Murder Case *Part One*

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When we told mom and dad about the fun we had in Gravity Falls, we thought they'd be impressed. They were far from it. They wouldn't let Mabel and I go back as long as we lived with them.

It took a while, but we eventually were able to convince them to keep Waddles with us. That was good enough for us for the time being.

Growing up, all I had was the hat and the paper Wendy gave me on the last day, and all Mabel had was Waddles and her memory book.

"You all ready to go?"

"They'll be so suprised to see us!" I chuckle at Mabel.

"How long has it been? Eight years?" I ask as we start carrying the luggage out the door. Waddles follows behind us.

She giggles out, "Seven years, ten months, thirteen days, and about six hours." I look at her as she gives me a toothy smile. "I started counting the moment that the bus door closed." I silently laugh at her, amused by her honesty.

"You're so weird, Mabel." She smiles even wider.

The bus soon arrives to the stop that we find closest to our house. "You ready Pine Tree??" She laughs as we get on the bus.

I groan. "Come on, that's just cruel Shooting Star." I throw it right back at her. "Either way, Bill's gone for good, so those nicknames should never be said again." She laughs a little more before nodding.

"Okay, Bro Bro." We sit in the back seats and sneak Waddles with us. The old pig moves slowly with us. After a while, the bus starts moving.

Halfway through the boring, but sightful, ride, Mabel taps on my shoulder. "Bro Bro, I'm tired..." She lays her head on my shoulder before I can speak. "Tell me when we're there..." with that, she says nothing more. I let her sleep as I stare out the window. I can't wait to get back... well see Wendy and Soos and Lazy Susan and all of them... Mabel was right; they'll be shocked to see us back at this random time.

After a while, I feel myself drifting off and just let my body relax and go to sleep.


I wake up with the bus still driving and Mabel laying down horizontally on the seat so her head's on my lap. Waddles lays motionless on the floor.

I don't see his torso moving at all, nor any other part of him. A little part of my on the inside freaks out, but I keep calm. If it is what I think, then... it had to happen at some point. He's old, for a pig. I don't think I want to see Mabel's reaction, though, if that is it.

I take a deep breath in and move my foot to his hoof to see if he does anything. He doesn't. I slowly move my foot back.

"Next stop- Gravity Falls." I look out the window and see the bridge. I slightly smile and softly shake Mabel.

"Mabel. Mabel, we're almost there." She groans a little.

"Five more minutes..."

"The bus will be past Gravity Falls by then." That gets her up. She slowly sits up while yawning.

"Fine... c'mon, Waddles, get up you silly pig." She says. My heart skips a beat. She gets confused and gets off the seat, kneeling down. "Waddles..." She shakes the corpse. "C'mon Waddles, this isn't funny." I hear her voice start to crack up. And watch tears fall down her face. She looks at me with puffy eyes and a red nose. "Wake him up, Dipper... please." I sit on the floor beside her. "Dipper, wake him up! Wake Waddles up." She starts crying as I wrap my arms around her.

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