Chapter 39 | Breaking Deals

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The dim bar lighting sparkled over Angelo's dull eyes. He took a drink from his glass, of which he'd barely touched. Somehow he found his control over alcohol, but holding in his rage proved to be a different challenge. Dressed in a tight red latex dress and velvet black heels, Devin sat across from him.

"Swear your tits got bigger since I last saw you." Angelo grumbled.

She tried her best not to snap at him and simple scoffed, "We don't have that kind of money. I've just lost an inch or so off my waist. Makes the girls look bigger."

"I suppose you had to lose some weight since you're modeling now, huh?" He asked.

"The agency 'recommended' it, which I've come to learn is their way of telling me I'm going to go it if I want to keep my job." She replied.

"Not like they're going to get rid of their centerfold anytime soon." He snit. Angelo leaned forward, examining her under the cheap lighting. "What exactly are you after?"

"I'm just looking to mend some bridges. You're mad at Chris for what he did, but it wasn't his fault. I'm the one that convinced him to get out of town as fast as possible."

He leaned back, contempt ridding his face. "And I suppose, when your pussy is rubbing against his leg, it's a little hard to say no to you."

"That's right." Devin chirped. She stood up and walked around to his side of the booth. Devin sat down with her leg between us and her hands pressed down on his hips. "It works on any man."

Angelo looked down at her huge breasts in his face. Looking back to her eyes, he said, "Just put your deal on the table already."

"I know the only reason the others have closed us out is because of you. Convince them to let us back in the show and I'll do whatever you want in return."

"Whatever I want?" He mused as he ran his finger along the inside of her dress' collar. Devin nodded and he licked his lips. He leaned in towards her ear and whispered, "I want you to come back to my hotel room with me. You're going to get on your hands and knees on my bed, pull that dress up so I can see your pretty little cunt, and you're going to beg me to fuck you until you're crying."

She pulled down on the bottom of her dress out of sexual frustration. "Uhnff... I miss the way you feel."

"You're still the same slut you used to be." He chuckled.

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Ryan broke away from a very passionate kiss against Ricky's lips as he felt his hesitation. He held the smaller's face in his hands as he looked down at him. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

His eyes dimmed, "Are you sure you want to? I would understand if not." Ricky laughed nervously and shrugged his shoulders, "I mean, what man wants someone that everyone's had?"

"Hey, none of that." He softly wisped, "We agreed we were going to leave the past behind. That's why I'm asking, because we're starting over and I don't want to rush you if you're not ready. It has nothing to do with the past."

"I know, I know." He grumbled and began to pace away from Ryan. "It's just," Ricky fell face-first into the bed and groaned loudly into the sheets.

Ryan sat down beside him and rubbed his back. "Tell me." He said.

Ricky lifted his head to look at his boyfriend. "I don't know... I just, I don't feel like it's right. My brain is all screwed up from running into Chris tonight."

"I understand, and you know I'll wait until you are okay." He gently brushed some hair our of Ricky's face, "Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?"

"Cuddle." Ricky muttered.

Ryan smiled widely at his sweetness. "No problem. Do you at least want to face the right direction on the bed first?"

"Nope." He chirped.

"Of course not." Ryan joked and pulled one of the pillows over from the top of the bed.

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Kuza ripped open his door, pissed anyone was interrupting him and his lady friend. He glared at Chris, who just glared right back.

"Where's Devin?" He barked.

Kuza snit, "How should I know? She's your girlfriend."

"She left after I fell asleep and I know this is the only place she'd even have reason to come."  Chris stated.

"Look, in case you haven't figured this out, you're not welcome here. So get the fuck out of my face." Kuza began to close the door, but a large hand stopped him.

"I'm not leaving without her, or at least some fucking answers as to why everyone is treating me like public enemy number one." He seethed.

Kuza stared back at him with spite. He then looked to his side, "Give us some privacy, doll. If you're still lookin' to get fucked, I'm sure Nikki will have you."

The woman with dark skin and blue hair stood up. She walked out of the room, past Chris. Kuza normally was a gracious host, but gave his old friend the cold shoulder. He sat down and expected Chris to find his own drink and his own seat.

"Twiggy and Angelo were kidnapped by American Nazis that night. Angelo played the martyr and helped Twiggy escape. He ran back to the camp and told us where Ange was. When we found Angelo, a Nazi was about a second away from blowing his head off with a shotgun. It's a good thing Nikki shot when he did." He scoffed, "The whole thing fucked Angelo up pretty badly, but what hurt him even worse was when he found out you were already long gone. The one person he loved the most, had left him for dead."

"I have to pick and choose my battles." Chris replied, "And I chose to save Devin while the rest of you saved Ange."

"It doesn't matter, Chris. You still left. I mean, you didn't see Nikki run so he could protect Ashley. Balz didn't run to protect Ryan-Ashley. You weren't doing it for Devin's sake. You were saving your own ass." He seethed over his whiskey glass. "And the most twisted part? We all ended up in casinos, strip clubs, bars, whorehouses. Meanwhile you get to live the high life with your model girlfriend."

"It wasn't like we just turned around in a day and had success, okay? We were struggling these past few years too. Up until a few months ago, Devin was singing at some hole in the wall bar. We eventually started doing sex shows just to make enough money. It was through selling ourselves that we met the agent that put Devin in playboy. The guilt has haunted me, trust me."

"Haunted." Kuza scoffed, "That's a fuckin' word for it. You know after you left, the spirits started getting to Angelo. So badly that the only way he could stop them was with drugs and alcohol. When Manson finally found him, he was bartending up in Detroit and fucking gangsters just for a little blow. No matter how shitty you feel like your life was, it would never be as bad as how you left Angelo. You wanted your answers, I gave them to you. Now get the fuck out."

Chris opened his mouth to speak, but Kuza stood up to show he meant it. He got up from the couch and showed himself out. The home he once knew had burned to the ground.

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