Chapter 46 | Kryptonite

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Ashley sighed as she slid down the door to Devin's hotel room. She plopped down on the ground and looked up at Nikki. He just sighed too, staring at that locked door.

"Do you want me to go get Mike to open it?" He muttered.

"No. She'll just get upset with us." She replied.

Another moment of silence and hoping passed. Angelo, Ricky, and Chris all began to walk down the hall. They were happy, laughing together, and completely oblivious to the situation. Once they saw the saddened looks on their friends' faces, their smiles stopped short.

"What's wrong?" Angelo asked.

"Devin doesn't want to perform tonight and she won't come out of her room." Ashley said.

Chris waved his hand to motion them away, "Let me."

Angelo frowned, "Are you sure?"

He sighed, "No, but I know I'm the only one she'll listen to."

Ashley stood up and Nikki took her hand. They hesitantly walked back down the hall to their room. Angelo and Ricky went to their rooms, but no doubt would be listening in from behind their doors. Once Chris was alone, he gently knocked on the door.


"It's me." Chris responded, "Can we please just talk?"

A minute passed before she violently ripped the door open as far as it could go with the latch still on. She glared at him through the space, "Talk? Do you seriously think I want to talk to you?"

"Yes?" He attempted to make her laugh, but it barely phased her. He sighed, "Please, Sweetie, let me in. I miss you, a lot."

She shut the door for a moment to undo the chain. Devin carelessly yanked it back open and walked away from it as it slowly fell open. Chris walked in and shut the door behind himself. She went back over to the bed and sat down in the mess of blankets. Her back rested against the headboard and she kept her long legs close to her.

Gently, Chris said, "The others told me you don't want to perform tonight."

"Yeah, that's right." She muttered. Devin looked off at nothing in particular and sniffled. "I, um, I realized when I perform, people aren't cheering for my voice. They aren't cheering because they think I'm attractive. They cheer because I'm a freak of nature. That's all I'm worth to people and that's not why I get up on that stage. I perform for my love of the music, and the way it makes me feel to act sexy, and they don't care about either of those things."

He sat down beside her and put his arm over her shoulder, "Oh, Sweetie." Chris silently sighed, "I know you don't like to be told you're wrong, but you are wrong. You're incredibly beautiful and sexy and your voice is amazing. That voice, that's what made me fall in love with you. I am still in love with you and I always will be."

"You don't walk out on people you love." She muttered.

"I made a mistake. I'm sorry, Baby Doll. I really don't want to lose you. I just... Had to fix my shit first so I could focus on you."

She glanced up at him, "I... I'm sorry too, for sleeping with Ange and for being such a bitch. I never meant to hurt you. I love you."

"Mistakes happen." He replied as he ran the pad of his thumb across her cheek. "Now, tell me how I can make you happy again. I hate seeing you upset."

Devin rested her head against his shoulder and set her hand on his chest. "Can you make me feel special? The way you used to? When you'd go really slow..." She bit her lip, smiling as she reminisced.

"Nothing would make me feel better. Sit in front of me, Beautiful." He murmured.

She crawled over and sat herself between his legs. He began to rub her shoulders carefully. Devin closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his genuine compassion. Chris worked his way down her arms, then moved his hands down her torso. As he rubbed her breasts, she lightly moaned. He continued downward and finally slipped one hand into her panties.

Devin leaned against him more and brought her hand up to his neck. "Oh, Chris."

"Hmm," He hummed, "I missed your sweet moans."

He continued to rub her, then slipped a finger inside of her. She moaned and grinded against him. Chris held onto her tightly as she orgasmed in his arms. Devin turned her head to the side and kissed him.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." He returned, "And I want to treat you more later tonight. First, we have a show to do."

She looked at him strangely, "We?"

Chris only returned with a smirk and pecked her lips.

| | |

"Soooo," Ashley wondered over to Chris, "Does this mean you're back forever?"

He sighed, "I think so."

"Good," Angelo replied, "Because as much as I've enjoyed it, being a big performer isn't my thing. I want to go back to telling my little 'ghost stories', as Nikki calls them."

She jumped up and down and clapped. "Yay! I mean, not yay that you're stepping down, but yay that the show is back to exactly what it was."

"Just like old times." Chris smirked and started to walk to the stage entrance.

Angelo followed, shaking his head with a smile. The two allowed Manson to finish his whole talking bit. As they finally walked out, the lights blared in their vision. The crowd cheered their praise for the giant and the angel. That angel leaned himself into his mic, leading the song.

"I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind. I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time. I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon. I feel there is nothing I can do, yeah."

Chris, for the firs time in a long time, earned a smile that only the stage could bring him. "I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon. After all I knew it had to be something to do with you. I really don't mind what happens now and then, as long as you'll be my friend at the end."

"If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman? If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand? I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might. Kryptonite."

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