Chapter 17 | The Price

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Ashley's ^

Also I'm going to start to slowly utilize the new photo/gif feature thing. I don't want to use it too much but I saw an opportunity to.

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Devin reluctantly followed Angelo over to Ash and Nikki's trailer. While the others went out looking for Maria, they wanted the girls to stay safe. Considering Nikki is the one obsessed with protecting what's his, he has the most firepower in the camp. His trailer was a good place for Devin, but she felt she could handle her own.

Angelo knocked on the door. After peering through the blinds to check who it was, Nikki opened up.

"The rest of us are going looking for Maria in town and in the forest near here. Manson wants you to stay here and watch Ashley and Devin." He said.

"Okay. Let me go tell Ashley so she can make herself decent for you to come in." Nikki responded. "Wait here for a minute."He slipped back into his trailer, leaving them to wait.

Devin crossed her arms over her chest, "I can take care of myself."

Angelo took a quick look around to make sure no one was watching them. He then glided his hand across her ass, replying softly, "I know, but whomever these people are, they've made a habit of snatching up women. We just don't want something to happen to you." His hand went further down, touching her through the fabric of her dress, "I'll make it up to you later."

She bit her lip, "You better."

He pulled his hands back when Nikki came back. Angelo headed to join the others, leaving her his capable hands. Devin ducked her head as she stepped inside their trailer. It was actually an acceptable height, but not for a giant like her. She sat down to avoid getting a neck ache.

Ashley came over from the back part of the trailer. She had changed back into her nightwear after their very early meeting that morning. With frustration, she slammed the coffee maker down, "This whole thing is just stressing me the fuck out."

Nikki warmed up to her, wrapping his arms around her, "You're sexy when you're angry though."

She giggled, barely attempting to push him back. "We have a guest."

"Oh, c'mon, Devin naughtier than you. I'm sure she doesn't mind." He replied.

Devin snickered under her breath. She uncrossed her legs briefly, flashing her lack of underwear. "You know I'm always horny."

Devin pulled a cigarette out of her bra, then realized she had no lighter

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Devin pulled a cigarette out of her bra, then realized she had no lighter. "Can I have a light?"

Nikki grabbed a small lighter off the counter. He began to hand it to her, but pulled back. "It's going to cost you."

She sent daggers at him with her eyes, "Name your price."

"I want to watch you fuck my girlfriend. Then I get to fuck you." He grinned ear to ear.

She snatched the lighter from him. "Deal. That's a win for all of us."

He snickered as he walked back to the kitchen area of the trailer. "You know, it's a real shame you don't come here more. I like the way you're always cock hungry."

"Hm," Devin raised her now lit smoke to her lips, "Chris likes it just a little more."

"Lucky bastard. I'm not gay, so I would never sleep with him, but I hear he's a real animal in bed."

She blew out a drag of smoke, "He will fuck me until I'm so exhausted I could sleep for three days. I didn't agree to talk about him though. I agreed to fuck your girlfriend."

"I didn't agree to this." Ashley commented as she drank her coffee.

Nikki sighed and walked over to Devin. He ran his hands along her top, then yanked it down to expose her large tits. He pushed her legs apart and she allowed him. Being that she was wearing her dress that was short in the front, long in the back, her pussy was easy to see.

"Please tell me you don't want to pass this up." He spoke, running his hand up Devin's leg.

His fingers met her womanhood. Nikki began to rub the outside, causing her eyes to slip shut from enjoyment. It was the first relaxing sensation she'd felt since the news earlier had tensed her up. Ashley set her coffee down on the counter and sauntered over.

She fake sighed, "If you insist."

Devin put her heel to Nikki's chest and pushed him away. He didn't get mad because he knew the show he was about to enjoy. Though Devin preferred to be thrown around, she could be dominant when she wanted to. She grabbed Ashley by her hips and yanked her over the top of the table.

Nikki laid back on the couch across from them. He crossed his legs and lit himself a smoke. "Don't be afraid to beat her up a little. She likes it rough."

Ashley laid back on the table with her ass just at the edge. Devin took another drag off her cigarette and blew the smoke along the inside of Ashley's thigh. She took off the smaller woman's underwear to reveal her tight pussy. In between puffs from her smoke, Devin started to go down on the living dead girl. She moaned sweetly, grasping at the edges of the small table.

Devin finally put out the cherry of her cigarette in the ashtray. She stood from the table, then pulled Ashley over the edge of it. She flipped her over so she was leaned over it. Devin inserted two of her fingers inside her companion's pussy and began to roughly pull them in and out. Nikki lost his patience watching then. He got up, going behind Devin to undo her dress.

Once she was fully naked, he pushed her down on the table to be in the same position as his girlfriend. He put the fingers of his left hand inside Devin, and his right in Ashley. The two of them held on to the table desperately while he pleasured them.

"Ah, unf, f-fuck." Devin whimpered, "I want your cock already."

Nikki harshly yanked his hand out of her, causing her to whimper. "Come and get it."

She rolled her eyes. "You men, always want your dicks sucked but never put the effort in to get them sucked. Go sit down on the couch."

He did as he was told. Devin got down on her knees in front of him. Ashley knelt down next to Devin, enjoying the way her boyfriend's cock looked inside another woman's mouth. She kissed along Devin's shoulder area while slipping a hand down by her cunt. The pleasure caused her to break from sucking dick, but Nikki didn't complain. He was getting a beautiful sight.

Devin tackled Ashley to the ground with their lips meeting each other. She turned herself around, putting them into a 69 position. Devin sat up on her face as she felt the smaller's tongue along her pussy. She moaned softly to herself, enjoying the pleasure. Devin finally leaned forward and put her mouth over Ashley's clit.

Being a little more of a whore than Ashley, Devin was bound to cum faster. She moaned against Ashley's skin as she felt herself get close. She sat back up and flipped her hair out of her face. Devin grabbed onto the table behind her and dug her nails in as she met her sweet release. It let go of stress pent up in her body. She had even more pleasure to experience though.

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