Chapter 49 | A Day Off

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Kuza woke up to the feeling of his boyfriend's lips pecking at his neck. He slyly glanced down at him and ran his hand through his hair, "What are you doing?" He asked sleepily.

"Kissing you. Duh." He responded. Angelo nuzzled his face against his chest, "I have a meeting this morning with Manson. I just wanted to tell you goodbye before I left. Just go back to sleep."

"What's the meeting about? If you don't mind me asking."

"Just, what I'm going to do with my life now that I've stepped down from the show. It shouldn't take me long. I want to spend my day off with you." Angelo said.

"How about I go get us some good breakfast while you're in your meeting?" He offered.

Ange smiled, "I'd like that, a lot. Thank you."

Kuza kissed the tip of his nose, "Anything for you, Angel."

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Heavy breaths fell from soft lips as Ryan and Ricky held themselves together as closely as possible. Their bodies laced together and lips locked. Though some closed still remained on, the lust was there nonetheless. Ryan slowly brushed his hips against Ricky's, causing them both to shutter.

"I know we've tried to forget about the past," Ryan spoke softly against his ear, "But I can't help myself from thinking about how weird it is that... we used to have no problem tearing each other's clothes off. Now," He laughed nervously as he looked down at his boyfriend, "It's somehow really..."

"Scary?" Ricky murmured.

He sighed, "Yeah. Scary."

Ricky gingerly ran his hand down Ryan's neck as he offered a sympathetic smile, "Everything is a lot scarier when you actually love someone, but, uh... Fuck, I don't know where I was going with that." He chuckled.

Ryan laughed too, then kissed the tip of his nose, "You have such a beautiful smile."

"Shut up." He blushed.

"No, you shut up. You are gorgeous." Ryan responded, "Really, Ricky. I mean it. I think you are the most amazing person I have ever met. And, I think what you were going for is, love does make things fucking terrifying, but it makes things more worth it."

"It really does." He whispered and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Ricky pulled Ryan down onto his lips. The two kissed slowly and meaningfully. Ricky traced his hands down his partner's chest, reaching the hem of his boxers. He took in a deep breath as he slowly pushed down Ryan's underwear. About halfway down, Ryan took them off the rest of the way. Ricky quickly shed his remaining clothes too.

He grabbed Ryan by the hips and pulled him down closer. Ricky wrapped his leg around him as he ran his hand through his hair.

"What happened to my timid angel?" Ryan teased him.

"I found an old spark." He replied, "I'm starting to remember why I used to find it so easy to have sex with you anywhere at any time."

"So tell me what you want." He whispered.

Overcome with passion, all he could manage to reply was, "You."

Ryan titled his head and began to kiss the crook of his neck. Ricky arched his back, allowing him to slip his arm under him. He brought himself closer to Ricky and slowly entered him. It had been months since either of them had sexual contact. They were whimpering in each other's ears easily.

"Oh fuck." Ricky gasped as his boyfriend had hit just the right spot. "Fuck, Baby."

"Mmmhm," He hummed against his neck, "You feel so fucking good."

"Faster, please." He begged.

Ryan lifted his head to look Ricky directly in the eyes. He pulled in and out of him dramatically, causing his small body to move with his weight. Ryan increased his speed and made his little raccoon moan for him louder. Ricky's back arched higher and his chest pressed against that of his lover's. Finally, he let out a loud moan as he met a sweet release.

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"You, are mean to me." Kuza stated as Angelo walked out of the bathroom.

His long hair was dripping wet from a shower. The water ran down his bare chest as he looked up at his boyfriend. "What'd I do?"

"You exist, pretty much." He nonchalantly replied, "Don't get me wrong, Babe, I do have self control and I am still completely okay with this no sex thing, but fuuuuck, you test my limits when you walk in dripping wet without a shirt, or when you wear that one pair of jeans that makes your ass look really good... And the worst, the worst is when you snuggle up to me in just your old sweater. It's so sexy."

Angelo smirked as he climbed into bed, "Are you done?"

He set out a long sigh, "Yeah... But, fuck. You're sexy."

"I'm sorry about being so celibate." He said as he sat himself in Kuza's lap, "But at least Ryan and Ricky are being the same way, so we're not alone."

As if on cue, they heard Ricky's voice moaning in the next room. Kuza grinned evilly, "You were saying?"

"I knew they couldn't last very long." He muttered.

Kuza shrugged, "It was about six weeks. That's pretty long for Ricky."

"How would you know?"

"We used to sleep together, years ago. He looks really innocent, but he's really not." He chuckled.

Angelo wrapped his hands around the back of his partner's neck, responding, "Spoiler alert: The same can be said about me. Actually, I don't think Ricky and I ever hooked up."

"There you go again." He teased, "And why do you say that so matter-of-a-factly?"

"I got busy in the old days." He innocently responded.

Kuza raised his eyebrow, "Oh really? How busy?"

"Well, I'm sure it's no secret to you that Chris and I dated at some point and we still hooked up a lot after we broke up. Because I didn't deal with the breakup well, I spent a lot of time messing around with someone in the main part of the circus. Then I realized I needed to keep things at home and I started to hook up with Nikki a lot. Ashley did join us a few times. I fucked Devin when she first came to the show too and eventually had a threesome with her and Chris. Then Ryan and I hooked up out of spite for our exes. Then, the show broke up."

"I underestimated you." He joked, "I only ever hooked up with Ricky. Whenever Ryan would kick him out, he'd fuck me in exchange for staying in my trailer. Maria and I fucked once when we were both really drunk, and I got head from Devin once, but that's about it."

"Who would've ever thought, between the two of us, I'm the slut." Angelo scoffed and diverted his eyes.

"You're not a slut. You're an angel." Kuza mused and slipped him a kiss.

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