Chapter 33 | Gods and Goddesses

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Ricky's back hit the ground hard, pressed down by the weight of a high heel. His bare skin sweated against a fur rug. The redhead above him wore a poker face, but inside was burning with pleasure from domination. He kept his mouth shut and waited for orders. After all, his boss' number one rule is to listen to the customers.

"You are one naughty little boy." The candy-voiced woman mused. She knelt down over him, placing a hand around his neck. "Letting all these men and woman touch your body. You're such a slut. Tell me!" She shouted as she slapped him across the face.

His head whipped to the side, but he recovered quickly. "I'm such a slut. I need to be punished. Please, punish me, Mistress." He begged. His begging, however, was just because he wanted her to shut up. As far as she was concerned, he genuinely wanted to feel her power.

The woman snickered evilly and lowered herself over his face. "Drown." She sneered as she put her pussy to his lips.

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"You don't exactly look like someone trying to get sober." Manson patronized Angelo as he walked up to the bar.

He raised his head from where it rested on the counter. Angelo's eyes were red from lack of sleep and what was left in his system. "I haven't taken a hit since last night. The half life on whatever I took is fucking long." He grumbled. "Can I get you something to drink?"

Manson narrowed his eyes as he stared at the mess in front of him. "Water, for the both of us."

Angelo pulled two glasses out from underneath the bar top and got water from the tap. He set the glasses down in front of Twiggy and Manson.

"I'm hesitant to show this to you." He said as he held a postcard in his hand.

"What is it?" Angelo asked.

"I don't know how he managed to find us, but it's a postcard from Ryan." He replied. Upon hearing the name, Ange picked up a bottle of whiskey and took a shot off of it. Manson snagged the bottle away from him, "Stop."

"Why should I?" He seethed, "I don't know if you heard, but Ryan actually did pretty well for himself. He became a business man with a good job in a pretty New York penthouse. What the fuck does he want with us freaks? Some reunion?"

"Kind of." He muttered. Manson threw down the postcard on the bar as he added, "He wants to get the show back together. You were the one that said you only feel okay when you're around freaks. Why would you be upset about it?"

Angelo picked up the card and read it over quickly. He set it back down and sighed, "Because, I'm a fucking mess. Can you imagine it? Me walking in, still half drunk with the clothes I still wore five years ago? Depressed, and alone. Meanwhile, Devin and Chris are happily together, wearing perfect clothes and cut like something straight out of a magazine."

"If they got successful, don't you think you would have heard it by now? I mean, you knew Ryan got success because he actually did. But those two, they aren't in any tabloids or on the TV. For all you know, they could be rotting in some bar just like you are. And being a fucking depressed mess is your own fault. We're leaving next week to join the others in Vegas. You can either join us, or be left here to die in this miserable city."

"Please come." Twiggy whispered.

Angelo's eyes drawled, as did his voice, "I'll think about it."

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The money people will pay just to see something sick, to get off to. It was impressive how fast Devin and Chris went from living in an old trailer, to having an apartment on the nicer side of town. The balcony overlooked main street, where all the life happened. Though they did enjoy playing house during the day, when night fell, they became the performers they were meant to be.

Devin laid long ways on a Victorian couch. One of her legs was slightly bent, while the other rested up on the other end of the couch. A velvet dress and gloves adored her body, and those long legs looked perfect in black hose. She took the tip of one of her fingers between her teeth and pulled her glove loose. Once tossing the first off, she repeated with the second.

One of her hands rested on her breast, while the other continued down between her legs. Her audience that once consisted of twenty people, had now grown to well over fifty. They all got themselves off or had someone do it for them as they watched the vixen touch herself. The one that got the most pleasure from it, of course, was Chris.

He watched his beautiful girlfriend as other men drooled over her. This goddess was his and only his. He walked around the couch slowly until he reached where her legs rested. Chris lifted up one of her legs and kissed up it until he was almost at her pussy. She pulled her own hand back and allowed him to take over. His fingers slipped inside of her easily and he instantly found her G-spot. At this point, he knew her body so well, he could make her cum as fast as he touched her. That's not as fun though.

"Oh, fuck!" She yelled, "Fuck, Baby! Rougher!"

He chuckled as she came two seconds later, "That's my girl."

She fought to catch her breath. Devin took a look around at the audience watching them, then back at Chris. "I think they want the main act already."

"Do they, or do you?" He teased.

"Both." She smiled. Devin sat up and pulled her dress down over her boobs. Being that Chris was knelt down, they were right in his face. "Please, fuck me, Daddy."

"How can I say no to that?" Chris smiled, making a few onlookers laugh.

Devin laughed lustfully, "I want it really rough tonight."

Some of the gentlemen in the crowd whistled, apparently wanting the same thing. Chris stood up to his full height. He grabbed Devin by her small waist and flipped her over. Then, slammed her over the back of the couch. She squealed, but still smirked. He pushed her dress up and already had his massive cock out.

Devin held on tight as he entered her at a reasonable pace. He still had such a larger member, that he couldn't completely slam her all at once. He'd probably rip her in half if he did that. She started to move back on his dick, moaning for him. Chris pulled her hair and started to fuck her hard. She came against his cock almost instantly. Her body convulsed and barely had time to recover before she released again. He may have viewed her as a goddess, but she knew he was a god.

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