Chapter 26 | Disband

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Casual reminder that this takes place in 1952 and World War II ended 1945. There is your history lesson for the day.

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The fireplace of a barren cabin was the only source of warmth for Angelo and Twiggy. It was far away from them, but it was something. This place was so cold, both in temperature and in atmosphere. The men who had snatched them and took them here, they had shed themselves of their white clothing. Now they adored uniforms that made it very clear who they were; American Nazis.

Though the war had ended seven years ago, there were still snakes in the grass. The Nazis maybe have had a goal to eradicate jews, but they also wanted to weed out any genetic mishaps. From mentally handicapped, to freaks. Freaks like them. It all made much more sense now.

"Why haven't you just killed us, yet?" Angelo sneered, thinking the only way he could get out of this was by talking his way out.

"Live bait is better." The man on guard duty simply replied.

"What?" He snit.

"We're bait to lure the others here." Twiggy muttered.

The guard briefly glanced back at them, "Well, I guess you have some brain cells after all."

"You know when his boyfriend gets ahold of you, he's going to kill you. Slowly." Angelo said.

"How's he going to kill me with a bullet in his head?" He seethed.

Twiggy made an audible squeak. Just the thought of it made more tears stream down his face. His makeup was completely run and his green dress was ripped in several spots. He was a mess, and Angelo wasn't much different.

"You freaks should be thanking us." The guard stated, "We're doing you all a favor by putting you out of your misery."

"You're the miserable ones! Thinking this is okay, to just murder innocent people." Angelo snapped back.

He scoffed, "I suggest you silence yourself before I have to do it."

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The entire crew, minus the missing, gathered under the big top. The majority were unaware of the situation and had no idea what was about to happen. Sixx and Zombie were upset, sure, but nothing could compare to the depression on Manson's face. They were just waiting for him to put a gun to his head, he has that upset and speechless.

"What's going on?" Someone finally asked after a moment of awkward silence.

"Angelo and Twiggy are missing. We're pretty sure whomever took Maria before is also responsible for this." Sixx stated.

"We're working with the local police and thankfully they have been pretty cooperative." Zombie said, "But even if we do find the other two, this was the final straw. We can't continue to put the freaks at risk and in the process endanger the rest of the crew. So, Manson has made the decision that we thing is best for everyone... Manson... Marilyn!"

Manson ran his hand over his face, trying to pull up some confidence to express his crew. He couldn't even look at them, look at the couples around him, without wanting to scream and cry at the same time. He mumbled, "We're disbanding the Freak Show."

Gasps were heard throughout the crowd. Faces became flushed with emotion. Some anger, others upset.

"You can't do that!" Chris retaliated, "We have nowhere else to go! This is the only place we're going to find work or a home."

"Do you think I want to do this?" He finally snapped angrily, "I have no other choice! Every other week there is someone sending us death treats because of the freaks. And I'm the idiot that puts you all up on posters, advertising to the people who hate you exactly where they can find you. You belong hidden away somewhere safe, where these people can't find you."

"By the time we sell off all the stage equipment for the Freak Show, and chip in a little from our savings, you'll all have enough money to get by until you find somewhere for yourselves. This really is for the best." Sixx said.

"When I came here, I was told this was going to be my home. Forever." Devin muttered as she stood up, "I guess it's my fault I ever believed something so foolish."

Chris stood up and followed her out. Then, more people began to follow suit. Eventually there was barely anyone left. Nikki stood up, Ashley following, and walked over to the three bosses.

"The pigs aren't going to find them until it's too late. The others might be too worried about themselves right now, but we want to help you find Twiggy and Ange." He told them.

"And we won't hesitate to shoot like the pigs would." Ashley added.

"Let's start with where they were last seen, and go from there." Zombie replied.

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Devin sunk down to the floor in front of Chris' bed. She tried her best to hold it together, but nothing was working. She finally found a place she could call home, and it was destroyed by asshole people. Everything good in her life had always been yanked away. Well, not everything, yet. Chris kneeled down in front of her, gently wiping her tears.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay." He whispered to her.

"For you, maybe. You at least have your trailer to live out of. I have nothing." She sobbed.

He sat down next to her and pulled her close, "Shh, shh. Listen to me. You have my trailer too, okay? I know this is going to be tough, but it's best if we stick together. Plus, you're too beautiful for me to let go of."

She sniffled and looked up into his eyes, "You really mean that?"

"Yes, so much so that I want you to be my girlfriend. Please?" He asked sweetly.

Devin smiled through her sadness and hugged his torso, "I'd love to."

Chris kissed her softly, murmuring, "No one is going to hurt you. Not on my watch."

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