Chapter 13 | Taste This

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Chris stood up quickly, opening his trailer door to find Devin on the other side. "Sweetheart," He stepped aside to let her in, "What are you going here this late?"

"I'm sick of you putting me off." She pouted.

He raised his eyebrow, "Putting you off?"

Devin pulled the tie on her coat, letting it fall undone. She took it off, throwing it over the counter to reveal her body decorated in lingerie. Chris stared at her perfect body in black lace and high heels. She put her hands on the counter behind her and arched her back.

"You know what I'm talking about." She responded wistfully, "I want your cock already."

A smirk spread across his face. "You're a desperate little girl, aren't you?"

"Please!" She begged, "I'm sick of waiting."

Chris pointed to the ground at his feet. "Come and get it."

Devin smiled, biting her lip. She slowly sunk down to her knees and crawled over to him. Her hands ran up his long legs until she was at the hem of his sweatpants. She smiled up at him happily and pulled his pants down until his growing erection sprung out. Devin just stared, almost scared to think of putting something that monstrous inside of her.

"What's wrong, Baby?" He mused to her.

Timidly, she ran her hand up and down his shaft. She couldn't even fit her dainty fingers all the way around it. "I don't think I can fit my mouth around this." She whispered.

"I know you can't." He replied with a bit of humor.

Devin tried her best to stroke him. She ran her tongue along his giant cock, spitting on the end. Despite her fear, she was desperate to know what such length would feel like inside of her. Now she understood why he kept so much lube in his trailer...

Chris leaned over and titled her head up with his hand. "Here's what I want you to do. Go lay down on the bed, take all your skimpy little clothes off, and start touching yourself for me."

She ran her hand between her legs, pulling at her garter belt in sexual frustration. Chris kissed her, pulling her to her feet. She then began to walk to the bedroom in the back of the trailer. Devin stopped at the entrance, reaching down to take off her left heel.

"Go head and leave the heels on." He told her.

With a smirk, she lowered her leg back down. Devin faced her back to him as she unclipped her bra, letting the straps fall down her arms. She dropped it to the floor. Just the outline of her figure was visible from where he stood, but it was enough to drive him to touch himself as she undressed. Devin leaned over, running her hands up her legs slowly. She popped open one of the latches of the garter belt, causing Chris' heart to skip a beat.

Devin unclipped the other side, then slipped the garment off. As she leaned over to pull it over her heels, her ass was perfectly exposed. She smiled, knowing he was gawking over her from behind. Devin slipped down her panties to reveal her tight pussy. Chris dug his hand into the counter behind him and tried to restrain himself from wrecking her.

She stepped up into the bedroom and sat down on his bed. Her legs spread and she began to touch herself for him. One of her hands stayed on her clit, and the other massaged one of her breasts. Chris walked into the room and slipped off his boxers and sweats. He'd already been shirtless. He sat down behind her, letting her rest her back against his chest.

Chris wrapped his arm around her and took over pleasing her. He slipped one finger into her with ease. The second was barely uncomfortable for her, but the third started to become a stretch. By the forth, she was focusing on her breathing and relaxing her body. She knew as much as she wanted his cock, it was going to be a challenge to comfortably fit it inside of her.

He stood back up and lifted her body back more on the bed. Chris grabbed a bottle of lube and dripped a good amount onto her pelvic region. He spread it around the outside and inside of her, making her moan from the contact. Chris used the rest of the bottle on his own member. He leaned forward and began to kiss her neck.

"Shh, just relax." He whispered to her.

Devin tried to take deep breaths as she felt his massive tip run over her clit. She wrapped her arms around him to have something to hold onto as he very slowly entered her. Her mouth gaped open at the painful sensation taking hold of her body.

"Oh my God." She gasped.

Chris gently rubbed circles on her cunt to help her relax. He was just barely in her. They had a long way to go. Halfway through, her nails began to dig into her back. She let a small cry out of her mouth. He kissed her sweetly on the cheek and jawline to distract her from the pain. Chris knew it was going to kill her to take his cock all the way. He just let her scratch and hit him.

"You're so tight, Baby." He whispered to her.

"Anyone would be tight to you." She muttered, "Your cock is massive. Fuck."

Finally, his base met her. He looked down at her, in the eyes, "But you managed to take all of it."

She took a few short breaths, "You don't even need to move. You're so fucking big I could cum just having you inside of me."

He pulled himself back only an inch. Still rubbing her clit, he pushed back inside her and she cried in pleasure. He repeated only two more times before she met her first orgasm. Chris continued to move in and out of her, gaining a few inches each time. Devin continued to moan and yell in ecstasy. She continued to cum multiple times without him even trying.

"You're so beautiful." He mused to her as he slowly fucked her.

Devin grabbed onto a portion of his hair tightly and looked him deep in the eyes. "How long do you fucking last?"

Chris laughed evilly, "A very long time, Babe. It's going to be a long night for you."

"Good." Her lips twisted into a grin, "If I can still walk tomorrow I'll be disappointed in you."

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