Chapter 42 | Moderation

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Kuza gently broke away from Angelo. His lips felt raw, unlike any sensation he'd ever felt before. He hovered his mouth close to Ange's for a moment. Then, quickly turned his face to the side in shame.

"I'm sorry." He whispered into Angelo's ear.

Ange set his hand along the side of Kuza's neck. Their eyes met and he said, "Don't be."

"May I... Again?" He asked politely.

"Please do." Angelo murmured.

Kuza kissed him once again. It was very delicate. Any other man or woman he'd ever touched before, he had ravished. When it came to Angelo though, he suddenly had a newfound need to treat him like a dainty flower. As their parted ways, they both found each other looking deep into the other one's eyes.

"I... I think I have feelings for you. I've never... Felt, anything, for anyone else in this way, but I feel like I'm falling for you." Kuza fearfully admitted. No matter how many people he had laid with, he'd never loved anyone in a romantic way. The butterflies in his stomach were brand new to him.

"I had never, seen you in that way before you kissed me. As soon as you did though... It's like all the sudden everything made sense." Angelo responded.

He softly smiled, "I know... We are both a little drunk right now, but um, if we do make this... make us, a thing, can we agree not to sleep together for the first month we're seeing each other? Sex ruins shit."

"Sex does ruin shit." He snickered, "I'm fine with that but snuggling has to be still on the table because I hate sleeping alone at night."

Kuza set his hand on Angelo's knee, "Me too, Angel. Why don't we get back to the hotel and fall asleep together?"

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Ricky shuttered as Ryan released a deep breath against his ear. The two laid in their shared bed, Ryan hovering over his partner. Their shirts were absent and the sheet draped over their lower halves. A feeling of raw passion filled the air. Ryan rested his forehead against Ricky's, letting their breaths dust each other's skin.

"Are you sure?" He murmured.

Ricky's lips quavered, "I... I don't know."

Ryan titled his head and gently kissed under his jaw. "I don't want to until you're absolutely sure. I can wait."

"I still feel bad, putting you off like this." He muttered.

He looked down at Ricky and brushed a hair out of his face. "You're not 'putting me off' or anything like that. I like sex, like anyone, but I can live without it. You're much more important than sex."

A small smile found it's way to his lips. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." He whispered, "You know I'd do anything for you."

Ryan moved over to the side. He laid down and pulled Ricky against his chest. The sweet little raccoon snuggled up, warm and content for the first time in a long time.

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It was only an hour until sunrise, when a crashing across the hall caused both Angelo and Kuza in their room, and Ryan and Ricky in theirs, to jump awake. Angelo sat up and Kuza did the same. He wrapped his arms around Ange from behind and rested his head on his shoulder. After they both had woken up, they realized that what they were hearing was an argument between someone across the hall from them.

"That's Devin's room." Kuza said after a moment, "I'm going to go check on her."

In the next room, Ryan attempted to tell Ricky to go back to sleep. Ricky, however, couldn't rest because that yelling was getting to him too much. He curled up to Ryan's chest.

"I think that's Devin." He muttered.

Ryan sighed and sat up. "Stay here. I'm going to go check."

He grabbed his jeans from the floor, but didn't bother with a shirt. At four AM, he'd hope Devin would understand. Kuza followed the same line of thinking and the two ended up walking out of their rooms at the same time. They both looked at each other and sighed.

"Why were you..."

"We didn't sleep together, if that's what you're thinking." Kuza replied, "We just both didn't feel like being alone tonight."

"I've never known you to be the lonely type." He said.

He scoffed, "Word of advice, Ryan, a bottle of Jack Daniels is to a lonely person, what a badge is to a police officer."

"And a philosopher." Ryan joked, "I'm learning a lot about you tonight."

"You can learn a lot about someone at 4AM." He responded, "I take it you got up for the same reason I did? The yelling?"

"Yeah. You still have that skeleton key your boss gave you?"

Kuza pulled it from his back pocket and flashed it with a smile. The yelling had yet to stop, so he figured it was time the two of them came to the rescue. Even, without shirts. Kuza unlocked the door and pushed it open. Apparently Chris hadn't gotten on his flight back to Louisiana, because there he stood arguing with Devin.

"Guys!" Kuza yelled. The two of them stopped their arguing to glare at him. He sighed, "I don't give a shit about your fuckin' issues and I don't want in your relationship, but can you save your argument for a time when people aren't trying to sleep?"

"I'm sorry, Mike." Devin responded as she set her hand lightly on his shoulder. "I was sleeping myself, before Chris rudely barged in here and woke me up."

"Oh, stop with the act." Chris sneered.

"What?" She frowned.

"Stop acting like you're some damsel in distress. You have no damn problem pushing me around and you could easily kick both their asses." He replied, "And for once, can't you keep your hands off of a man for five fucking seconds? You might as well just get on your knees and such their dicks."

"You've drunk," Ryan sighed, "Did you seriously break your sobriety, Chris?"

"Have your girlfriend sleep with your ex who turned all your friends against you and you just might break sobriety too." He snit.

"Don't listen to him." Devin said, with her hand still on Kuza.

He stepped away from her, much to her surprise. "Dev, I know the breakup has been hard on you both, but I'm not the person to try to cope with. I... I'm seeing someone now. You can deal with all your infidelity problems on your own terms, but keep them to yourself."

"Mike-" She began, but was cut off.

"Please, just head back to sleep. Chris, you can stay in my room tonight. C'mon." Kuza gestured towards the door.

Thankfully he gave in and followed his old friend out into the hall. Devin watched sadly as Ryan shut the hotel room door. She was honestly a little hurt that they didn't strongly take her side or give into her femininity for once.

Ryan went back to his own room to snuggle his boyfriend. Kuza began to walk Chris to his room, when Angelo opened his door. He looked out into the hall, catching Kuza's attention.

"I'm sorry, Angel. I've got to take him back to my room and take care of him. I'm sure he'll start sobering up here soon."

Angelo hesitated before replying, "You can bring him in my room."

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