Chapter 12 | Try Me

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While the others were busy practicing, Devin decided to explore around the other parts of the circus. Up until now, she had only stayed in the Freak Show area of their large set up. It was made obvious by signing and the design of the entrance that the freaks were to be kept separate from the rest of the carnival. Their presence was not for the faint of heart, so it was no surprise.

Devin kept herself along the back of the tents, as not to alarm anyone by her appearance. She still enjoyed watching the kids play happily along the midway. They were rushing down to the big top to watch the daytime show. The normal show, consisting of acrobats, tight rope walkers, animals, and other family friendly acts performed when the sun was up. The freaks, like the monsters they were, had to perform at night.

She slipped into the back entrance of the big top. The crew let her, recognizing her because some of them also worked on the freak show. Devin peaked through the backstage curtain, seeing the juggler performing for the crowd. She couldn't help but notice there was a much larger crowd here than there ever is at the Freak Show. It was no surprise, because what mother would take their child to see monsters?

"Enjoying the show?" A voice asked, startling her.

Devin jumped, glaring back at the source of the voice. Ronnie. She should have known she'd run into him, coming around his part of the camp. This would only be their second encounter, but without Chris, he thought he could move in closer to her.

"Get away from me, creep." She scoffed, her fists bawled.

"I didn't say anything bad to you." He replied, crossing his arms.

"You were thinking it." She seethed.

Ronnie looked her up and down, "What do you expect when you dress like that? Your tits are practically all the way out and that dress stops a little short, don't you think?"

"Showing this much leg is what's got me making more money than you." Devin boasted, "It doesn't matter if I was stark naked. I still wouldn't be asking for it like you think."

"You know you've really got a mouth on you." He sneered.

"Proud of it. I don't let any man push me around." She stepped closer to him, looking down at him. "I suggest you take your arrogance elsewhere because you're not getting me in your bed. You couldn't handle me."

Ronnie's expression became bitter. He turned his head and laughed ironically, "That sounds like a challenge."

"Only scum like you would interpret it that way." She replied as she began to walk away. Devin ran her hand along the top of one of the lion's cages as she passed it, "Hm, I hope one of your lions eats you."

He watched her leave, glaring at her from behind. Devin stepped outside of the tent and headed back to the freaks' portion of the circus. She'd had enough of the normal people for today.

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"Where are you going?" Kuza asked as Ricky stood off his knees.

"I'm late to practice. Let's hope no one notices the cum in my hair because I don't have time to get it out." He muttered, quickly changing into his clothes for practice.

"You didn't have to blow me if you had practice." He responded, doing his pants back up.

Ricky rolled his eyes, "I did if I still want a place to stay."

"If you're sick of it here, why don't you go apologize to Ryan?" Kuza responded with a little tension.

He glared at him, "Maybe I will."

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With minutes until show time, the crew scrambled backstage. The sun had fallen, meaning it was time for the real show to begin. Devin sat at her usual vanity, doing her makeup. She had slipped back into her first dress from her "Teeth" performance so that she could perform the song once more. Purple filled her lips, and a thick smoky shadow decorated her eyes. Her eyeliner was so sharp, it could cut a man.

She sat with a cigarette lit in a holder in one of her hands. Her finger tips of the opposite hand gently ran around the ring of her glass. It was half filled with a Shirley Temple. A pick decorated in cherries rested inside the glass.

"Can I bum a smoke off you?" Ashley asked as she sat down across from her.

Devin lazily gestured towards the pack, "Help yourself."

"Thanks." She responded and pulled a lighter from her bra.

Ashley realized Devin's eyes were locked on something. She followed her stare, seeing she was burning holes into the back of Ricky's skull. He knew she was staring, but didn't address is as he approached Ryan. Ricky put his hand on Ryan's hip. It was obvious the fire breather was trying not to give in to him, but struggling.

Devin took a long drag off her cigarette, "Ash, be honest with me. What goes on with the whole romance circle here?"

"What makes you think I know?" She asked innocently, perhaps more curiously.

"I've watched you. You observe people, you're always around to listen. Plus I can tell by the comments you've made, you're the ears of this place."

Ash sighed dramatically, "Well, you're not wrong." She put out her smoke in the ashtray on their small table. Ash turned the mirror her way and began to line her eyes as she spoke, "Josh and Ryan-Ashley have been together almost as long as the Freak Show. They're really the only ones that aren't swingers. They like to be left to themselves. Chris and Angelo used to be that way, but they just didn't work out. Angelo loves Chris a lot more than Chris loves him. Ricky, he just joined the troop about two months ago. Ryan fell for him, he fell for Chris. Ricky's been toying with Ryan's emotions for awhile just to have a place to stay. And Mike, Mike just likes a bottle of booze and a casual lay."

"Does Chris care about Ricky?" She asked.

"Hm, maybe as a friend. He has no romantic interest in him from what I can tell, but he does feel bad when he hurts his feelings. Ricky does have those damn puppy dog eyes."

Devin stifled a laugh as she thought back to the way those eyes looked up at her when he was going down on her. "That's true... Everyone tells me not to hookup with anyone outside the camp. Do they mean outside of the whole circus, or just outside of the Freak Show?"

"They mean the whole circus, but I suggest you keep things inside the Freak Show. Some of the more normal performers, they're assholes."

"I've gathered." She muttered.

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