Chapter 44 | In the Dark

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"So, I'm guessing I'm out of the show now that the princess is back?" Angelo asked Manson as they stood side stage, watching Devin practice.

"On the contrary, you're closing the show now." He responded very matter-of-factly.

It took a minute to sink in before Angelo realized what he had said. He looked over at his boss with large eyes, "You aren't serious?"

"I'm serious." He said, "You wanted revenge and I'm going to make sure you get it. She got back in this show by pure luck and she's been a little bitch to work with."

"What about Chris? Are you going to invite him back?"

"Chris needs to figure out where his heart is first. The only way that's going to happen is if Devin has her ego crushed and realizes she needs him. Love is humbling, but it takes time."

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Just as usual, Ricky and Ashley were at practice the longest because their talent was used the most. Once they reached their final set to practice, which would be Angelo's, Ange didn't start up the song as he normally does. He walked over to where the two sat, stretching out.

"You two can sing, right?" He asked.

"Yeah." Ashley answered.

"Not really." Ricky replied.

"LIAR!" Ryan yelled from beside the stage. Ricky looked over at him and he smirked.

Angelo chuckled at their lover's quarrel, "I'd like if you would sing with me tonight, instead of being backup dancers."

Ashley seemed to have no problem with it, but Ricky hesitated. Ryan walked out from backstage. He knelt down, whispering something in his ear that the others didn't catch. A blush instantly hit his cheeks and he seemed to become more easy with the idea.

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Manson didn't bother to even flinch when a hand and paper slammed down on his desk. He simply sighed and looked up at Devin. She was obviously angry and he knew why. He expected this as well.

"What is this?" She hissed.

"The lineup for the show tonight." He responded dryly.

Her eyes narrowed, "You know what I meant. Why am I not closing out the show? We had an agreement that I was going to be the star of the show."

"I agreed you would star in the show. Not that you'd be the showcase. Angelo has been around a lot longer than you and he deserves that position. If you want that closing spot, I suggest you drop the attitude and start kissing my ass. Metaphorically, of course. You won't be sleeping your way to the top this time."

"This time?" She seethed.

"I'm not a fool. I know the reason Chris praised you and made me give you so much stardom is because you two were sleeping together. Unfortunately for you, he has no pull in the show anymore and you're not even his play thing." He said, "Now, please, go get yourself ready for the show and let me finish my work."

Devin was less than happy with the response she got. She snubbed her nose and showed herself out.

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Despite any complications, all Devin's stress was melted away once she stepped on that stage. Compared to her original debut on the original Freak Show, she had lost any of her timidity. Instead of a long, flowing dress, she was proudly on that stage in a very tight and short red dress. Sashes flowed from her shoulders down to the rings on her middle fingers.

She once again was a vision to behold. Her plump lips sang like a siren into the mic. The horrific version of "I Put A Spell on You" rang from her throat. Men in the audience fell under her trance quickly. A smile remained on her face as the lights dimmed to signal the end of her act.

Devin walked her long legs backstage. She flashed the look of the Devil at Angelo, "Break a leg." She scoffed.

Kuza growled and Ange put his hand on his chest to calm him down. Ricky glared at Devin just the same. She might add to the show, but her ego was getting on their nerves. Manson walked out to introduce the next and final act. The lights turned to a dark green and Angelo walked out on that stage with a score to settle.

"Whenever the lights go down, that's when she comes alive. Maybe it's just something  that you can only see in the light. A pretty little vixen dancing out on the scene, but the lights are shining, so she's keeping it clean. Don't get too close, boy, don't touch her skin, or you'll never feel the same way again

If everything you see is what you're believing, then she'll be holding your heart. And by the time the sun goes down, you won't know who you are. She likes to do it in the dark. She likes to do it in the dark, oh

Whenever the darkness comes, she'll have you right where she wants. Just when you think it's all over, it's where it all starts. It sounds like an angel is calling my name. It might be the devil, but they all sound the same. And all her moves won't let you get away. She's gonna make your mind come with you to stay."

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"I didn't ask you to come here." Chris spoke lowly, not even glancing up at the door. He knew who it was by the smell of her perfume that permeated the room.

"You didn't have to." She replied, "I know when my man needs me."

"Your man?" He scoffed as he stood up off the bed, "You broke up with me. You made the decision you didn't want me. So you have no right to call me yours."

Her eyes softened, "I'm sorry for all I said to you."

"It's not what you said, Devin. Even if it did hurt me, you've said a lot worse before when you've been pissed. It's what you did that broke my fucking heart. You went and fucked the person that represents my biggest life regret. Then, afterward, you decided I was no longer good enough for you. Do you have any idea how much it keeps me up at night thinking about what I did to Angelo? The hole that constantly burns in my heart because of that, I didn't think could get anymore painful. You somehow managed to make it hurt more though."

"I'm sorry, Chris." She pleaded, "I know I fucked up but I miss you."

"You really sounded like you missed me last night when you were getting fucked at the crack of dawn." He deadpanned.

Devin was taken back, frowning, "Oh, you heard that?"

"Of course I heard it." He snit, "I was right across the hall with Angelo and Mike."

She lowered her heard, shameful, "I'm sorry, again. I just wanted some attention from someone."

"Do I need to remind you that you were pissed at me last night and wanted me out of your room? Make up your mind. Do you want me around or not?"

"I do!" She quickly replied, "Please! I just miss the way your touch feels."

Chris looked down at her. Her eyes were begging for him to take her back. He placed his hands on her shoulders and ran them down her arms. She smiled to feel contact with her love again. Then he sighed and took away his hands.

He gently told her, "I can't do this to myself again. I'm sorry to be selfish, but you've made plenty of selfish decisions for the both of us."

Devin swallowed a lump in her throat. "Fine." She muttered, on the verge of tears, "Can I at least have one kiss?"

Chris sighed again, trying to find the right response. He didn't want to be so cold, but he worried that one kiss could lead to so much more...

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