Chapter 31 | A New Kind of Act

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Once again the hole in the wall bar was almost empty. It was 2AM and Angelo was sat behind the counter of the bar. He was fucked up, thinking tonight might finally be the end of the line. Through his haze, he heard the door open.

"We're closed." He managed to say through his lazy mouth.

"I'm not here for that." Twiggy murmured as he walked around the side of the bar.

Angelo looked up at him in a daze, "Manson know you're here?" He asked. He shook his head, so Angelo told him, "You should get back to him. He's probably worried and it ain't safe for you here."

Twiggy knelt down next to him. Angelo tried to move away, but it wasn't hard for Twiggy to pull him back down. Ange looked at him in complete shock. He never touches anyone or lets anyone touch him.

"You helped me escape. Now I'm going to help you." He stated in his barely audible voice.

"Escaping kidnappers and escaping drugs are two very different things. When we were kidnapped, we didn't choose for that to happen. But, when I fell into addiction, I chose for it to happen. I'd end this if I wanted to, but when I'm fucked up is the only time I feel alive." Angelo attempted to explain.

"You're lonely." Twiggy said.

"No shit." Ange muttered, "Look, I'm a medium. If I ever get lonely I've got some kind of spirit to keep me company, but I don't want their company. All these drug addicts and dealers, I don't want their company either. Because they don't understand me, they aren't like me. They're not like freaks. The only time I don't feel lonely is around freaks."

He sat down on his knees next to Angelo. "You still have a home with us."

"A broken home." He scoffed, "No offense, but without the others, it's not the same. I do appreciate your company though. I just... I miss the way it felt to be in the embrace of someone who was not only like me, but knew my story, knew who I was."


He sighed, "Yeah, Chris. Him and Devin are probably off living the high life together. With the voices they have, I'm sure they did well for themselves in Hollywood or some place like that."

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"Oh, shit." Devin gasped as she grabbed onto the back of the couch she was kneeled on.

One of the house sex slaves had been instructed to help her entertain their guests. The blond girl rapidly pushed and pulled a dildo out of Devin's pussy. It had been awhile since she had gotten to try something new sexually, and this was definitely pleasing her fascinations. She almost collapsed as she reached her final orgasm for the night. The house slave pulled the dildo out and began to such the pussy juice off of it.

Devin's legs shook, but she still managed to stand up. She pushed her dress back down on the bottom and adjusted it by her breasts.

"Take that dress off for us!" Someone said.

"Maybe next time." She smirked.

She walked out of the room with a strut. The host, whom was responsible for her even being here, followed her out. Devin found the small private room that he had given her for her to get ready in. She began to collect her purse and things to head home.

"Your payment, as promised." He spoke as he handed her an envelope.

Devin took it, making sure to count out the amount. "Thank you." She said.

"You were a big hit tonight." He replied, "Maybe of the members are asking for you to return as soon as possible. They're also asking for a few more things."

She glared at him, "We agreed, I'm not a prostitute."

"I know, and that's why I shot down most of their offers. However a few did ask if they could simply release on you. No sex."

"Hm, I'm not a cum dumpster." She snit, "But, if you want more of a show, I have a proposition for you. These people want to watch me because it's kinky, because I'm a freak. My boyfriend is a freak too. He's the tallest man alive, much taller than me, and his dick would make a horse jealous. You think your members would enjoy seeing that?"

"Certainly." He wisped, "And, I'd pay you handsomely, of course."

"I'd sure hope so. An even rarer sight than two freaks fucking is me submitting to any man or woman. But, for Chris, I would do anything. I'm sure those hungry men would get a real hard on watching me act like one of their slaves. Now, if you excuse me, I need to get home to him."

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As Devin walked into the trailer she was overly familiar with, she smelled fresh spaghetti. She smiled as she inhaled the scent of food. After her tiring night, she was starving.

"Hey Beautiful." Chris greeted her.

"Hey, Handsome." She responded, "You cooked?"

"Attempted to, since you were working. How was the new... gig?" He asked as he handed her a bowl of food.

Devin graciously sat down at their tiny table. "Good, but I can't wait to get this tight dress off."

"Then take it off." He gently grinned.

She sighed jokingly at his high sex drive. Devin stood back up and unzipped the latex dress. She shed it off and began to walk to reach for her robe, which was on the couch.

"Ah-ah. Just stay like that." Chris said.

"Hound dog." She teased him and sat back down. "I'll treat you to dessert after dinner. Speaking of me sucking your cock, how'd you feel about getting paid for it? Apparently there's a lot of kinky people that would pay a lot to watch us fuck."

"A crowd getting to watch me assert my dominance over you? Why didn't you offer sooner?" He smiled evilly.

Devin giggled, her eyes sparkling as she did so. He returned the gleam of true love. Reaching across the table, he gave her a kiss.

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