Chapter 43 | Attention Whore

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After barely getting a knock in, Nikki was shocked at Devin's haste to answer the door. She recomposed herself but didn't bother fixing her messy hair. She was only in a large T-shirt, presumably Chris'.

"What's so important it couldn't wait until morning?" He asked, trying not to sound aggressive.

She returned with a question, "Is Ash still okay with you sleeping with other woman?"

He raised his eyebrow, "Yeah, why?"

Devin glanced down both ends of the hall. She then grabbed him by his belt and yanked him inside her room. She slammed the door behind her and locked it quickly, telling him, "Chris and I broke up and Kuza won't fuck me so I need you to."

"Chris will kill me-"

"No, he won't." She strongly insisted, turning to face him. Devin sighed, "Please, Nikki?"

"You know I find you absolutely ravishing," He said, making her blush and giggle. "But, it's probably safer if you just stick to touching yourself, my dear. You know how possessive Chris is."

Devin trailed her hands down his chest. She palmed him through his pants, earning a hesitant reaction. A small smile met her lips, "You don't have to worry about Chris, but," Devin dramatically sighed, "I won't push. Will you at least stay and keep me company for a little bit?"

He shrugged, "Why not?"

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Throughout the following half hour, Devin had been rather flirty with her body language. Nikki didn't mind because she was that way constantly. He thought little of it, until she began to go further than just playful eyes and the biting of her lip. She sat in an armchair with her legs pulled up. Devin pulled down on the bottom of her oversized shirt, releasing a stressed sigh.

"Would you like me to go? You're probably tired." Nikki said as he started to get up.

"Stay." She breathed out, "Please?"

He watched her carefully. Her body was obviously hungry for something only he could provide. Hesitantly, Nikki sat back down. Devin smiled devilishly and bit her lip. She put her hand between her legs and touched herself through her lacey thong. Her eyes slipped shut and she moved her hand to the inside of underwear.

Softly, she moaned. Nikki crossed his legs and tried to resist her charm. It was a little difficult when she was fingering herself right in front of him.

"Fuck it, I'm dead already anyway. What's the worst Chris could ever do to me?" He muttered to himself.

Nikki got up and moved across to where Devin sat. She smiled victoriously up at him.

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In that small hotel bathroom, Angelo sat with his back against the wall and Chris with his back against the tub. Angelo stared at him, while he kept his head down in shame.

"You know, I never thought I'd see the day I could ever do something better than you." Ange snit, "Who would've thought that something would be holding my liquor?"

"I wouldn't be bragging about that." Chris murmured.

"I'm sure you already know what came of me after the show disbanded. It's not much of a secret to anyone."

"Yeah, I heard you were a real hot mess. Now you're only half of that." He half smiled.

Kuza managed to walk in the doorway as he was talking. He looked down at Chris, "If you mean he's still hot, I'll kick your ass for even trying to hit on him. If you mean he's still a mess, I'll still kick your ass for insulting him."

Chris chuckled briefly, "So I'm damned either way?"

"Seems so." Angelo muttered, "In more ways than one, huh? You go back to New Orleans, you're all alone and have no income. You stay here, you're stuck working with your new ex and your old one. Not to mention Ricky too, who isn't that fond of you either."

"Let's review." Kuza perked, "You used Ricky and Angelo for sex when they both genuinely had emotions for you, would beat on anyone who fucked them, then left them both for dead so you could play house with your new girlfriend. And when Devin sold herself out just to get you back the one thing you missed, the stage, you broke up with her because you couldn't handle that you didn't know where she was for a few hours."

Chris glared up at him, "You want to cut me open? I'll do the same for you."

Kuza looked over at Angelo. Though they had been friends for a long time, they didn't know much about each other's secrets. It was fearful territory to tread for their new relationship.

"Go 'head. It's best he finds out now rather than later." He stated.

"Before the Freak Show, Mike worked for a drug lord. One of the most powerful in the business, and obviously someone like that isn't going to let their freak flag fly openly. So, Mike would not only smuggle drugs for him, but he's also suck his cock whenever need be."

Kuza shrugged and nervously laughed, "How do you think I learned to sword swallow?.. At some point, he overdosed. His son took over the drug ring and fired me. Myself and a whole lot of other people were left homeless. That's why I was so unhappy when I found out you had a coke problem. I know what drugs can do to people."

Angelo slumped against the wall as he processed it. "Why didn't you tell any of us?"

"I told Chris, if that counts. I just, felt like the past was best left that; the past."

"Well, before Mr. I'm Too Drunk to Respect My Friends here tells you about my baggage, I will. These past few years were not my first time using. Before the Freak Show, I was a coke whore. That's the only way I could find to make the spirits go away. They are constantly around me and the only time I can control them properly is when my anxiety is down. That only happens when I'm around the freaks though."

"I guess it's a good thing we got the show back together then, hm?" He smirked. Angelo nodded sleepily and offered him a smile. Kuza's expression softened, "Go rest, Angel. I'll watch drunk ass."

"Thank you." Angelo replied.

He got up off of the floor. Angelo reached up and pecked Kuza on the cheek. He giggled and wished him a good night. Then he sat down where Ange just had been. Chris, still with hazy eyes, watched this entire situation take place.

"So I take it you two are screwing?" He asked.

"No, just seeing each other. We decided not to sleep together for awhile because sex can really ruin relationships if it's too soon. We haven't told anyone else though, so please try to keep it between us."

"I spill one of your secrets, so you have to give me another. Is that it?" Chris teased him. Kuza just shook his head with a snit.

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