Chapter 8 | Sinematic

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After several more hours of Devin getting plowed and straining her voice, she finally stumbled out from the bedroom. Her dress was barely on properly and she held her heels in her hands. Ryan opened the door for her, politely helping her out. He honestly did feel bad for putting the idea in Ricky's head that he should use her like that. She didn't seem to mind now, but she had no idea how badly she was used.

He closed the door behind her and traveled to the back of the trailer. Ricky was half asleep on a bed soaked in pussy juice. Ryan, being one of the few here that only went for one specific gender, was digested by the smell of a female's pleasure stinking up his room.

"My sheets are covered in her cum." He complained.

Ricky forced himself to sit up. He only had the sheets covering his legs, but everything else was on full display. He put his hands on Ryan's hips, looking up at him, "I'm sorry, Babe. I'll get you a fresh set from the supply tent."

Ryan pushed his hands away, "It's fine. I'll get them myself. I... I would prefer if you slept someone else tonight."

His eyes softened with hurt, "Wh-What? Where am I supposed to go?"

"I'm sure Kuza will have room for you. If nothing else, when Chris came in here earlier, he was coming to apologize to you for something. Whatever it was, I think you owe him the apology now." Ryan said.

He picked up Ricky's clothes from the floor and handed them to him. Ricky was hurt and confused. Ryan was the one that told him to fuck Devin, and now he was pissed about it? What the fuck was wrong with him? Ricky gingerly took his clothes from him and got himself dressed.

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Chris gently kissed Angelo's forehead as their passion died down. Angelo sat on the floor, his chest covered in cum, and his breaths fighting. With eyes teary from the rawness of their night, he looked up at Chris.

"I kind of don't want you to leave." He muttered.

After getting his boxers and jeans on, he knelt back down. He softly kissed Angelo and handed him his shirt, "I can't stay, Beautiful. You know where to find me if you need me."

He stood back up and Angelo responded, "Can you hand me a smoke?"

Hesitantly, Chris grabbed the pack off the counter and gave it to him, along with a light. Angelo pulled a cigarette out and lit it with his shaky hands. Chris excused himself without a word. As the door fell closed with his leaving, Ange let out a pained cry. He held himself as he sat on the floor with his cigarette in one hand, and Chris' shirt in the other.

A few minutes of crying passed before noises outside made him stop. He quickly got his black pajama pants on and cleaned the fluids off his chest. Angelo kept the smoke in his mouth while he got himself some food in his tiny kitchen. The tears still stained his face while he waited on the toaster to pop.

Devin opened up the trailer door, wondering inside a mess. Angelo sucked in a puff, numbly addressing him, "What happened to you?"

"Ricky happened." He replied, sinking down to the floor, "He fucked me for four fucking hours. I lost count of how many times I came, but I know it was more than I have in the rest of my life combine. I didn't even know it was possible for me to squirt, considering my circumstances, but he managed to make me. So what the Hell happened to you?"

Angelo took his toast in his hand and sunk on the floor across from Devin. He handed her the second piece. She carefully took small bites as she listened to his hoarse response.

"Chris happened." He said, "He came in here upset that you and Ricky were having sex. So I let him fuck me to get his mind off of things. It's been a long time since we had sex. I forgot how big his cock really is. I haven't really been on the receiving end for awhile either. I was a little tight. He fucked me for about an hour and a half. He probably would've gone longer, but he knew you were going to come back eventually."

"Ricky used me." Devin muttered, "I knew going into it that he was using me to get back at Chris for something. At first I thought the fact that he called me a whore and a slut the whole time is what made me feel bad about it, but I don't feel bad when you call me a whore. I didn't like it because he was using me."

"If it makes you feel any better, Chris used me too tonight. A lot of people, it's just sex. You and I, it was just sex. But when it comes to Chris and I... We have history. We used to make love to each other. Now he just uses me for sex and it makes me feel like trash."

Devin scooted over to the side of the floor that Angelo sat on. She rested her head on his shoulder, "Men are dumb."

He snickered and lifted her head with his hand. Angelo delicately kissed her, giving her some sense of love for the first time that night. He stood up, offering his hand to the beauty, "Let's get some sleep."

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Kuza stood shirtless in the doorway of his trailer. A bottle of whiskey was in his hand as he looked down at the desperate dancer on his doorstep. "Why did Ryan kick you out?" He asked.

Ricky shivered as a breeze hit him, "I slept with someone in his bed. He wasn't happy about it. Please, Mike. I'll give you a cut of my check for the week or suck your cock or whatever you want."

He moved out of the way, gesturing Ricky inside. As he walked in, Kuza hit his ass, making him jump from shock. Kuza slammed the door shut with his foot.

"You can stay here as long as you want." He said, setting his bottle on the counter.

"You don't want anything in return?" Ricky asked.

"Oh, don't you worry about that. Tomorrow night you're going to be on all fours calling me Master. I'm too tired tonight though. Come snuggle." Kuza smiled warmly as he walked to the pull out couch he slept on.

The bed was already made for the night. He beaconed Ricky forward. The two fell into the blankets, tangling together. Kuza was happy to have the company, even if Ricky was beyond feeling guilty at the moment.

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