Chapter 30 | Sin City

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Manson woke up in the dead of night, knowing something was wrong. He instantly realized it was because his bed was empty. Twiggy never left his side, ever. In a panic, he rushed up and checked through every bit of the trailer. There wasn't many places he could really go here. He grabbed some clothes, barely taking a minute to put them on, and ran outside to look for his love.

Twiggy would never leave his side like this. Then again, if someone took him, there would've been a struggle. The door had been unlocked without any sign of force. It seemed he had left of his own free will, but where would he go? Detroit was a dangerous city. Someone so unstable as Twiggy won't survive on the streets by himself. What was he thinking, running off like this?

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Kuza led his old friends up to his room in the casino and hotel. Being one of the best card dealers on staff, the fancy resort treated him well, despite his monster appearance. It was actually for the best that he looked so fearful. People were too scared of him to cheat on his table. He fell down on the couch and the others followed suit.

"I'd return to the Freak Show in a heartbeat, if it was realistic to get it back. The problem is, the circus would never have us back. They're right. It's selfish of us to put the rest of them in danger like that." He said.

"Plus, we have no idea where anyone else is, but we're not letting that stop us." Ryan replied.

"We know we can't rejoin the circus. It's not realistic, and it's actually safer for us not to travel with the show. We were more thinking of having it as a stationary show." Nikki added.

Kuza ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek. He sighed, "Vegas would be the ideal place. It's Sin City. Here, it's expected people are evil. No one would attack us, because we'd fit right in. That's why I settled here. Look, if you can find the others and convince them to come back, I can pitch the show to my manager. She'd do it for me in a heartbeat."

"That's half our problem solved." Ashley muttered.

"We've got a city and a stage, we just need the performers." Ryan replied, "We found you once we started digging. I'm sure we can find the others."

"When I play the tables, I hear things. People come from all over to gamble in the infamous Las Vegas, meaning I get gossip from all over. A few weeks ago, old sailor was here. Had a really nice tattoo and I asked him about it. He told me he got it from an artist in Pittsburg. A woman, covered head to toe in tats."

"You're thinking it's Ryan-Ashley?" Ashley asked.

He shrugged, "Who else could it be?"

"I'm living in New York right now. That's where I happened to find work." Ryan said, "I'm flying back tonight. I'll take a train to Pittsburg this week and check every shop in town."

"You probably should get going so you don't miss your flight. Mister fancy pants." Nikki teased him.

He rolled his eyes playfully, "Yeah, yeah. Mike, can you put these two up for awhile? Until I fly back in a few weeks?"

"No problem. I'll see if I can find them some temporary work too. It shouldn't be hard, considering Vegas loves us Freaks." He grinned.

Ryan chuckled to himself, joyed by being around his old friends. He stood up, saying his goodbyes, and leaving the hotel room. Once he was gone, Kuza got up and wondered over to his small kitchen. He grabbed some glasses and a bottle of whiskey. Then, brought them back over to the sitting area.

"Is he still hung up about Ricky?" Kuza asked.

"Yeah," Ashley frowned, "I think it's gotten worse over the years."

"I had a feeling. That's why I didn't tell him."

Nikki shot him a concerned look, "Tell him what?"

Kuza panned a sigh, "I think I know where Ricky is, and he's not going to like it."

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"Ladies and gentlemen," A snake of a man spoke as he walked through a Victorian styled room, "I have a real treat for you tonight. A real, genuine freak. An Amazon Woman."

He lead Devin by the hand in front a crow of about twenty people. It was mostly men, but there were plenty of women there that were just as kinky. They stared at her in awe. At first, it was intimidating. It had been awhile since she'd performed for an audience as a freak. At the social club, she's just a normal singer that happens to be extremely tall. Here though, the word "freak" earned her a lot more money.

She sat down on a tight leather couch that faced the people. Her short latex dress was even tighter against her sharp hourglass figure. In these three years, she's managed to maintain her tiny waist and large hips.

"Who's the lucky man that gets her first?" One of the men asked.

"Nobody." She seethed, "I'm not one of your house slaves, so don't treat me as one. I'm simply a human oddity for you to marvel at."

"I couldn't have put it better." The host purred. He looked across the crowd as he told her, "Show them what a little song bird you can be, my dear."

She bit her lip with a smile. Devin spread her legs and ran her hand up her thigh. She wasn't wearing any underwear under that dress. The crowd was instantly drawn in by the sight. She slipped her two middle fingers insider herself and played it up for their enjoyment. Though, she really was enjoying it, but she made her moans a little louder than normal.

Devin ran her other hand over her breasts, massaging one of them. Many of the members of the club were now stoking themselves or getting house servants to suck them off. She smiled wider when she saw how fast she could get these men hard. Devin laid back into the couch more and pulled one leg up. She arched her back and shouted her moans as she squirted all over herself and the couch.

Her chest rose and fell rapidly, adding to her sex appeal. She sat up, then kneeled down in front of the couch. Devin took her tongue and licked up her own cum. Many of the men made comments about how dirty she was, but it was all in a positive way.

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