility just down the road from here. It's a very nice place."

"I appreciate your concern, officer, but Twiggy does just fine when he's left alone. He only acts out when people touch him or harass him. We'll be getting home now, as to stop," He glanced down at the paper and mocked what it said, "Disturbing the peace."

Manson walked away, going over to where the second office had let Twiggy go. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend to comfort him. People still stared, judging them.

"I'm sorry." He muttered against Manson's chest.

"It wasn't your fault. Some people need to learn to keep their hands to themselves."

With glassy eyes, he looked up at him, "New town time?"

"Yeah," He sighed, "New town time."

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A fair skinned man was slammed against the outside of a building with force. A giant loomed over him, growling in the back of his throat. The man under him finally showed his fear in his large eyes.

"I'm only telling you once, buddy, keep your fucking hands to yourself and off my girlfriend." Chris sneered.

"Look, I didn't know she was your girl, man!" He replied.

"If I see you around her again, I'll break every one of your fingers." He said, "And if it happens again after that, I'll break your neck. Is that clear?"

He nodded vigorously, "Ye-Yeah."

Chris let go of him, muttering, "Get out of here."

The man ran away, rambling on about the freak. Chris looked up in the back entrance to the club to see Devin standing in the doorway. She was only in lacey underwear and a robe. A cigarette was in one hand and a half full glass in the other.

"You're driving away my customers." She stated numbly.

"I'd rather be broke than let another man touch you." He responded as he walked towards her. Chris slipped his hand down the front of her silky thong. "It makes you so horny when I'm an alpha male." He rasped.

She snickered against her cigarette, then blew the smoke in his face. "I've got to go get dressed, bad boy."

Chris took his hands off her to allow her to go back to her dressing room. He followed her inside and locked up the back door of the club. Devin walked into a small private room in their backstage area while he headed out to the bar. This club wasn't the booming music and flashing lights type. It was an old blues club for more refined or relaxed people.

He took a seat in a dark corner next to the bar. The bartender, a friend of his, brought him something sober. His eyes scanned over the people. They had too much class to stare at him and that's exactly why they liked this place. After all, Manson always said New Orleans was the best city in America because everyone has seen way scarier shit than a freak. They aren't phased by freaks. It was only natural that Chris and Devin returned here.

Devin, now dressed, walked out from the employees only area. She took her time in stepping up onto the small circle stage to allow the pianist to finish out his current song. Her tall stature, Goddess body, and beautiful face caught everyone's attention quickly. Then, the voice that followed was one of an angel.

"If I gave you my love, I tell you what I'd do. I'd expect a whole lot of love out of you. You've got to be good to me. I'm gonna be good to you. There's a whole lotta things, you and I could do. What about the way you love me? And the way you squeeze me? Simply beautiful. Yeah, beautiful. When you get right down it..."

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The song is "Simply Beautiful" by Al Green, but I'm using the Queen Latifah version bc it's the woman's version.

Also, comment question. After 3 years were do you think (or hope) the others ended up?

Also, also, before anyone asks, no this is not even close to the end.

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