Chapter 41 | Cheat

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Angelo, not wanting to move away from his bed after a long night, yelled towards the door for the others to let themselves in. Kuza used his skeleton key to open the rustic lock of the old hotel door. He pushed open the door and sighed when he saw Angelo shirtless in bed. Angelo sat up, his black hair falling in front of his face.

"Hungover?" Kuza asked.

He groaned, "I didn't drink more than one glass. I just had a bit of a wild lady last night. Wore me out..." He bit his lip with a smirk as he thought back over it. "Wish she could've stayed."

"Why couldn't she?"

Angelo's smile fell, "She had to work. It doesn't matter now. What did you need?"

"We need to talk." He replied. Kuza grabbed Angelo's jeans and handed them to him, "You mind?"

He nodded, "Give me a minute to get dressed."

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Ricky sat with his legs crossed on the bathroom counter. He sat as close to the mirror as he could while doing his eye liner. Thinking he was alone, he sang to himself softly. "You never know when you're gonna meet someone, and your whole wide world, in a moment, comes undone. You're just walking around then suddenly, everything that you thought that you knew about love is gone. You find out it's all been wrong, and all my scars don't seem to matter anymore 'cause they led me here to you."

He was so caught up in his bliss, he didn't notice Ryan walk into the room. Ryan leaned against the doorway of the bathroom as he watched his sweet raccoon.

"I know that it's gonna take some time. I've got to admit that the thought has crossed my mind. That this might end up like it should, and I'm gonna say what I need to say, and hope to God that it don't scare you away. Don't want to be misunderstood, but I'm starting to believe that this could be the start of something good."

"You have a beautiful voice." Ryan said, startling Ricky. "I can't believe I've known you this long and haven't know about it."

He blushed, "Thanks. I've sang backup before for Devin."

"Speaking of, have you heard the news? She's rejoining the show." Ryan hesitantly told him.

Ricky slowly lowered his makeup brush from his face. He glanced over at Ryan, frowning, "Chris too?"

"No, just Devin. They apparently broke up and he's already on a flight back to New Orleans."

"Oh." He murmured.

Ryan moved up behind Ricky. He wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist and kissed his cheek. "Tell me what's bothering you?"

Ricky sighed deeply, "Last night, when Angelo was sleeping with that girl, I recognized her voice. Her... moans..." He muttered, "I... I think... I know he was sleeping with Devin."

"And all the sudden they break up and she's let back in the show." He responded, "You're thinking what I am?"

He looked down at his hands and fiddled with his fingers, "That she slept with him to get back in the show? And broke Chris' heart in the process?"

Ryan ran his hand up and down Ricky's arm, "Yeah. Karma, huh?"

"I don't want to talk about it." He softly said, "I just want to... Finish getting ready for the show."

"Turn around, I'll help." He replied gently.

Ricky turned around on the sink with ease. His talents back acrobatic acts come as second nature. Ryan smiled to see his eyes again. He picked up a tin of eye shadow and a makeup brush. Ricky closed his eyes and tried not to smile too wide. Secretly, he really enjoyed having such a doting boyfriend.

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After another successful show, Angelo found himself not exactly feeling like the big, bad rockstar. Instead, he was back where he had started; the bar. Luckily this one was a little nicer than the one he'd been slumming it in up in Detroit. The colors of vintage reds and browns decorated the black bar. Cigarette smoke fogged up the air.

The bartender walked over to where Angelo was slummed in the corner. He set a drink in front of him, saying, "A drink courtesy of the gentleman over there."

Angelo looked up. His eyes cut through the crowd, exactly where the bartender pointed. Once the crowd thinned, he saw a familiar Devilish face. Kuza smiled as he raised his glass to his lips. He stood up and walked over to the bar.

"Unlike you to buy anyone a drink." Ange said, "You don't even buy yourself a drink; You get other people to."

"You're welcome." He scoffed.

"Sorry. I've just been a little mad at myself for a mistake. Thank you for the drink."

"You're welcome. Now, as payment, why don't you tell me about that mistake?" He asked.

Angelo sighed and waved towards the bartender. He asked for a shot of whiskey, doubling the order before it was even poured. After throwing back the shots, he found the courage to talk about what exactly he'd done.

"I fucked Devin." He said bluntly.

Kuza raised his eyebrow, "What?"

"Last night. After the show, I was about to go to bed when she called up my hotel room. She asked me to meet her for drinks. I get there and she propositioned me. She said she'd do anything if I'd convince Manson to let her back into the show. Bare in mind, she said it while in my lap with no panties on. I got the message loud and clear. Then you come in this morning and tell me Manson's taking her back anyways. So, I betrayed the entire Freak Show and Chris for no good reason."

"You had a few drinks in you. We all make mistakes when we're drunk."

"Hm," Ange snit, "I doubt the others will see it that way."

"I wish I could help. You think you'll be okay with Devin being back around? Despite you two fuckin', you aren't exactly on good grounds with each other."

He hung his head low, "I don't know. I'm honestly just sick of feeling like death."

"Dead things can be beautiful." Kuza perked, "You're beautiful. Too beautiful to let cheats get you down."

Angelo laughed sarcastically, "I am a cheat."

Kuza placed his hand below Angelo's chin. Lifting his head up, he looked at Ange's lips, then his eyes. "We both are." He whispered before closing the space between them. Kuza's lips gently met Angelo's in a surprisingly lovingly way.

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