Chapter 5 | Passionless

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Ricky stayed up late in the trailer he was bunked in for the night. Being a background piece, he didn't have a trailer of his own. He constantly had to find someone else to host him when the circus moved to the next city. Ryan was more than happy to be that person. He got lonely easily on these long hauls.

"Working on a new act?" Ryan asked as he put his arms around Ricky's neck from behind.

He sighed, setting down the papers in his hand, "Yeah, but not one I want to be. I have to be a backup dancer for the Amazon Woman." He seethed her name.

Ryan hummed against his neck, "I take it you don't like her?"

Ricky sighed and let his head fall back into Ryan's chest, "She hasn't done anything wrong. It's just... Everyone is infatuated with her. I don't get what's so special about her. Chris was drooling over her."

He pulled back a bit, looking Ricky in the eyes, "So this is about Chris?"

"No, no-"

"Ricky," Ryan interrupted, "You're a terrible liar. Look, I know you have feelings for him, but you need to lose them. He doesn't feel the same way about you. If you want to make him jealous though, get to Devin before he does."

"I mean, she's hot, but who knows what she looks like under that big dress." He muttered.

"Fine, don't take my advice, but you better give me payment for letting you crash here again."

Ricky slowly stood up. Ryan watched him happily and hungrily. He pushed Ryan against the table, switching their positions like a dance. Ricky grabbed him by the front of his shirt and smashed their lips together. His leg wrapped around Ryan's as they made out feverishly.

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The big top was empty of a crowd. It was only noon, with several hours until the show. The midway was to open soon, but the performance wouldn't ignite until the sun was down. Practice was to proceed and today they needed every minute to try to put together an act for Devin. He had a few ideas of his own, which he passed along to the contortionists he'd be working with.

"We need to get you a better dress." Manson said as he looked at the shabby black number on her.

"Angelo told me the same thing." She quietly replied, "He said I need something more form fitting."

Ricky rolled his eyes at the thought. Luckily he was behind Devin and she didn't see. However, Ashley did catch it. She shook her head and walked to the front of the stage.

"I'll get something for her. C'mon, we should let Josh and Kuza have the stage anyways. They need to practice before tonight." Ashley told him.

Devin hesitantly followed her. She was still cautious of people here because she barely knew them Angelo seemed rather trustworthy, but others, she had no idea about. Ashley led her through the maze of tents to her and Nikki's trailer. The side of the trailer read his name, along with tag lines about his magic tricks.

Upon entering the trailer, he examined his surroundings. It was a tad larger than Angelo's trailer, but not the biggest in the place. Nikki was passed out in the bed in the back. He took much notice to the girls when they walked in, though. Ashley went to the small closet and sorted through what she had.

"Hmm, all my clothes are a little short for you." She said.

"How much time you got 'till the show?" Nikki asked from the back.

"It's only about one, so plenty of time. I should be able to sew something up." Ashley beamed.

Devin smiled, "Thank you. I've always had to wear plus size clothing to fit my height, but it doesn't exactly fit my weight."

"I don't think I have enough fabric to do something from scratch. Could I tailor this?" She asked.

"Please do." She chuckled.

Ashley opened a drawer in their small kitchen and searched for measuring tape. "I'm going to need to get your measurements anyways, so can you take it off for me now?"

Devin nodded. She pulled the dress down, slipping it past her heels. Thankfully today she was wearing a thong under her garter belt. That didn't change the fact that she was still in very lacy garments. Even Ashley had to take a moment to gawk at her amazing body.

"Can I have a hall pass?" Nikki asked Ashley as he stared at Devin. Ash scowled in his direction. He fell back into his bed, adding, "I'll take that as a no."

"I'm not mad at you for asking. I'm mad that you didn't have the decency to ask until she wasn't in the room." She responded.

Devin giggled, "It's okay. Angelo told me that everyone here is a little... wild."

She raised her eyebrow, glancing up at her while wrapping the measuring tape around her bust, "That's one way to put it. Congrats on being here twenty four hours and not getting fucked though."

"Actually Angelo and I had sex last night on the drive here." She replied.

Ashley snickered, "You'll have no problem fitting in. This should take me about an hour, which is about as much time as it takes Nikki if you feel like going in the back."

"You're okay with him being with another woman?" Devin asked, shocked.

"There's a difference between passion and sex. I really could care less if you fuck him. Just don't go whispering sweet nothings into his ear. That's my job."

She laughed at Ashley's optimism. Once Ashley had taken the measurements she needed, she waved her off. Devin couldn't really walk through camp in just heels and lingerie. Going and having fun with Nikki really was her best option while she waited. She could use a sweet release to relax her nerves before the show, as well.

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Alright, what's your suggestion for what should happen next in this story? Who should fuck who? Who should date who? What else should happen?

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