Chapter 20 | Shush

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Ryan opened up his trailer door upon hearing a knock. The rain had hit that night, soaking their camp. He was shocked to see innocently little Angelo standing in the downpour.

"What are you doing here?" Ryan asked.

"Everyone else is either partying in town or asleep and I need help with someone. Can I please come in?" He sweetly requested.

He nodded, stepping aside. Ryan closed the door behind Angelo and grabbed a towel for him. He was soaked, and it wasn't like their trailers were that far from each other. It was just raining that badly.

"You poor thing." Ryan muttered as he handed him the towel.

Angelo roughly scrunched his hair with it, replying, "Thanks. It's really coming down out there."

"Hopefully camp doesn't get flooded." He said, "So, um, what can I help you with?"

"Well, I think we can help each other. I know you're upset over Ricky, and well, I'm little fucked up because of someone too."

Ryan leaned against the counter, studying his friend, "Yeah... What about it?"

"I know Ricky used to pay rent to you in sexual favors. Obviously I don't have a problem with housing, but I do have a broken heart and a high sex drive."

He raised his eyebrow, "What are you suggesting?"

Angelo rolled his eyes playfully, "I know you're smarter than that, Ryan. I need to get these clothes off anyways because they're soaked. Why don't you help me?"

"Chris will cut my head off." Ryan muttered.

"He won't know. He's fast asleep in his trailer. And unless you give me a reason not to, I'll be quiet." He smiled gently. Angelo pulled up his wet sweater, tossing it on the floor. "Please, Ry-Ry."

He bit the inside of his lip, looking his chest up and down. "Everyone always acts like you're such an innocent little angel."

Angelo got closer to Ryan, staring deep into his eyes. Their hips pressed against each other as he whispered, "I'm far from innocent. Now, are you going to be a little bitch, or are you going to fuck me?"

"This has to stay between us." Ryan said.

"Of course." Ange perked, then met their lips together.

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"So, what's the deal with those two?" Ricky asked Kuza, nodding his head towards their boss.

They sat at a bar, slowly working down glasses of whiskey. Kuza looked up at where Manson and Twiggy were sitting at a small table in the corner of the restaurant. Manson always made sure to keep his boyfriend as close as possible.

"Twiggy's just always been around, and Manson has always been sickly over protective of him. Something fucked up must've happened to him because he barely speaks and he only lets Manson touch him. If anyone else tries, he will scream." He said.

Ricky scrunched his face in worry, "But no one knows how he got that way?"

"I've heard rumors, around camp, but nothing that's stuck." He said, "The most popular opinion is he got tortured throughout his childhood. Not just getting his by his parents. Really fucked up shit, like getting locked in a cage like a dog and being starved for a week straight."

"Christ." He wisped, "I hope that's not true, but it would explain a lot."

"How'd you end up here?" Kuza asked.

"My only skill in life is bending my body in inhumane ways. Where else was I going to go?"

"Whorehouse." He suggested, then shrugged when Ricky glared at him, "You would've made a lot of money. Just saying. I can see what you can do."

"Lucky you, you'll probably get a show tonight because I need a place to stay again." Ricky stated, "Chris is on bedrest after he collapsed and Devin is taking care of him. So, I can't stay there, and Ryan won't accept my apology."

"If Devin is staying with Chris, that means Angelo has room for you. Why don't you stay with him? You've got a lot in common. You both have been fucked over by Chris." Kuza suggested.

He sighed, "That's not a bad idea."

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Devin stood in front of the small mirror that hung in the closet size bathroom of Chris' trailer. She pinned up her hair, which was beginning to grow longer than her preference. Her face was free of makeup, which was a sight she had yet to show to Chris. The thought of it honestly made her a little nervous. She had changed into a silk top and matching shorts for bed. With her hair up, she looked like a pin-up model.

She slowly walked out of the bathroom, peering around the corner to see if Chris had fallen asleep. He smirked at her, still very awake. Devin blushed and walked on her feet lightly.

"You're so cute." He chirped.

"Shut up." She teased him, "I'm not cute. I'm badass." Devin climbed into bed, laying along his side with one of her legs tangled around his.

He combed his fingers through her hair, "You're an adorable badass. There, is that better."

She pouted, "I guess."

Chris giggled and placed a kiss on top of her head. "You're beautiful, okay?"

Devin shyly smiled. "Thanks. Is there anything I can get you before bed?"

"All I need is you." He responded, "And lucky me, I've already got you."

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Ryan's trailer was almost pitch black to avoid anyone from seeing him and Angelo's little affair. Even with the shades down, they couldn't risk it. Ryan held his hand over Angelo's mouth as he fucked him missionary style. They tried their damnedest to be silent while still enjoying it. Little did Ryan know, Angelo liked being forced and controlled. That hand over his mouth was only turning him on more.

He stopped his movements as he heard a voice outside. Ryan lifted the edge of the shades to see everyone walking back into camp after getting back from partying in town.

"They're back." He whispered to Angelo.

"Well, the way I see it," Angelo whispered back, "You have three choices. Either finish and I do the walk of shame now, let me sleep here and I do the walk of shame in the morning, or you can fuck me until everyone else is asleep. If you can last that long."

"That sounds like a challenge." Ryan seethed.

"Well, can you?" He murmured.

Ryan slammed back into Angelo, earning a silent gasp from him. "As long as you can stay quiet that long."

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