Chapter 9 | Whore

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Kuza grunted against Ricky's neck as he thrust in and out of him. Sex between them tended to be more quiet, whirling in tension filled air. There's never been one time that Ricky slept with Kuza because he genuinely wanted to. He always did it when he needed to, like now. Ricky needed a place to stay, so he got on his hands and knees and let Kuza fuck him like a dog.

While Ricky put himself off in another world, he couldn't help himself from thinking about Chris. Did he seriously come to apologize last night? He wasn't exactly known for swallowing his pride. Ricky glanced out the window, seeing Chris walk by with Devin. Right, yeah, sure he was going to apologize. He really looks sorry for what he did.

His mind was brought back to reality when Kuza slammed into him just right, causing him to lunge forward with a moan. He put his hand up and lazily hit Kuza's chest behind him.

"Mike," He stopped him, "We always fuck doggy style. I want to show you a different position."

Kuza leaned forward and kissed his cheek, "Tell me what to do."

"Just pull out." He replied.

He did as Ricky asked. Ricky turned around to face him and laid down. He brought his legs up on Kuza's shoulders. Kuza slowly reentered Ricky, earning a sweet moan from him.

"Lean forward." Ricky said as he signaled him in that direction.

"You're sure?" He asked, knowing if the rolls were reversed, he definitely couldn't do that.

"Mike, c'mon. I bend for a living. My legs can go well beyond past my head too. Don't decide to be a pussy now."

Kuza raised his eyebrow, "Someone's salty."

He leaned forward like Ricky had asked. Even though he was pretty much folded in half, it didn't seem to bother him one bit. Kuza kissed Ricky as he fucked him much deeper than he ever had before.

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Devin walked along side Chris as she was heading to Ashley and Nikki's trailer. Supposed Ashley had a new dress for her. She was already beyond grateful for the last one. It just happened to be that Chris was heading the same direction and tagged along. He had never really gotten a chance to speak with her properly until now.

"So, are you from California?" He asked her.

"Yeah, Anaheim. It's not too far from where you guys were when I joined the troop." She responded, "What about you? I-I mean, where are you from?"

He smiled at her sweetness, "Scranton, Pennsylvania. It's about an hour or so from Philly."

"Hm, I don't expect the tallest man in the world to come from somewhere so bland." She giggled, "I'd expect like, Russia or China or something."

"I wouldn't expect the tallest woman in the world to come from some small town in California." Chris retorted.

"Tallest woman in North America." She corrected, "The tallest woman in the world is 7'1". I'm 6'8". Do you mind me asking, how tall you are, exactly?"

"Of course I don't mind, Beautiful." He charmed her, "I'm 7'6. Second tallest man in existence, tallest alive currently."

They stopped as they had reached their destination. Devin looked up at him. His eyes positively sparkled under the Arizona sun.

"Were you born near a chemical spill?" She asked.

He snickered, "That's about the only explanation I could find. Before you go, I was going to ask you... We're heading to Texas from here. It's a long drive and the ceiling in my trailer is a lot higher than Ange's. I want you to be comfortable, so I was wondering if you'd be interested in staying with me for the trip?"

A gently rosy color met her cheeks, "Sure. Thank you, for being so considerate."

The door to the trailer they stood in front of opened. Chris caught eyes with Ashley as she popped out. She smiled at him when she realized he was flirting up Devin. He waved at her as if he had done nothing wrong and casually wandered away. Devin smiled, watching him leave.

Ashley stepped out with the dress thrown over her arm. "This should fit, but if any adjustments need to be made, let me know."

Devin held up the dress to look at it. "It's absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much, Ash!"

"No problem, Hun. I thought you could care to show a little more leg," She winked, "You've got a man to catch."

"What? You mean Chris?"

"Duhhh!" She responded, "He's totally crushing on you. Maybe you can be the one that settles him down."

Devin sighed, "He's so attractive and sweet, but I feel like I'm betraying Angelo."

"Chris and Angelo will always have a part of their heart that loves one another, but not their entire heart. In the long run, Angelo would just want to see him happy. Does that make sense?"

"I guess." She muttered.

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Manson gestured towards the side of the stage, "Arizona, please welcome back the gorgeous Amazon Woman!"

The audience cheered loudly for the beauty as the lights fell. A new confidence found itself inside of her. Maybe it was the family she found recently, or the cheers or the crowd. The way the men of the crew appreciated her new dress also helped. It was long in the back and short in the front to expose her perfect legs wrapped in sheer panty hose. A corset under the dress clenched her waist tightly and gave her breasts the illusion they were larger than they already were. She was a vixen, and as she stepped out on that stage, whistles rang out for her.

"I'm the girl you've been thinking about; The one thing you can't live without. I'm the girl you've been waiting for. I'll have you down on your knees. I'll have you begging for more. You probably thought I wouldn't get this far. You thought I'd end up in the back of a car. You probably thought that I'd never escape. I'd be a rat in a cage, I'd be a slave to this place.

You don't know how hard I fought to survive, waking up alone when I was left to die. You don't know about this life I've led, all these roads I've walked, all these tears I've bled. So how can this be? You're praying to me, as I look in your eyes. I know just what that means. I can be, I can be your everything.

I can be your whore! I am the dirt you created! I am your sinner, I am your whore. But let me tell you something baby; You love me for everything you hate me for."

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