Chapter 15 | In The Air

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(Left is Devin, right is Ashley)

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Devin's heels continued to click through the dirt of the fairgrounds under they met the outdoor rug that sat outside Chris' residence. She knocked on the door and waited not so patiently. Her eyes traveled to the window to see the silhouette of two people inside the trailer. Finally, one traveled over to the door and opened it.

"Hey, Sweetheart." Chris spoke as he began to step down from the trailer.

Devin quickly put her hand on his chest and indicated that he was to step back inside. As he did, she snubbed her nose, "Don't Sweetheart me."

He was almost fearful of her, in all honesty. She had proven she was a vicious woman. Chris and Devin now found themselves back inside his trailer. She slammed the door behind her with her foot. Ricky stepped down from the back bedroom, resting against the wall. He crossed his arms as he stared at her.

"What's this all about?" Chris asked gently.

Her sights drifted towards Ricky. Devin ran her hands along the cheap countertop as she sauntered over to him. "I know I've just been a pawn in the games you two have been playing with each other. Just when I thought I had you where I wanted you, Ricky stole you away. At first I was angry, but then I realized, why hate when we can love?"

"I'm lost." He responded.

Devin leaned into Ricky, who had yet to say a word and didn't object to her motions. She softly blew into his ear as her large breasts rubbed against his side. He shivered and tried not to give into her feminine wiles.

"I know you have feelings for Chris." She whispered in his ear, "Whether it's love or lust, you can't deny he is a lot of man. Almost too much for one person. All I'm suggesting is you and I share the difficult task of pleasing such an amazing man. It's a big job for just one person."

Chris, not hearing a word of this, was starting to get angry from frustration. Ricky stared past Devin to where he stood. A smirk formed on his sexy lips. He pulled the tie on Devin's coat, revealing that underneath there was only lace. She slipped it off the rest of the way and threw it over the counter. Devin ran her claws up Ricky's thighs, then helped him takin off his shirt.

Ricky ran his hand down her lovely locks of hair. He turned her head towards Chris and hissed, "Go get on your knees, slut."

"It makes me wet when you speak to me that way." She wisped.

He shoved her forward and snit, "I'm convinced anything could make you wet. It's no wonder you don't wear underwear often."

Devin stumbled forward in her heels from his little love shove. She caught herself before she fell into Chris. He now understood where this was going. Devin got on her knees in front of Chris.

She bat her eye lashes up at him, "May I have your massive cock? I want to lick it like a lollipop."

"You're my new favorite little toy." He responded while unzipping his pants.

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"Ash?" Nikki called for her. He had just woken up to realize she wasn't next to him in the bed. Sleepily, he got up out of bed and wandered through their trailer. The front door was cracked and she was just outside in only her nightgown. "Baby, what are you doing?"

She sighed as she turned around, "I just thought I heard someone outside our trailer."

"Hm, you've been listening to too many of Ange's fake ghost stories." He joked.

Ashley crossed her arms as a breeze brushed through. "I'm serious, Nikki. I've got the creeps, like someone's watching us or something."

"The only noise around here is Chris' trailer shaking because he's raw dogging some slut." Nikki scoffed. "Don't worry. You know I've got us protected. Just get back in here before any creep sneaks a peak of you like that."

Ashley took one more concerned look around. Nikki offered her a warm smile to coax her back inside. She took the steps back into their trailer. He took a scan of the area around them for himself before closing and locking the door. Nikki made sure the blinds were closed and windows locked as well. He checked the inside of the cupboard, seeing a pistol still in there. The second gun was still under the bed with it's clip. That didn't mean it would set her at ease.

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"Oh, fuck me, Daddy!" Devin begged while on her hands and knees, "Choke me, please?!"

Chris grasped her throat and powerfully pulled her up. He continued to fuck her brains out while his fingers wrapped around her neck. Ricky was already close to passing out after Chris had made him cum. Now it was Devin's turn to have her back almost broken. She screamed as the monster pleased her.

Her body almost fell forward as she came hard against his dick. He managed to catch her and hold onto her limp body to continue to get his fix. Ricky forced himself to get back up. He was drunk off of his orgasm from earlier. Messily, he kissed Devin and rubbed her cunt because she had become to tired to do it. She screamed into his lips as she climaxed yet again.

Devin sloppily hit Chris behind her. It was her way of telling him she needed a break. He gently rested her down on the blankets as he pulled out of her. She wrapped herself in the sheets and relaxed into the bed. Only, to feel Ricky's body get thrown over her legs. It was his turn again...

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With a second night tomorrow in this city, the tents were left up. The moon was high in the sky as Angelo wandered through the lifeless midway. It was very different without people. He oddly preferred it this way. It was quiet and he could hear only his own thoughts.

Unfortunately the idea of his wandering around late at night didn't sit well with his boss. "What are you doing out here alone?" Manson asked him as he approached.

Angelo turned on his heel, "I can't sleep. Tea isn't helping. Something just isn't right tonight."

"I know." He responded, "That's exactly why I want you back inside."

He sighed as he glanced at the fog rolling in. "You're the boss."

Manson stared at the desolate distance, muttering a "Thank you" before heading back to his own trailer to lock the doors.

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