Chapter 21 | Coma White

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Upon returning from town, Ricky took into account Kuza's suggestion. He headed to Angelo's trailer, seeing all the lights off. That was odd for this time of night. Ricky knocked, earning no response. He peered in through the window and saw Angelo wasn't in his bed. From the looks of it, he wasn't in the trailer all together.

Where would he be off to? The only people that stayed behind were Chris, Devin, and Ryan... Ryan... Ryan was the only one alone. Ricky walked a short distance to where Ryan's trailer was parked. The shades were all drawn closed, but the structure was made of very thin material. He rested his back against the side and tried to hold back tears. Ricky could hear, even with how quiet they were being, what they were doing.

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The glare of the stage lights consumed Devin's vision. She looked beyond them to the audience that adored her. The rush of the stage could still not compare to the way she felt in Chris' arms. She couldn't wait to return to his trailer after the show and enjoy his company. For now, she had people to please. From her lips, leapt the song Manson had deemed both sad and sexy.

"There's something cold and blank behind her smile. She's standing on an overpass, in her miracle mile. You were from a perfect world; A world that threw me away today, today to run away.

A pill to make you numb; A pill to make you dumb; A pill to make you anybody else. But all the drugs in this world, won't save her from herself.

Her mouth was an empty cut, and she was waiting to fall. Just bleeding like a polaroid that, lost all her dolls."

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Angelo sat in his small tent, counting up the coins he'd earned that day. It was nothing impressive, but enough to keep him eating and have a little left over for saving. He put most his change in coin rolls, and the stays were pushed into the box that the rolls sat in. After locking the box, he began to pack up his valuables to take back to his trailer.

"I'm closed for the night." He spoke as he heard the front of the tent getting pulled back.

"That's alright." Ryan responded, "I already know my future."

"Shouldn't you be on stage?" Angelo asked.

"I have to get back in about ten minutes for the closing act, but I thought I'd stop by to see you."

He stifled a laugh, "Don't tell me you're getting attached?"

Ryan was slightly taken back by the comment, "You came onto me. You can't tell me not to get attached."

Angelo sighed, running a hand through his silky hair, "It was a one night stand. Even though I enjoyed it, I can't afford risking it again. The fact that Chris didn't catch us the first time is a miracle."

"Figures." He muttered, "I don't get what it is about him. Ricky was always faithful to him too. Almost obsessed. But, Chris doesn't give a shit about you or Ricky. What's the point?"

"I take it you've never fucked him. Or rather, got fucked by him. You don't give that up easily. And you, you're the idiot here. Yeah, it's my fault that I forced you to sleep with me, but the way you and Ricky have been fucking around... It's a wonder why Chris has let you live."

"He doesn't care about either of you, Ange. You're just a hole to fuck to him."

"And I'm of any different worth to you?" He seethed, "You have feelings for Ricky, but don't be stupid enough to think you have feelings for me. You don't."

"Don't you dare try to tell me what I'm feeling!" Ryan snapped.

Angelo turned his back to him, going back to packing up. He replied, "You need to get back to the show."

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Late after the show was done, Devin found herself in her favorite place; Chris' lap. She made out with him intently, humming against his lips. His body physically tensed up when he heard a knock. Devin slowly parted from him and sighed. She swung her leg back over him and got up from the bed. Upon opening the door, she saw Ricky standing outside.

"What are you doing here this late?" She asked softly.

"I'm sorry. I saw the light was still on so I knew you two were up." He replied, "Can I talk to Chris?"

Devin glanced to the back on the trailer. Chris had heard the whole thing and nodded towards her. She stepped aside to let him inside. Devin lead him to the back, where she crawled back into bed with Chris. He sat up while Ricky leaned against the wall.

"I... I need to tell you something but I don't want you to get too angry. I know your blood pressure has been a bit of a problem lately." Ricky stated.

"It's okay, Ricky. I'd be more angry if I found out later that you didn't tell me something important." Chris responded.

He sighed, "Um, when I got back from town last night, I was going to try to bunk up with Angelo, since Devin is staying here right now. Ange wasn't in his trailer though. He... He was in Ryan's, and I think they were sleeping together."

"You think?" He bitterly snit.

"I don't know for sure, but there were some pretty suggestive noises coming from inside that trailer." Ricky replied.

Before Chris could get too mad, Devin set her hand along his arm. She ran her nails up and down his tattoos and gently kissed behind his ear. "Shh, try not to get too angry, okay?"

He took in a deep breath and released it. "Thank you for telling me."

"I'll, uh, go, now." Ricky muttered.

"Wait." Devin stopped him, "Do you not have anywhere to sleep tonight?"

"I'll have to sleep in the extras tent. I'll be fine." He said.

Devin looked at Chris with a pout. The giant sighed, understanding what his lover was insinuating. "You can stay on the couch, if you want." He mumbled.

"Are you sure?"

Chris looked to the amazon beside him. She wasn't budging on her opinion. He nodded reluctantly. Ricky's face lit up, but it fell as fast as it had risen.

"I better not." He said, "But that's for the offer."

Before they could insist upon it, he excused himself from the trailer. Devin got up again and made sure to lock the door. Even if Ricky hadn't accepted, she appreciated Chris' generosity. It was something he'd be getting rewarded for soon enough...

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