Chapter 51 | Revisiting Former Feelings

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"You've been avoiding me." Ronnie stated as he walked up next to Angelo.

Ange tensed up at the sign of his voice. He glanced to his side, then back at the stage. They were side stage to the show as Ryan and Kuza were up performing. Kuza held up one of his swords into a gust of fire blown off Ryan's lips. He then made the audience squeal as he put the scorched blade down his throat. Even Angelo, who had seen it a few times now, felt uncomfortable. Maybe that wasn't what was making him uncomfortable.

"Can you blame me?" He muttered.

Ronnie sighed, "I guess not... I, um... How have you been these past few years?"

"I got fucked up pretty bad after the disbanding. Moved to Detroit and was bartending up until Manson found me and dragged me down here. Things are looking up now though. How's the circus been?"

He shrugged, "Same ol', same ol'. Feels like everyone else is getting married though, and I'm still single..."

"You'll find somebody." Angelo said, but he was mostly just making useless small talk. He couldn't care less about whether or not Ronnie of all people found someone.

Ronnie was about to say something more. It was obvious a thought was desperate to leave his mouth, but he withheld it as Kuza and Ryan came off the stage. Kuza stole a kiss from his boyfriend, smiling happily as he parted.

"Hm, I expected your lips to be hotter after that." Ange teased him.

"What? Because I swallowed a sword that had just been on fire? Nah, it's your job to make my lips hot." He replied.

"Smooth." Angelo joked, "I'm going to watch Devin and Chris close out the show."

"Okay, Angel. I'm going to go grab a shower. I'll meet you back at our room?"

"Yeah." He said, then watched Kuza walk off.

Ronnie stared at Angelo oddly, "So, you and Mike...?"

"Yeah, me and Mike." He smiled awkwardly.

"Oh... How long?"

"Couple of months. Funny how we've known each other so long and it took until just recently for it to click. Once it did though, it was like everything suddenly made sense."

Ronnie sighed again, "Yeah, I wouldn't know that feeling," He laughed nervously, "Um... I'm happy you're happy."

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Kuza softly trailed his finger tips down Angelo's arm as he sat in his lap. Ange giggled from the tickle and shied his face away. Gently, Kuza grabbed his chin and lifted his head. He kissed him delicately and blissfully.

"So... You and Ronnie have history, I take it?" He asked.

"You, uh, you picked up on that?" Angelo muttered, "You remember how I mentioned to you that after Chris and I broke up, I started messing around with someone in the circus? That someone was Ronnie. He fell a lot harder for me than I did for him, yet he was the one that cheated constantly. It was years ago though and I'd much rather forget about it."

"Your wish is my command, Beautiful." Kuza mused.

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"You're a fucking asshole!" Devin shouted as she stormed into the bathroom.

"I'm the asshole?!" Chris yelled back, "I'm the fucking asshole for caring about my friend?"

"No, you're a fucking asshole for keeping a secret from me!" She spoke before slamming the door in his face.

"What secret did I keep from you?!" He sneered through the closed door.

"I saw the fucking look on your face! You knew about Angelo and Mike before today!"

"Yeah, on accident! They asked me to keep it private!"

She tore the door back open, now free of makeup and changed into her nightwear. Devin looked up at him with spire and seethed, "I'm your girlfriend of four years. We're not supposed to keep secrets from each other."

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't think you would care. What does it matter to you? You've never had much of a friendship with either of them, so why do you care what they do?"

"I just do, okay?" Devin scoffed and walked over to the bed.

"Oh, no. No. I know you too well. You don't get all worked up over something 'just cause'... You still have feelings for Angelo, don't you?"

Devin glared at him as she pulled back the blankets, "Are you sure you're not trying to project your issues onto me?"

"I have no problem admitted that Angelo will always have a piece of my heart, but that piece exists in the past. You hold every bit of my heart that exists in the present though, and that's why I wish you'd just be honest with me."

"Maybe I do still have feelings for him. He was the first one to truly make me feel at home when I came to the show. I saw him go through a lot with you too. It's a little hard to believe that you did care about him when you abused him the way you did."

Chris' jaw dropped at her daring comment. "You know," He spoke as he walked over to her, "I always have treated you like a princess. Every other person I've ever fucked, I eventually learned I had to abuse them to get them to behave. Maybe I made a mistake in never hurting you. You've never learned to be scared of me, to respect me."

She crossed her arms and swayed her hips. "You don't have the balls to touch a single hair on my head. If you haven't done it in four years, you won't ever do it."

That was enough to set him off. Chris grabbed Devin by the nape of her neck and pushed her into the wall. He wrapped his hand around her throat and brought his other arm around to the front of her. His hand slipped down into her sheer panties and he smirked.

"You're so fucking wet." He mused in her ear, "My little slut. You fucking want this, don't you?"

Her response of an "Uh-huh" was slightly muffled from the way her had her face pressed into the wall.

"Mmm, it's been awhile since I've heard you call me Daddy. You're still Daddy's girl though, right?" He asked as he pushed a finger inside of her.

Devin gasped. Her voice shook, "Y-Yes, Daddy."

He chuckled at how quickly she crumbled. Chris ripped her ruffled panties down. He threw her onto the bed so that her bare ass was being presented to him.

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